Thinking About Playing Resto Sham In MoP

  • Thread starter xxHolylipzqtxoxotwinkerxx
  • Start date
Das since shamans lose earthbind we are going to need some kind of CC as resto, so tauren or even panda will be best. I can see a focus sleep being very helpful for offesive heals.
ah, for sure man. ill definitely consider goin tauren now for horde. my only concern is that the tauren lacks the goblin jump. uh, how would you compare the two in effectiveness? I just think that the extra *blink* will allow me to kite freely into ghost wolf form and have my dps peel off any intruders that happen to be on me.

At that point, it all gets situational. "Blink" is good if you are FCing with some helpers (getting across mid), but if you are just healing mid or w/e then go tauren. Note that warriors get charge in combat so the usefulness of rocket jump is diminished (pallies have sprint too).
I'd go resto shaman, dispel and purge are just going to be amazing (so many fun times playign O priest spamming dispel in wsg) as for Race I would avoid war stop since I think its a pretty weak racial ( can miss takes time to cast which means you won't be casting anything else, and as an ally preist i just dont' find it that big of a hindrance) I'd say panda or goblin. goblin jump is very nice and Panda well im not sure about thier racials but if they still get that extra food buff that would be pretty nice
If they reduced the amount of characters from 10 to 1 that you can hold per server, than I'd understand why you would delete your paladin...
What people don't know is that disc priests and holy paladins are scary as fuck if they use their shit offensive. 300-500 penance ticks and 600 holy shock hits makes 200 lightning bolts/wraths laughable.
The cc from a priest atm is also pretty damn good, while the mobility from a holy paladin is unmatched (u won't be doing 300 WOGS too often as the speed is just so good).

Then u have monks. They lost chi wave trololol, and are currently the worst healers.
as for Race I would avoid war stop since I think its a pretty weak racial ( can miss takes time to cast which means you won't be casting anything else

Dude... war stomp a weak racial? I think very very very not.

Edit: Ore you cant call anyone out on being a bandwagoner. You played an hpal all thru cata, and now at the every end you have decided to "gimp yourself" and play druid only because they might be decent in MoP. I don't buy it.
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Any suggestions on what class might be more solid for heals? Which race do you think I should pick also? If enough people say "go sham, idiote" I may just delete my pally and roll one. The reason I'm not turning this into a poll is because I think they create too much biasism controversy. Please keep the trolling to a mininum.

Best Regards,


This is a logical question considering Shamans are going to be the only 19 healer who has both offensive and defensive dispel capabilities, combined with superb healing spells such as Healing Surge and Riptide.

My answer would be to start making posts on the forums in the Beta section asking for Blizzard to spread dispels evenly throughout all healing classes, resto shamans should not be the new go-to healer based on dispel alone.

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