thinking about 24s


im thinking about making a 24 twink and its either going to be a mage or monk but is this bracket going to stay strong after 5.2 just curious
im thinking about making a 24 twink and its either going to be a mage or monk but is this bracket going to stay strong after 5.2 just curious

whenever they get rid of f2ps the bracket will die.
Sanctuary is only 24 guild that hasnt died. Most 24 guilds have went thru rough patches, we are always recruiting. 24 Wargames on thursday also Horde vs Ally. :)
Try them both out. Twinking is not like it used to be. If you have acces to heirlooms you create a very viable toon within a week.
I joined the bracket with 11 friends on defias brotherhood/outland (horde) this week and i have loved every minute of it i would highly recommend it. I currently have a geared mage and windwalker monk, both have extremely high damage and mobility and i would only recommend playing a mage if you do not have a problem with kiting rogues and paladins since they can be a bit of a hassle sometimes.
Hi guys, after trying out 20 ftp I'm considering 24's.

I have always felt that twinking is maximising your character, to deliberately limit yourself to level 20 is a strange take on this idea.

Which server offers the best community? I've heard Sanctuary is good but are there others? What are the people in this guild like? Just GY camping & mid-farming or do they go for the win?

Hi guys, after trying out 20 ftp I'm considering 24's.

I have always felt that twinking is maximising your character, to deliberately limit yourself to level 20 is a strange take on this idea.

Which server offers the best community? I've heard Sanctuary is good but are there others? What are the people in this guild like? Just GY camping & mid-farming or do they go for the win?


F2P's don't play this bracket to experience twinking with limitations, they play it because it's free. F2P=Free to Play.

I don't even consider 20's twinks because they aren't.
The bracket is always competitive. As long as f2p's exist, and RealID xrealming, it'll be fine.

Yes but @ Allybeboba if you want a GOOD 24 it'll take about 2 weeks.
To zqvix as far as other guilds that have been established for awhile 6 months +. Lets start with horde. <Horde invasion> was active but GM went inactive for few months and a lot went to sanctuary. <holy crit> Duo's mom took away his computer so guild died for few months. So if Duo's mom takes away computer a 3rd time. that puts a halt to guild. Somfas does a bad job keeping guild up. Alliance wise <Twenty four> was active but died due to much drama from either GM or Seffora many of their core left due guild going to crap or drama, <Sanctuary> is the winner hands down alliance and horde.
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come azuremyst! its fun! nice try Jenn but no. My macbook died resorted to using my big pc my mom got mad so I stopped for a while. I'm back to stay but now I got a job and college! so somfas is playing a lot again.
Hi guys, after trying out 20 ftp I'm considering 24's.

I have always felt that twinking is maximising your character, to deliberately limit yourself to level 20 is a strange take on this idea.

Which server offers the best community? I've heard Sanctuary is good but are there others? What are the people in this guild like? Just GY camping & mid-farming or do they go for the win?

Lol sanctuary is like a group of 24s that have close games with 20s while only rolling the most oP classes
Not everyone in the guild has an elitist attitude, and we do not all roll the most OP classes. We all like to have fun and we enjoy the game. We have ran 5 mans and 9 mans many a time and I can not recall anytime that we camped gy or played mid (unless it was a rogue sapping incomers to tunnel), even when the other half of the team suggested that we do so. As a whole everyone in this bracket has close games at some point, unless you run premades endlessly while stacking spriest, pallys, and druids. From here on out I will /hug each and everyone of you when I see you....that way you know that we love you.
Trust me each time I've seen u guys if been with 2-3 20s, me being a 24 and for some reason the sanc 5 man needed time to run out to win. I Thot it was a joke
Your mom got mad? Come to azuremyst before his mom gets mad again lol. Every response after my post never said anything I said about the other guilds being false. so nice try changing the subject on how other guilds have track record of dying.

That's like the screen shot of holy crit pugging people 15 man Ab n bearly winning by 200 resources against 3 -24 Sanc. I thot that was a joke also.
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yeah I have a mom lol and she has anger issues lol it's a personal problem. Not a guild problem. Holy crit is growing again and it will continue to grow.
Trust me each time I've seen u guys if been with 2-3 20s, me being a 24 and for some reason the sanc 5 man needed time to run out to win. I Thot it was a joke

I personally have played one or two games against you, and if I remember correctly we were running 5 mans, and as far as needing time to run out to win...Jumping on the ledge in the ally entrance room with 3 or 4 healers so you do not get killed is the only reason we did not 3 cap.
Anyways....yes this bracket is strong and will be around until they get rid of f2p, which most likely is not going to happen. As far as what class to play, try them both, see what you like.

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