Things that make you /facepalm

  1. dem 24 huntarrs backpeddling while under attack with aspect cheetah on.
  2. dem 20 huntarrrs who judges the skill level accordin to KBs on scoreboard.
  3. dem 600 hp toons thinking they make better FCer than our 1.9k prot pala.
When mage FC's and thinks he can Blink through a wall.
people who think there good and tell other people what to do when they only got 500-800HP.
24 prot palla/hunter with 2 24 pocket healers.
when a shitty player says report healer he suck's when actualy he kept whole team alive.
noob sub rogues who get all Speed buff's then get into EFR with Sprint and grab the flag (in the begin of the BG).
when nooby people love the lvl 24 prot palla who is total shit.
when some dipshit hunter with 500-900 HP tells my im noob cuz i got speed buff before him and grabbed flag.
lvl 24 healers who DONT heal and call every1 noob
people who say there no retards in dungeons then find RoP/Drakewind/Mindthrust/Onyx Claimore and disenchant it.
people who ask a question to a spesific guy, someone else awnsers to it then the one who asked the question says Shut up i wasent talking to you / completely ignore you and ask that person agian.
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I'm kidding I love you I'm just covering my face ...because it's so sunny. Yeah.

Myself, when I do something exorbitantly stupid I did not actually mean to do.
This has been happening to me too often for it to not make this thread:

Hunters that try to tell you how difficult it is to succeed on a hunter, and how some other class is so much more OP than hunters are.
I agree on that one Kearbear.

Rogues and druids that get gy farmed. One druid said that he forgot to train stealth

When someone BoPs me when I have no intention of getting the flag and have myself clearly marked as heals.

24 Holy pallies who never heal, not even themselves

When someone yells "turtle" when it's only halfway through the game time.

People who yell cap when our flag is no where near our building and would know that if they had their mini map open

People who yell for fort when the priests are busy trying to keep the flag carrier alive

People who don't understand that a rogue can shadowstep you and ambush you anywhere you stand

It's a long list, I should stop now :)
HoJ>Exo spam
Huntards(And i play one.)
The 700 HP noob who keeps FCing, and dying.
Ppl forgetting to return flag after they kill EFC( thus allowing me to ninja)
24 premades.
1/2 of ppl in LFD
When a huntarrrr uses melee and complains about why he suck.

When a priests doesn't use fortitude

When honeybadger kills me.

When a hunter spams concussive shot on another huter while backpeddling.
Players who talk shit to New Players who are under geared and don't even know what Twinking is or where to start. They never take a second to inform the player about but instead they just slam and discourage the person, tell them to quit, encourage the other team mates to mark them AFK.

New players, who have NEVER played this bracket before are playing with us, and a lot of the AP community and other twinking groups have just been treating them like crap. Really just goes to show the character of "our" bracket.

Next time you think about being trashy towards one of these new people, think about telling them

/bg I see some players who aren't geared here, let me encourage you by letting you know that there is an entire community dedicated to giving you all the help you need to play this bracket professionally like some of us do. Come visit us at and Private message me @ #USERNAME# and I'll see if I can point you in the right direction.

Instead of just completely douching out on them and making this bracket any worst than it is.
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Players who talk shit to New Players who are under geared and don't even know what Twinking is or where to start. They never take a second to inform the player about but instead they just slam and discourage the person, tell them to quit, encourage the other team mates to mark them AFK.

New players, who have NEVER played this bracket before are playing with us, and a lot of the AP community and other twinking groups have just been treating them like crap. Really just goes to show the character of "our" bracket.

Next time you think about being trashy towards one of these new people, think about telling them

/bg I see some players who aren't geared here, let me encourage you by letting you know that there is an entire community dedicated to giving you all the help you need to play this bracket professionally like some of us do. Come visit us at and Private message me @ #USERNAME# and I'll see if I can point you in the right direction.

Instead of just completely douching out on them and making this bracket any worst than it is.

I concur :)
Players who talk shit to New Players who are under geared and don't even know what Twinking is or where to start. They never take a second to inform the player about but instead they just slam and discourage the person, tell them to quit, encourage the other team mates to mark them AFK.

New players, who have NEVER played this bracket before are playing with us, and a lot of the AP community and other twinking groups have just been treating them like crap. Really just goes to show the character of "our" bracket.

Next time you think about being trashy towards one of these new people, think about telling them

/bg I see some players who aren't geared here, let me encourage you by letting you know that there is an entire community dedicated to giving you all the help you need to play this bracket professionally like some of us do. Come visit us at and Private message me @ #USERNAME# and I'll see if I can point you in the right direction.

Instead of just completely douching out on them and making this bracket any worst than it is.


I remember when I was a 500hp noob and asked what was dungeons.
You're BM I'm guessing o_O? I can usually always destroy Marks/Surv on my Rogue, Only hunters that can usually beat me are BM because of the extra stun.
Yeah, he is bm but i hardly use the stun versus rogues, its mostly on cd cause of popping versus healers and you can easy cc rogues you dont really need bm stun for that. Atleast i dont.

But i just love to wait when you get sapped 3 times by a rogue and then they open with ambush and melee swing, you do a /yawn and still win by the amounts of cc hunters have ^^
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