This is why I think some ppl hate twinks.


Royal Member
Ive ben noticing a lot more twinks pubbing in cromie time recently. Now this in itself is not a bad thing. Typically the ppl pubbing in cromie time take the time to clear the trash so the randoms can keep up and make it to the end of the dungeons. So the randoms gain exp and gear and actually have a good time. But I have been noticing alot more scummy players that all they care about is speed however there dps to speed ratio is not good at all. So they get to the bosses super fast but they leave a massive amount of trash behind them that kills the randos that pubed into cromie time to the point they cant even loot the first boss. This is not a good look. If all you care about is drops go to the dungeon location. There you can target farm your items and walk in alone. Dont pub in cromie time and abuse the randos.
this has been an ongoing problem for a very long time
Definitely some trash players running around in pubs. I had a run with 2 last night. Trash speed runners that aggro everything and leave it behind them, but then cant do enough damage to kill the boss in any kind of timely manner. The only reason the bosses werent crapping on them is because 1 was a priest.
I just block the trash players so I dont see them again. Sadly my block list is huge.
Ive ben noticing a lot more twinks pubbing in cromie time recently. Now this in itself is not a bad thing. Typically the ppl pubbing in cromie time take the time to clear the trash so the randoms can keep up and make it to the end of the dungeons. So the randoms gain exp and gear and actually have a good time. But I have been noticing alot more scummy players that all they care about is speed however there dps to speed ratio is not good at all. So they get to the bosses super fast but they leave a massive amount of trash behind them that kills the randos that pubed into cromie time to the point they cant even loot the first boss. This is not a good look. If all you care about is drops go to the dungeon location. There you can target farm your items and walk in alone. Dont pub in cromie time and abuse the randos.
I love lamp
There are only a few minor reasons that a twink would need to use random dungeon finder these days

Anyone doing this is just doing it on purpose

Almost Anything a twink might need in a dungeon can be done, and be done faster, solo.
There are only a few minor reasons that a twink would need to use random dungeon finder these days

Anyone doing this is just doing it on purpose

Almost Anything a twink might need in a dungeon can be done, and be done faster, solo.
IF they are a class that can, and are geared enough, to solo.
Personally I dont mind running with levelers. Helping people get XP and level quicker. Im thorough on my runs though and dont leave people to get crapped on in my wake.
what you are citing occurs at all levels, even without twinks

you get those who stayed at a Holiday Express and watched a MDI on youtube and are now a MDI Johnny

over geared max level players in content below their power level like LFR, LFD, TW weeklies, holiday events. Brewfest dungeon a good example where a max level player insta derps the boss. they whine, brag, etc. based how things are doing

as for low level dungeon with levelers, alot of MDI Johnnies, higher levels are pissed more that a low level is out blasting them, and they can't post their DPS addons to epeen their epeen's. this issue has been covered before on various forums, top streamers on youtube, and WOW forums concerning scaling power of players at 10 and how it fades severely as you level.

from what i see the majority of players in low LFDs are happy for the fast blow thru's and fast XP
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There are two types of people that hate twinks: 1. Casual endgame enjoyers. 2. Other twinks.

When twinks can't get their rush from dominating levelers in PVP, they will just get their enjoyment from the game from griefing levelers in PVE/LFD. It's kinda an unintended side effect of the whole PVP change thing, but eh, I hardly even play anymore so I don't really care. People will always hate twinks because they min-max a part of the game most other players don't care about or don't have the time/knowledge to do so
When I run my hunter I usually just let the tank keep the momentum like a regular group. After the tank and the healer see mobs getting deleted the either go with it and pick up the pace, or some will start dragging behind (maybe on purpose idk). I never pull ahead of the group but I don't wait too long, I can already solo the whole instance so there's no risk in that regard.

When I run the bear tank, I buff, talk in chat, do some toy transformation and then choo choo times through mobs until I get to each boss, where I sits until the group catches up. Tanking seems more forgiving when it comes to moods and 'tudes because who doesn't like getting carried by the player taking asses and kicking names while not being a stress to anyone. :)

I've run with the speed demons who pull whole dungeons to bosses and leave all the mobs behind to aggro the group and those monkees are turd cutters for sure.

I've also had a few groups with other Ooze twinks and wow those are fun! Pretty much just auto run the whole instance lol.

It's a hobby that I don't pay for, no need for stress imo.
These "twinks" were probably running dungeons to get the ilvl 155 exploit that is now patched. The only other reason is just to show off. I have a 60 almost 400 ilvl and I can burn randoms like i'm twenty levels higher. Ive done it to show off, but the better the twink, the less likely there is anything here for him. I did it once, three shotted the bosses, everyone was happy, I never did it again.

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