The [Un]Official Rage Against Hunter Forum


alright i have put up with these stupid hunters for a while now but im on the edge of quiting this game all together because of them i mean 1 hunter sure fine but thats not how it goes anymore they group up and zerg now they have perfected the noobiest class in the game and if they have a healer too its like why bother if the healer can just run cuz im stunned most of the time its unbeatable so this is the rage against hunters forum and please if your a hunter and dont like this then why did u click on it it clearly says rage against hunters and if you tell me to stop complaining and roll 1 if i think there so OP i refuse to stoop to the level of a hunter
I agree 100%. I believe hunters are ruining the bracket as well. It's getting pretty rediculous. Ur not good. Ur just a hunter. Plain and simple. I don't care how many hks u racked up. I dont care if u had ur hunter since vanilla. Ur op as f*ck and u know it. Period.
Doesn't matter if you know every aspect of your class/spec, doesn't matter if you are 100% BiS geared, doesn't matter if you are the best player in the world, a hunter can still look like a pro while holding down the s key.
Mrcer said:
Doesn't matter if you know every aspect of your class/spec, doesn't matter if you are 100% BiS geared, doesn't matter if you are the best player in the world, a hunter can still look like a pro while holding down the s key.

1 hunter, no. 2 hunters... not if i have heals. 3 hunters lawl.

Kill their pets. then smash them for S'ing
Maybe i try f2p and roll one, seems fun.
Maybe we should all roll hunters and make a SS for blizzard to /gasp at. a 10vs10 hunter WSG.
The thing is 90% of hunters hold S key but the one's that backstrafe are just ****ing ridiculous and impossible to beat. The one's that hold S key kill shit, the one's that play half decently kill even more shit.... twice as fast.
Resto shams do good against hunters aswell. Really depends how skilled they are, mostly you can't find a hunter with skill cap at 20 cause people are smart enough to roll another class then. In gurubashi some alliance players wanted to duel me, and ofcourse most of them were hunters thinking that they were awesome skilled after beating me.
Adorllin said:
they have perfected the noobiest class

You're right. The secret is out! Backpedaling is the way to go.

hahahhahaha OP is either a troll or 12.

Hunter reporting in, I'll be sure to smash you soon. And I'm one of the hunters that can actually play ;)
Hardc0re said:
Can't blame ppl for rolling hunters. If the class is good, why play a bad class? For "honor"? The game is about winning. I regret leveling a mage when hunters do more damage than me, have more survivability, better CC and better control of the field in general.

wait until your mage gets more geared. i am more effective in BGs as a mage than i would be as a hunter, and i am a pretty ****ing good hunter

everything changes when you get healers
C O T U S said:
wait until your mage gets more geared. i am more effective in BGs as a mage than i would be as a hunter, and i am a pretty ****ing good hunter

everything changes when you get healers

This .

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