The Underrated Racial

Ahhh... good ol' dwarfs. Dwarfs, probably the MOST under played class as a twink and just WoW in general because of it's racial or looks.

Many people really underestimate the power of Stoneform. Stoneform does not make you hit harder, it doesn't heal you, and it isn't a free trinket, it's a defensive technique, that will 90% of the time result in a free bandage.

What is Stoneform?

Stoneform: Removes all poison, disease, and bleeding effects and increases your armor by 10%.

The part I bolded is the one that is key for PvP. Since in the 19 - 29 bracket is infested with Hunters, this racial can take away their only dot. This means that you LoS, pop Stoneform, and bandage. This can also be applied to warriors since Rend also stops a player from bandaging, a stoneform can take you back to full, and kill that damn hunter / warrior.

For people leveling at higher levels (55+) this racial is SUPER handy because its pretty much is an Anti-DK shield. Removes all dots, and makes this hit like a whimp. In brackets like 29-49, this is a super handy racial for rogues with nasty slowing poisons :]

Also, the 10% armor doesn't seem like much, but it can be the difference between a heal that saves you, or death.

So next time you pick an alliance character, don't just skip over the dwarf, he is a very valuable race aswell for PvP :)


I would have to agree with you, Dwarven racials are most certainly under-rated, and very OP if used in the correct situation. Dwarves have been my second favorite alliance race (gnomes first ^.=.^) forever. Very cool lore, cool animations, funny jokes, and awesome racials - especially when Blind was classed as a poison and Stoneform removed it :p
It is an absolutely amazing racial for a disc priest in the 49s, for all of the reasons described above. But the 10% armor bonus is great for me too as I have glyphed Inner Fire :D. Loads of armor for a clothie.

Between lifeblood, Stoneform, Reflective Shield (with glyph), renew, swiftness potions, pscream, and bandages, you can escape from a number of terrible situations. :D
Naw, it used to make you immune, now it just removes it. I dont see it of being of much use against anything but removing rend so you can bandage now. Anti-Venoms work just as well - theres rarely a need for more than one poison cleanse. Nice for arenas tho where Anti-Venoms wont work, but still - I'd rather have the human or gnome racials, or even the draeni.
I wish Id rolled anything other than Dorf for my hunter to be honest :eek:

I wish we could have human hunters. It makes sense, dammit Blizz
I wish we could have human hunters. It makes sense, dammit Blizz
humans can't mend a pet from 40 yards IRL. doesn't make sense to me

also, this racial seems much less effective on a paladin, since they already have purify. but definately a pretty good arena racial or BG one if you don't bust out a lot of consumables aside bandages.

still, GotN, every man for himself, and shadowmeld seem like they are more useful, at least in terms of battleground usage. GotN is practically a free bandage in itself, and you can cast it with dots on you. EMFH allows an extra trinket slot as well as a 2 minute trinket, very nice for long term battles or just general BG use. shadowmeld has many uses, including shadowmeld +charge, shadowmeld +rogue opener, shadowmeld +open from 41 yards away while your opponent has no clue what's going on, etcetcetc.
Thanks for all the feedback. As for Natural, I think that this racial should be up there for sure. As a dwarf hunter (Personal character) I can tell you that, I only need my PvP trinket once every 10 minutes, thus making a human hunter (if it was possible) less appealing to me. I can also tell you that many times I need a bandage, but why roll Drainei? We have Lifebloom that heals for the -/+ same amount. I rolled dwarf because, I can get lifebloom, I can get a PvP trinket, and I can get a free bandage whenever I want with Stoneform. :]

This is just my thoughts,

If you guys like this tell me, I'll start writing guides on spells and whatnot.
I haven't rolled a Dwarf on a server lately, but Dwarves are one of my few favorite Alliance races. I like Stoneform and I can see where it would be useful, but racials are always situational.

If you are running in Fear, you wish you were a Human. (or Trinket)

Snared to the ground, a Gnome. (or Imp Sprint)

Bleeding and Poisoned both stacked on you, Dwarf.

Stun players quickly to grab the flag and run, Tauren.

Stop someone from casting a heal, BE. (or Kick)

dwarf hunter ftw, rogues and warriors woudl be even more impossible to deal with without stoneform...

so after an ambush/cripple poison...

Lay frost trap, stoneform, disengage, cheetah speed...RUN (or kite if they follow)

damn do i wish they never nerfed SF

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