The UI thread.

Zvit said:

From some 3vs3 yesterday ;)

Addons being:

ag_Unitframes, Aloft, Cartographer, ClosetGnome, CursorToolTip, Fubar, Gladius, Grid, JIM Cooldown Pulse, OmniCC, PowerAuras, Prat 3.0, Quartz, RedRange, Sct, SharedMedia


Level to 39! "Waiting for patch 3.1" is no longer a valid excuse :D
How do you make PitBull show player portraits?
looks like uh..


bartender4 + buttonfacade, onyx skin

simpleminimap or chinchilla

satrina's buff frames or bison
Just made a new UI myself. After coming back to WoW I just couldn't stand the default UI and I misplaced (lost) all my old UIs.

I don't consider this my best UI, but I've tried some new things that aren't popular or easy to pull off. I'm happy with the result aesthetically. I haven't played with it but I've followed my old formula close enough that I think the playability will be just right--for me at least.

The mods that can be seen are:

PitBull 3



Bartender 4

Prat 3

ButtonFacade w/ Apathy skin

Some custom code (to add the information displays and to make the chat behave properly at the top of the screen)

I'm also running:


Bindpad (all bound, no action bars used in combat)










And some custom addons, including a GCD display.

Edit: Updated it a bit. Added a pet frame and repositioned the target-of-target frame.

Pretty basic UI. Action bars are hidden. You're seeing basic unitframes and a focus frame. Party frames are along the left side in raid style. Cooldown timers below the map...different sections for consumable cooldowns, spell cooldowns, and pet skill cooldowns. Buffs/debuffs in upper left.

What I see


Whats is there...


my ui;

Macaroon - action bar mode

Buttonfacade - pritty pictures on bars..

Pittbull - unit frames

Grid - raid frames (grid manabars, status hots and threat)

MiksScrollingCombatText - scrolling combat texts..

NaturEnemyCastbar - tracks buffs, debuffs, cooldowns and diminishing returns of self, friends and enemy

Proximo - arena frame

Simpleminimap - custom minimap

Cowtip - tooltip mod;

DeadlyBossmods - bg timer tracker

Quartz - castbar

TrinketMenu - a menu for activating/ auto rotating and showing current trinket

Statblock - displaying mod that can shows; gold/latency/durability/fps and can track my combat log when activated.

Closetgnome - for keybind swapping of gear and handy menu for swapping full sets

Recount - tracks/ dmg/healing/deaths/dispells and much much more

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