This forum could be good


This forum could be alright, but what the fck is this, everytime there is a little discussion and it gets just abit heated, you decide to close it down, i know you admins might be so socialy akward, that this is what u try to do in the real life, but come on, let a brother have some troll time.... :/
70-79 bracket forums consist of almost nothing but elitism, flaming, trolling and ass licking for possible MVP promotes. Atleast it's not that bad as it used to be a while ago when certain people kept boasting how good they are. If you ask me, mods are doing nothing wrong. The problem lies entirely in regular members. Atleast I have no intention reading two pages of "yo m8? Sup! luv ya <3" or then random flaming/arguing.

Ok, ok. There are some people who atleast try to help others and make quality posts every now and then. This site feels more like FaceBook than a forum, 70-79 community is so small that almost everyone knows each other.
70-79 bracket forums consist of almost nothing but elitism, flaming, trolling and ass licking for possible MVP promotes. Atleast it's not that bad as it used to be a while ago when certain people kept boasting how good they are. If you ask me, mods are doing nothing wrong. The problem lies entirely in regular members. Atleast I have no intention reading two pages of "yo m8? Sup! luv ya <3" or then random flaming/arguing.


Grow up and keep it mature.

If you wanna cry go get eachothers real ID, and make a discussion on wow.


Since this is just another one of the cry cry threads, this will most likely also be locked/removed.
Grow up and keep it mature.

You do realise this is a video game, and the average age of a twink is 16, i can only guess your over 20, so ima have to ask you to be quiet, grow up and go do something else than having a discussion with a person who is obviously much younger than urself over a video game...

PS: admins u should learn something from the admins on AJ they let the people have some fun, and when it gets to serius they stop it....
There are generally two factions of members (a gross misrepresentation I know, but go with it) on these forums. There are those who feel like egg shells when on these forums and would rather see the forums much more leniently moderated and don't mind sifting or even contributing towards the filler, trolling and insults. Then there are those who would rather see all the strictly off topic stuff removed. Trying to cater to both of these parties is difficult. The problem stems from the fact that this forum is more than just a place to find the best build and then move on, many of our members use it as a social forum, which is great and I thoroughly encourage this, but this does cause friction between the two groups. This is why we have the tavern, profile feeds, private messages, signatures etc to allow members to communicate without needing to go onto the more specific forums, but this obviously isn't always adhered to so we are often compelled to close threads that get out of hand.

If a thread is closed and you feel that despite the trolling or off-topic posts that there was constructive discussion going on in it then you are more than welcome to open a new thread to continue that discussion. Normally we try not to create that situation but each instance is different and opinions on when to close often differ between staff and members. Conversely, if a topic was closed for being off-topic and you want to continue that conversation you can by all means recreate that thread (assuming it is within the CoC) in the tavern section or in a private chat with the other member(s) involved.
100% agree with wizik on this 1, You close down threads willy nilly, when there is a discussion going on, or a small bit of flaming. Just let it be jesus christ, and P.s will u give nesyla the sack.
You do realise this is a video game, and the average age of a twink is 16, i can only guess your over 20, so ima have to ask you to be quiet, grow up and go do something else than having a discussion with a person who is obviously much younger than urself over a video game...

PS: admins u should learn something from the admins on AJ they let the people have some fun, and when it gets to serius they stop it....

exactly what he sayd, too much kids... but i see this as the big problem of twinking...

also, this has to be the 29103th thread about this... i would like to see infractions given out to peaple starting this kind of threads your not solving the problem, your only making it worse...
You close down threads willy nilly, when there is a discussion going on, or a small bit of flaming. Just let it be jesus christ, and P.s will u give nesyla the sack.

As the moderator that closes 95% of the threads in the 70-79 bracket I will explain why I close the threads. I close the threads that start to derail or start minor flame wars because; they are not allowed. Derailed threads are only there for the +1 post count and to ultimately flame and harass a specific user (that is generally what has happened). The flame wars, we try to keep those down as low as possible. Will we be giving Nesy the sack? Absolutely not, she has been preforming above and beyond what 98% of the normal users on this forum site preform. That particular user has been pretty much "back-seat moderating" while no staff is online. Moderators and Admins get to the reports and we take care of the rest. She does not close any threads, she merely removes them so they can be reviewed and either re-opened or closed. Its pretty damn simple.

You do realize this is a video game, and the average age of a twink is 16, i can only guess your over 20, so ima have to ask you to be quiet, grow up and go do something else than having a discussion with a person who is obviously much younger than urself over a video game...

PS: admins u should learn something from the admins on AJ they let the people have some fun, and when it gets to serius they stop it....

The age of the user on this forum site is no excuse for how you act. I'm sure if the parents of the user's under the age of 16 saw this forum site and the bullshit posts that they have made. They would be grounded from the interwebz for life. Act your age, not your damn shoe size. We need to learn something? We could always revert back to the old policies of Zero Tolerance. That means absolutely no @Threads, no Flaming, no Trolling, no Spam. Just pure clean discussion. You signed up to the rules, which is the Terms of Service and the Code of Conduct. Deal with it.

In short; grow up. Your age isn't an excuse, you shouldn't even be on the internet if your under the age of 14 imho. If you are, your parents better be watching over you.

I wish I would have stickied the old threads just like this where I said something to the effect of:

This is Twink Info...not 4chan. If you feel the need to troll, here's the link: I know you may think you're witty at 14 (or perhaps a few years older if you're a late bloomer), but it's really, really old for the older members around here who actually want genuine discussion on topics. And plus the staff is just trying to keep you from /facepalm'ing about your trolling ways once you mature outta this stage.

It was a few days ago, then it wasn't allowed to create topics in there, and now it is gone. Not quite clear what the deal is.

It was created without Kore's approval, he decided to remove it for now.

P.S CIHC Nesy is a he.
As the moderator that closes 95% of the threads in the 70-79 bracket I will explain why I close the threads. I close the threads that start to derail or start minor flame wars because; they are not allowed. Derailed threads are only there for the +1 post count and to ultimately flame and harass a specific user (that is generally what has happened). The flame wars, we try to keep those down as low as possible. Will we be giving Nesy the sack? Absolutely not, she has been preforming above and beyond what 98% of the normal users on this forum site preform. That particular user has been pretty much "back-seat moderating" while no staff is online. Moderators and Admins get to the reports and we take care of the rest. She does not close any threads, she merely removes them so they can be reviewed and either re-opened or closed. Its pretty damn simple.

The age of the user on this forum site is no excuse for how you act. I'm sure if the parents of the user's under the age of 16 saw this forum site and the bullshit posts that they have made. They would be grounded from the interwebz for life. Act your age, not your damn shoe size. We need to learn something? We could always revert back to the old policies of Zero Tolerance. That means absolutely no @Threads, no Flaming, no Trolling, no Spam. Just pure clean discussion. You signed up to the rules, which is the Terms of Service and the Code of Conduct. Deal with it.

In short; grow up. Your age isn't an excuse, you shouldn't even be on the internet if your under the age of 14 imho. If you are, your parents better be watching over you.


You made me blush

- Nesy
I agree with the admins here, im here to talk about the bracket learn or give my knowledge to others, im sick of a group of say 8 EU players always making threads about their ratings, their win/loss and how elitist they are etc etc.

i enjoy this forum and i enjoyed this bracket, its alot better than a few months ago when it was nothing but a flame war between these 8ish EU guys.

and i dont understand the hate towards nesyla, so what hes got a high post count, he does alot more for these forums than some others have ever done.
Will we be giving Nesy the sack? Absolutely not, she has been preforming above and beyond what 98% of the normal users on this forum site preform. That particular user has been pretty much "back-seat moderating" while no staff is online. Moderators and Admins get to the reports and we take care of the rest. She does not close any threads, she merely removes them so they can be reviewed and either re-opened or closed. Its pretty damn simple.


It's nice to know that the mods know those who they give excessive powers to oh so well

OT however: Most of the threads that are locked indeed do contain constructive feedback/criticism from my perspective it's lazy mods and or community leaders who instead of just deleting troll/flaming/whatever posts instead pursue to lock the entire thread. Not gonna quote you Kore, but simply restarting the thread with this constructive criticism after the previous thread is not going to help - the same people will just cause it to be locked again, until we land in a never ending cycle - how this suggestion solves the problem i don't know. I get your point though, there are two sets of users on this site, its primary use from my eyes is to help twinks twink - a part of this is making friends and talking to other twinks - simply maintaining a consistent group of twink friends isn't any fun, hence why people use the forums as a means of socialising.

The obvious response to this is obviously to ticket/report the closed threads, but the problem with this is that from a standard (power wise) user - it's unlikely unless there has been a huge mistake that the thread will be reopened and the decision overturned. Just think about tv programmes when customers complain, very rare has anything come from it at all, take the recent Jeremy Clarkson incident (for those that don't know, google Jeremy Clarkson the one show comments) all that came of it was an apology, his actions weren't condemned by the BBC.

Overall the site is excellent but it is small things like the quality of modding that are deteriorating the enjoyment of it, i'd like to think i help many a priest and other players out in the 70-79 bracket, but i also like to have fun and there are many like me who i presume take the fun to far hence their warnings, but in spite of this they gain no recognition whatsoever for their constructive feedback and advice, many a guide goes unstickied and simply dies away in the forums, myself, seablue, yowxd, taylorswift are a few names that come to mind with these exact guides that have been dragged under the radar. Nevertheless, i think you need to listen to the community on this one, it's very rare that a player speaks out in favour of the moderating - atleast from what i have seen.

Edit: As you say CIHC - if people shouldn't be on the internet if they're under 14, then surely those who do use it are mature enough to take trolling, i don't think anybody in the 70-79 bracket has pure hatred for a person - most just see it as an opportunity to troll, like Nesyla's post count, which imo was deserved because it was pretty damn annoying seeing the entire bracket filled with last post by Nesyla, i mean nobody knows enough on every single topic at one time to comment on it.

>1976 (14.79 per day)

very productive and helpful posts. jk get rid of their power and 99% of the issues on these forums are fixed.


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