There is a god!

wait what? you guys didnt have dew?
nu uh, welll technically i know of a single shop that sells it, and its the doggiest shop in the doggiest part of portsmouth, a good 40 minutes away direct by train. I have not found another single seller of this beverage anywhere else in the county :(
why isnt it everywhere and why/how would the "doggiest" shop have it like black market shit in the uk?

p.s how does it feel knowing im drinking a MD atm................mmmmmMMMmMMmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmm
hmm it should really be spelt "dodgiest", i would like to point out that the shop in question had no dog related agenda as far as i could tell.

Oh and it makes me cry on the inside :(
Holy shit, Ive just realised that im going to Pompy tomorrow anyway, so i can go to the seedy shop and stock up even before it hits UK officially!
Hurpdurp said:
You called my sweet?

bettlejuice! bettlejuice!! bettleju- wait, maybe i shouldnt...
Kore nametooshort said:
WTF you want with a fuck off huge red giant star hitting the UK?

its actually from a book/movie, about a spectre who happens to be named beetlejuice. He was banished from our world and the only way that he can return is if a mortal says his name three times in a row. You see, hurp came when mcbankington mentioned him, and that reminded falkor of the movie, so he made quite a funny reference to it.
Orcgasm said:
its actually from a book/movie, about a spectre who happens to be named beetlejuice. He was banished from our world and the only way that he can return is if a mortal says his name three times in a row. You see, hurp came when mcbankington mentioned him, and that reminded falkor of the movie, so he made quite a funny reference to it.

You activated my trap card. I'll go all My Cephei on your arse!
Kore nametooshort said:
You activated my trap card. I'll go all My Cephei on your arse!

pretty sure thats mu cephei, right? aka herschel's garnet star?

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