The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory

Mostly play Guardian for PVE but Feral for PVP (rarely do PVP tho) Also have an ele force polearm for feral.

Still lacking the belt (iron docks/auchindoun) and mastery trinket from docks. I also should prolly give up some mastery for a bit of haste but I always get crit and vers/mastery drops );
Perfect Dreamgrove Blossom is also neat for Legion questing.
Only GF'ed thing right now are enchants.

The armory right now is much easier to explain, run WOD dungeons and hope for WF except maybe for Classic epics and triple (quadruple?) sockets from BC dungeons and dungeon quests. In a way it makes gear feel much less unique (except for classic epics) compared to dungeon blues from BC as you often only had one choice but it also feels much better than ilvl 28 greens. Really hopes for epic procs from Classic to BFA so that we can use all of the cool weapons/trinkets as ilvl 87.

Edit : I forgot to mention that I'm F2P sorry
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SV Hunter for now, maybe i'll go MM in the future (after i drop the Warforged Bow).
Still in the hunt for a Warforged Trinket from the third Iron Docks boss).
I got a few Gf Ench (Chest, Legs, Gloves).
Sooner or later if it's possibile for a Free to play to easily obtain veiled crystals i'll try to up Kul Tiran Ench for Gale force striking.òrmegil
@CigNus he ain’t f2p, he’s a highmountain tauren

Maybe he simply is a Linked Account like me. For example i can roll a Void Elf if i want altrough i'm a Trial Account... a few years ago when i still payed to play i unlocked that race...same for the mounts and skins i got back from the farming days )
I think to keep things simple, possibly just make F2P & Linked F2P the same green colour.
They still have same limitations as F2P, only some additional perks like Allied Races and mogs/toys/mounts.
I don’t think we need to separate the 2.
Just my 2 copper worth.
My main Rogue Outlaw F2P:

Currently missing belt speed tinker and ring enchant, but that's pretty much my set.
If you see Dragon's call as weapons, that's my PvE weps, otherwise I have WoD epics with elemental force for PvP (as those dragons keep you in fight too often and prevent restealth :FrogeTorch:)

Will still try to farm some procs on belt/head/shoulder, but taking a break atm from WoD farm, lots of achievs to get atm :PepeComfy:
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This will turn into a Vet when your sub expires
View attachment 20473
View attachment 20474

You can also check your account status by running this macro:
/run print(format("%s %s","Account Status\124cFF57F773:",IsTrialAccount()and"Trial Account (F2P)"or IsVeteranTrialAccount()and"Veteran Account (VET)"or"Subbed Account (SUB)"))

You can also check your account status by running this macro:
/run print(format("%s %s","Account Status\124cFF57F773:",IsTrialAccount()and"Trial Account (F2P)"or IsVeteranTrialAccount()and"Veteran Account (VET)"or"Subbed Account (SUB)"))

Does this show accurately for Linked F2P? and by accurately I mean will it say "f2p" for them?

Does this show accurately for Linked F2P? and by accurately I mean will it say "f2p" for them?
That's a good question, I don't have any linked account to test that. For me, "linked" is still F2P regarding the account status. It's just the fact that on the battlenet you have a non-F2P account.
Afaik there is no macro allowing to check for that directly, other than for example look for a "reached lvl30" achievement on the account, or other side effect of being linked
when you find the time next list update, could you possibly move my paladin from holy > retribution section instead?
I find myself messing around in ret spec most of the time now rather than holy as it's very limited the amount of bgs i que for lately..


Does this show accurately for Linked F2P? and by accurately I mean will it say "f2p" for them?

My login panel says Trial Account... put me back on my rightful Green Name plz(and on Surv, now i'm MM but only for ranged weapon farming reasons)!!!

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