Thinking of streaming 60-70

I just recently hit 60 on a Mage that I am taking to 70 and am currently at level 60. With that said I am going to begin the honor grind this weekend and was thinking about streaming it out of boredom and just for fun. I am still working on my mage skills as well as macros/binds etc. (I don't have drink or mana gem bound yet etc.). I would like to stream this for feedback/tips as well as just for fun and to document my journey through the 60 to 70 honor grind. I have been away from WoW twinking for quite a while and 70s really seem like they will be a lot of fun. What do you guys think? Would this be appealing to anyone sitting around bored tired of watching youtube and eating hot pockets? Currently I have about 3.2k HPs so if nothing else you can watch me get one shotted in the beginning of my journey by hunters, DK's, ...well and probably many things at this point. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
I just recently hit 60 on a Mage that I am taking to 70 and am currently at level 60. With that said I am going to begin the honor grind this weekend and was thinking about streaming it out of boredom and just for fun. I am still working on my mage skills as well as macros/binds etc. (I don't have drink or mana gem bound yet etc.). I would like to stream this for feedback/tips as well as just for fun and to document my journey through the 60 to 70 honor grind. I have been away from WoW twinking for quite a while and 70s really seem like they will be a lot of fun. What do you guys think? Would this be appealing to anyone sitting around bored tired of watching youtube and eating hot pockets? Currently I have about 3.2k HPs so if nothing else you can watch me get one shotted in the beginning of my journey by hunters, DK's, ...well and probably many things at this point. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.

I would probably watch it, not saying i will be sitting there 24/24 but ill be glad to have a look.

And trust me, people have a lot of spare time, either they spend it hating me, either they watch you.

And i hope to have a break from hate, so hopefully they will be watching you !
Why would anyone want to see a mage on 70? It's not really hard to make one urself and wreck stuff in a shatter
60-70 or 60 to 70. Not at 70 where I can bind deep freeze and ice lance to all my keys.

Mage is just as easy without deep freeze since other classes dont have end talents either. The 6k ice barriers u get at that level, or 8k on 70 are the second biggest mage jk imo
I wouldnt watch it live. However if you fraps it and send me the clips ill make a badass movie for ya.

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