This is not the battlegroup forums?

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actually when it comes to 19 bracket there are really only 1-2 battle groups. mostly one US and one EU from i mostly see. virtually all brackets of twinks that want to keep games going are consolidating. there are other posts concerning battlegroups.

IMO outing bad players or players who think they are legendary is fair game. especially when they are doing unsportsman like activities and then being snobbish in the BG or linking a 50000+ kill achievement whenever someone questions their unusual activity or inactivity

lately on RUIN alot of game rigging, achievement rigging has been going on. players rolling into the BGs wearing whites and greens to help the other faction. this really makes me wonder how good some of the so-called legends really were coming from other servers/battlegroups, if some of the 50-100K plus kills were really honest or a true testiment to their skill?

as for once perceived legendary twinks - imo, they are on par with any other player now, no longer are they rolling with Blizz grandfathered head/shoulder enchants, etc, etc. so don't overly expect much when you see them in the BG's.

i play both factions, i play them honestly. i don't roll my alliance to help my freinds get 5 flag returns in a game, etc. to see players doing this intentionally and then bragging they are 100% of WSG achievements is sad.
TwinkInfo is suppose to be a safe haven for all players with a interest in twinks alike.

When you see a reference to battlegroups, generally its degrading, horrible quality, full of flames and rants. This is not and will never be a place to endulge in those types of activitys.

If you have a problem with a specific poster, @posts and engaging in flame wars is not the correct way of doing things.

Send a mod/admin a PM, use the report feature, or try to reason with them if possible.

We strive to try and make a community that constantly betters it self by helping each other to improve in the various aspects of the game.
ah i see so your post had nothing to do with the thread title.

a few things:

1. when they say this isn't the battlegroup forums they are talking about the quality of posts, idk if you've been to the battlegroup forums but they are a mess.

3. achievements dont mean shit, so who cares.

4. wtf are you talking about, who would do this shit your complaining about?
Supadrood said:
ah i see so your post had nothing to do with the thread title.

a few things:

1. when they say this isn't the battlegroup forums they are talking about the quality of posts, idk if you've been to the battlegroup forums but they are a mess.

3. achievements dont mean shit, so who cares.

4. wtf are you talking about, who would do this shit your complaining about?




#1 the title of my post, makes sense....since naturaltaint understood it :D, i just happened to log tonight and saw a thread, but it has been closed/locked which i sorta understand. other than it getting personal, there is truth in that thread, but i couldn't post there.

#3 achievements dont mean shit, so who cares. there are alot of achievement threads on kills, titles, etc. on twinkinfo.......? 80's spend as hi as 21,000 gold to get one achievement or title, twinks do the near the same thing. but rigging BGs for 10 points here and there...lame...IMO

#4, i won't mention the name or names, but conduct unbecoming and unprofessional play is occurring on a battlegroup i have been on for a long time. i could understand this if it was the XP-on BG brackets, but IMO should not be happening in XP-off brackets.
i meant that having an achievement doesnt make you any better at wow. so you're just complaining then? what was the point of this thread, just to let us all know you were aggravated that kids are achievement farming?
i wouldn't automatically say KIDS, you would be amazed adults act in video games.

aggravated....not really, once again you missed why i had to post the way i did.

so you understand examples: you play 2 locks, one each faction, both should be nearly geared the same other than a few faction specific items.

1. you roll alliance lock and are seen grabbing the flag running to a horde player and intentionally dropping it......or vice versa

2. consistently pull 12000-28000 damage in a game with one lock and never hit 5000 with the other or really try

3. play one faction, and use vent to help other faction

4. roll ungeared players on opposite faction to set up a win BG
i understand what you are saying. i havent seen anyone do any of those things in ruin. in fact the opposite, ive seen players switch sides to make a game more competitive. Occasionally i've seen kids(yea i know there are adults too, don't care) give up on a game they thought was hopeless for our side to win, but nothing like losing on purpose. a lot of stuff you said they do doesn't even give achievements. i couldn't possibly see a reason for someone to attempt those things on purpose with the intent of sabotaging you or giving someone else the advantage.

1. maybe they got ganked

2. maybe they were afk for part of the second game

3. lots of people hang out in the ruin vent discussion of the warsong game can't be helped.

4. maybe they just haven't finished their twinks yet?
Naturaltalnt said:
When you see a reference to battlegroups, generally its degrading, horrible quality, full of flames and rants. This is not and will never be a place to endulge in those types of activitys.

Indeed. I don't fucking come here to read threads about who's the best rogue on Ruin US, or Blackout EU, I don't care about "@*randomguy*" threads or "Guild gy camping on Cyclone..." or anything like that.

It's useless junk and I don't like it.
Yeah, unfortunately there are lots of ideas here that gets flamed on sight and it really bothers me at times. many of the "TWINK ARE DEAD !!!!!" people are just not into twinking and are not even considering anything we could say to help the cause. i like the place, its better then many others i've seen, but recently it has become like abad pit of flaming where you get flamed for saying 1 single word.

by the way, i dont think a guy coming in at level 12 with all white gear even tryed to twink to begin with ! I've seen that in my battlegroup, so i know what he means. Ever since achievements got intot he game it forced some players into cheating of some sort to get them. like the fabled damage control achievement. 100k damage is impossible to get at 19 without camping the others GY and by todays means its still impossible unless you get help by killing an ally who rushes you to be killed.

nah, blizzard might have changed the game, but i say the players are worse when it comes to their ways of thinking !
I've seen lvl 19 hunters and rogues without any twink gear or enchants alot on ally side. I've also seen a lvl 10 no twink gear lock return the flag for us 3 or more times consistently over several BGs... (I'm still waiting to see this guy geared and twinked at 19 lol) Vengeance seems to be stable though. I dunno forsure my activity is wilder then paris hilton on a sunday night... but you get what Im saying right?
shanker said:

lol.....i wish i were 9 again
Eurys said:
You guys need to stop joking around. WoW is serious business, it's not just fun and games created for your entertainment.


someone with a level head!

wow is such srsbsns
shanker said:
...if some of the 50-100K plus kills were really honest or a true testiment to their skill...

This, and all warsong Ahchievmuhtnz, never were 'a true testiment to' a player's skill.
Pushlol said:
dis is the dumest thred i hav ever seen u earn an achievement grats

I've decided, Push, that, as unappealing an option as it may be, in the course of a duel against one such as yourself, that is to say, a hunter, particularly of your race, it is inevitably necessary that I, against such an immense damage output, must focus first my attention on your accompanying animal companion, which, in your case - a wise decision, I might add - is a Ravager.
Quara said:
I've decided, Push, that, as unappealing an option as it may be, in the course of a duel against one such as yourself, that is to say, a hunter, particularly of your race, it is inevitably necessary that I, against such an immense damage output, must focus first my attention on your accompanying animal companion, which, in your case - a wise decision, I might add - is a Ravager.

ya no dat wont work sry its been tried by many not a wise decison i wil just pull bak n bandage it at like 4 helth n u wil b low on mana
Oh boy it's push. I should leave before he tries to flame me again calling me a noob.

But to go farther into what his tittle and thread post mix together?

When you say this isn't a battlegroup forum, i would love to differ.

This IS a battlegroup forum, but just for twinks.

You see, this entire sites 19 section is about Ruin, Ruin Ruin Ruin Ruin, Blah Blah Blah Blah.

And even the rare post about another BG happens in a Battlegroup forum.

I expect another infraction like the one i recently got for flaming a noob. But wait.. Am i the first? OR is it that every other person that makes a Flame thread, or a noob thread, also gets an infraction?

Well i digress.

Have fun guys,

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