The [Un]Official Rage Against Hunter Forum

mighty said:
What is the most effective hunter killer (besides another hunter)? Rogues for stealth, stuns, and staying inside of range?

Priests or Locks. same as 85, the Dots just take you down if there isnt a healer nearby, although all healers do pretty well surviving until help runs up to burst us down. and yes, mages are awesome fun, much more fun than auto-shot hunters :D
leipreachan said:
Priests or Locks. same as 85, the Dots just take you down if there isnt a healer nearby, although all healers do pretty well surviving until help runs up to burst us down. and yes, mages are awesome fun, much more fun than auto-shot hunters :D

Have you ever actually played a lock at 20?

Hunters can have 2 Silences, 2 Stuns, and a Disorient.

Bad hunters just have a Disorient.

They can DoT me all they like but they won't be casting around me, and they're going to get killed in 3-4 globals at most.
the hunter pet alone will kill a lock before a lock's dots kill a hunter
iplayforfree said:
A rogue with crippling poison and shadowstep will make quick work of an average hunter

Ya but it's kinda strange saying "a skilled X class will kill an average Y class". If the hunter is good your rogue is eating dirt.

@Cotus, can you give me an example of how your mage is more effective than your hunter in a BG? I really can't immagine that, since hunters kill fasters, and have loads of CC, and also a counterspell (moth lol). I'm not trolling, I really wanna know. I mean, I play my mage alrighty, do my polymorhps, lock melees with novas, I dps the ideal target, silence that heal/cc spell etc... But it seems a hunter can dot it more effectively and at the same time kill another person with just the pet, while killing the other himself...
leipreachan said:
Priests or Locks. same as 85, the Dots just take you down if there isnt a healer nearby, although all healers do pretty well surviving until help runs up to burst us down. and yes, mages are awesome fun, much more fun than auto-shot hunters :D

Play a lock at 20 and fight a hunter. Locks are pretty underpowered. Good luck casting! You MIGHT bring someone down to 75% after all your dots tick and you have clicked the respawn button.
Hardc0re said:
Ya but it's kinda strange saying "a skilled X class will kill an average Y class". If the hunter is good your rogue is eating dirt.

@Cotus, can you give me an example of how your mage is more effective than your hunter in a BG? I really can't immagine that, since hunters kill fasters, and have loads of CC, and also a counterspell (moth lol). I'm not trolling, I really wanna know. I mean, I play my mage alrighty, do my polymorhps, lock melees with novas, I dps the ideal target, silence that heal/cc spell etc... But it seems a hunter can dot it more effectively and at the same time kill another person with just the pet, while killing the other himself...

hunters at 20 are good at:

- doing extremely high amounts of damage from range

- being very mobile and difficult to kill while still putting out their high dps

- protecting healers and peeling individual players off of them

- controlling choke points/larger areas, defending nodes, etc

mages at 20 are good at:

- doing very high amounts of damage from range (less than hunters, but still very high)

- being very mobile and difficult to kill while still putting out their high dps

- protecting healers and peeling *multiple players* off them at once

- providing one of the very few "real" crowd control abilities in this bracket (polymorph)

- controlling opposing healers with imp counterspell/regular counterspell

compare/contrast what the two classes do - for the most part, they actually fulfill the same role, only mages provide greater protection for healers and greater crowd control. hunters certainly do more damage, but you would be surprised at how much damage a good mage can do. i regularly lead BGs in damage done over several hunters. when one side has a good mage protecting his/her healers, sheeping the opposing team's healers, and the other side just has hunters spamming dps, the side with the mage is gonna win - and we almost always do.

it's also worth noting that the damage/hp ratio in this bracket is extremely skewed to the advantage of mages. every time counterspell is up, it's a dead healer. there's literally nothing they can do about it when i can imp counterspell them and me + others (sometimes just me alone) can kill them in 4 seconds flat no matter what. i'm sure that people who have played against me can attest to this.
C O T U S said:
hunters at 20 are good at:

- doing extremely high amounts of damage from range

- being very mobile and difficult to kill while still putting out their high dps

- protecting healers and peeling individual players off of them

- controlling choke points/larger areas, defending nodes, etc

mages at 20 are good at:

- doing very high amounts of damage from range (less than hunters, but still very high)

- being very mobile and difficult to kill while still putting out their high dps

- protecting healers and peeling *multiple players* off them at once

- providing one of the very few "real" crowd control abilities in this bracket (polymorph)

- controlling opposing healers with imp counterspell/regular counterspell

compare/contrast what the two classes do - for the most part, they actually fulfill the same role, only mages provide greater protection for healers and greater crowd control. hunters certainly do more damage, but you would be surprised at how much damage a good mage can do. i regularly lead BGs in damage done over several hunters. when one side has a good mage protecting his/her healers, sheeping the opposing team's healers, and the other side just has hunters spamming dps, the side with the mage is gonna win - and we almost always do.

it's also worth noting that the damage/hp ratio in this bracket is extremely skewed to the advantage of mages. every time counterspell is up, it's a dead healer. there's literally nothing they can do about it when i can imp counterspell them and me + others (sometimes just me alone) can kill them in 4 seconds flat no matter what. i'm sure that people who have played against me can attest to this.

But again you guys are comparing good mages to average hunters.

Of course a good mage will do better than an average hunter, and polymorph for sure is a blessing. But imamgine a hunter that effectively CC with stuns, disorients, disarms, counterspells and slows. He can even use wingclip for a no CD snare (iirc) to peel multiple melee of a healer (requires some mobility but still)

The only real advantage I can see in this is the 4 second silence from a blanket CS, but one can make a BE hunter and have even a small silence as well.

Frankly, do you really think mages are better? I think not. Mages can be more "rewarding", can make you "happier" when you achieve a high level skill in gameplay. But better than Hunters? I don't know... Hunters can be way more boring and "nooby", but that does not make the class worse by any means
  • As a healer I would much rather be supported by a mage than a hunter (want to see more non-loner Horde rogues for RMP).
  • Mana lasts longer than focus.
  • Horde gear (im)balance supports casters over leather wearing physical DPS. Casters includes healers, therefore Horde is more likely to have better geared healers to go with better geared casters.
  • The only real problem is the sheer number of hunters, and their ability to focus and burst our healers.
i never said mages are "better" (your word). i said that when i play my mage in BGs, i am more "effective" (my word) than i would be if i was playing a hunter.
-sigh- I love my hunter. And I know for sure that I have absolutely no skill with it, only prooving what Adorllin said...but it's the easiest class. Simple fact. Anyone can play and say the pwn you cause they're THAT good.
If you're on the verge of quitting this game, then quit this forum? So we don't have to see topics like this? Looks like you need to pick up a book anyway. I'd rather hop into a pug of 10 horde hunters right now than read more of your incessant/ignorant whining. Don't pug if you have a problem with hunters.

Problem is, the bad matches are few and far between than the good matches in this bracket. But on occasion 1-2 will follow each other. People like you blow it out of proportion and make the people who skim this sub forum think our bracket is unstable and it discourages them to play it, or roll 24's. If you can't handle getting poor team compositions roll AP and stop pugging.

The hunter problem is no worst than it is in 19's and 19's is still playable.
So, it seems that poor or average players gravitate towards level 20 hunters because they are the most effective for players with low skill sets. Skilled players on many other classes (Mage, Lock, Pally, Druid, Priest, Rogue) can consistently toast average hunters 1-on-1.

So, the problem is when a group of poor to average hunters start working in coordination or when a skilled player rolls hunter. It seems like skilled players quickly get bored playing hunters at 20 and move to a class with more depth. So, what is the best way to interfere with inexperienced hunters and trick them into splitting up? Stuns and CC can easily break apart inexperienced groups. On my pally, I found that hitting one and running through him usually caused him to keyboard turn and chase me away from the group, where he was easier to beat down without group support. Any other thoughts from players with more experience in the 20-24 bracket?

ok, sorry for getting off topic flaming this guy. here is what happens when there are no hunters gaying up battlegrounds:


just played this AB queuing all by myself. no healers or anything, just no hunters. i'm not trying to brag, i'm sure you guys will think i still am, whatever. the point is that mages have the potential to be this dominant as hell in this bracket. i've got a million other screenshots just like this one.

if you want to know which class is "better", mage or hunter, i would have to say that hunter is. but do not underestimate what mages can do in this bracket. if it wasn't for hunters, i can see them easily being the strongest class.

hope this answers your questions a little better than i did before
Good posts by COTUS and Wilywayco. THis bracket very often has extremely good games, where there are less hunters, and often no 24's too. And those are the games that make all this worth it. Good close games happen more frequently than people would think by reading some of these posts. I still don't know how to beat hunters on my mage though. I can do it Very easily on my priest 1v1, and often on my warrior, but i'm really stuck with my mage. I can't blink in close because then they raptor strike and seem to still have a very high damage output, so if i try to step back slightly, they shoot once again.

I do actually have an alliance hunter, that was the first character I made. I never play him anymore though, it really just feels like cheating lol. Plus I can't stand the 12 minute queue times. I always played alliance at high levels BECAUSE of the instant pvp queue times, now I am mainly playing horde for the same reason.
C O T U S said:

ok, sorry for getting off topic flaming this guy. here is what happens when there are no hunters gaying up battlegrounds:


just played this AB queuing all by myself. no healers or anything, just no hunters. i'm not trying to brag, i'm sure you guys will think i still am, whatever. the point is that mages have the potential to be this dominant as hell in this bracket. i've got a million other screenshots just like this one.

if you want to know which class is "better", mage or hunter, i would have to say that hunter is. but do not underestimate what mages can do in this bracket. if it wasn't for hunters, i can see them easily being the strongest class.

hope this answers your questions a little better than i did before

I guess all the hunters that are not on your AB went to my AB :(
Footman said:
Good posts by COTUS and Wilywayco. THis bracket very often has extremely good games, where there are less hunters, and often no 24's too. And those are the games that make all this worth it. Good close games happen more frequently than people would think by reading some of these posts. I still don't know how to beat hunters on my mage though. I can do it Very easily on my priest 1v1, and often on my warrior, but i'm really stuck with my mage. I can't blink in close because then they raptor strike and seem to still have a very high damage output, so if i try to step back slightly, they shoot once again.

I hear you, though staying in group is (like always) the best option.

So far what seems to work best for my Fire Mage (I know, other specs are more powerful but I said I'd test it ;) is a high-damage hard cast and then (oft-critting) Fire Blast, root the Pet that will then be on top of you (which, except for the Disarming ones, is just Warrior fodder, I love it when they just send in their pet after my warrior) and Blink (+ get behind him if possible), pop your Instants and hope he'll die (as Pyroblast & easily critting Fireblast do deal a lot of damage).

Admitted, playing a Gnome w/bandana means that Arcane Shot isn't much of a problem (and I feel downright sorry for Moonfire users, it positively tickles), and of course your random Alliance Hunter will be a tougher nut to crack for obvious reasons.

Thank Blizz for Poly ^^
Hmm good tips, thanks. Yea gnomes have pretty damn good racials. Despite that, even though I have mainly been Alliance, I can't roll a gnome. I just can't enjoy playing a toddler XP Yea i'm stoked that killing hunter pets activates victory rush on warriors. Always kill hunter pets while on your warrior. it won't guarantee a hunter kill, but it will occasionally allow u to heal up and pick off a s-keying hunter if you play smart.

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