The Truth about the 19 Community July 2013


Only included active people worth mentioning.

Raw Talent

Pizza- Very skilled player but what separates him from the rest of the top players is his leadership abilities. When the odds are against his team, his leadership skills often lead his team to victory. He also off-heals like a beast, he almost counts as a DPS and a healer when you have him on your team. At the beginning of MoP it seemed like he was really concerned about topping damage charts. Now it seems like he really doesn’t care about it and is much more objective oriented. He is often seen running flags, escorting healers with rejuv spam, or healing his whole team. There is no other player in the bracket that can match his presence. His interview and stream really opened himself up to the public, as he was more of a mystery to the bracket before this. A lot more players respect him now. You have to give the guy respect, he is the only player to have consistently played the bracket as long as he has and he played very actively as well. He started playing balance druid around January and since then has accumulated 75k HKs on his 2 druids combined. It was pretty funny how he name changed the guild from <Waw Tawent> to <Raw Talent> after the premade loss. He said it was a more mature name but Pizza, you aren’t fooling anyone. However, it is impressive that even though his guild has gone through a couple name changes, he’s been a GM of a guild that has been around for the longest time. The thing is, his current guild roster may be the weakest it has ever been. It seems like he now has players he likes to be around, rather than skilled players. Maybe he learned from his mistake of using Kancer and is trying to avoid a disaster like that this time around. I don’t see him putting much effort into getting a team together, I’m not sure if he will be open for premades for a while. Does he even have an FC? This is really hurting them in pugs as it seems like his team always lacks one, forcing him to change his gameplay. He has become a lot more respectable in MoP. He doesn’t GY farm as much and plays more objectively, is often seen running flags. He has also recently stated that he will no longer be /afking out of losing games. Because of the role model position that he holds, a lot of players that idolize him will stop /afking out of losing games because it is no longer the “cool” thing to do.

Dorigon- Good warlock, and a great forum personality. No one makes as good polls as Dorigon, although he hasn’t been as active on twinkinfo as much anymore. He had a Best of class poll for MoP but never seemed to finish them. I’m sure that I’m not the only person that would like to see him finish the rest of the classes and have a final Best twink poll like he had in Cata. Recently he has been screwing around on a hunter and 16 rogue – I’m not sure why. I fear that his warlock skills may slip, he is starting to lose that pioneer position. It was amazing how he showed the bracket that warlock was a viable class in cata. Very underplayed at the beginning and by the end of the expansion, using 2 warlocks in a premade was a no-brainer. This bracket truly would not be the same without Dorigon.

Curley- Where do I even start with this kid? I guess he’s right when he says that everyone knows who he is. It’s not necessarily in a good way though. He certainly isn’t your normal kid. I mean who makes a thread on twinkinfo when their parents are sending them to retard camp? Who leaves their skype mic unmuted when their parents are yelling at them? You should take Curley as seriously as you take his interview. Is this kid actually this stupid or does he find it funny to make himself look like an idiot and have the whole bracket laughing at him? It seems like he has evolved from asking people if he is good to just randomly stating he is #1 BM monk and rogue whether it is in-game or on twinkinfo. He is a decent rogue and okay monk but I admire his passion for the rogue class. He has contributed a nice rogue guide as well as weapon tests and most recently ptr enchantment findings. I’m sure I’m not the only one that views Curley lagging in the TC premade as karma. I was shocked when he didn’t lag in the <Xtreme Gang Crew> vs <Viciously Delicious> premade. We’ll have to wait and see if his parents send him to retard camp this summer.

Nettiebay- Good guy. Seems pretty quiet, but I’m sure he’s a nice person. Haven’t seen him as much lately.

Dasfizzla- Decent shaman, but now that Elemental shaman got buffed and there are more people playing it, he definitely is not the best. He was the best shaman in Cata because there were literally 5 in the bracket.

Twiggi- Average priest with a pretty big ego. She commentated for the Arena tournament on Pizza’s stream and pretty much embarrassed herself. I honestly think that if people didn’t know she is an attractive girl in real life, much less people would like her. Congrats Twiggi, absorbs now count as healing done now but you still won’t top healing meters.

Silin- Word on the street is that she got the A-team pally spot because she is a girl. What a joke. She is inactive and nowhere near top paladin. She is somehow a twinkinfo moderator as well, but I’m not sure if she actually does anything.

Kancer- Skilled paladin with an awful attitude. What he did at the end of last summer was absolutely pathetic. It’s hard to say whether benching Kancer was the right decision. He ragequit right away by the looks of it and it would have been nice to have him around for pugs, but using him in premades anymore would be a huge gamble.

Abigail- For the longest time this guy was an awful rogue that made people think why did Pizza let him into his guild. He has finally improved so good for him. He is actually someone to be feared in the gulch and has made a name for himself.

Solid- I’m sure many people agree with me that it was much better when this kid didn’t think he was good because he is in RT. Average priest at best, I don’t see him going anywhere.

Youredead- From what I’ve heard she’s a very nice person. Pretty good warlock with nice damage output. With Dorigon not queuing warlock much anymore she may give him a run for that #1 spot.

Peace- Not sure where this guy came from, but I think he is a new face in the bracket. Very good resto druid and if he really is new to the bracket, I’m sure he has even more room for improvement.

Xar- Not very good. When I heard the way this guy talks in Pizza’s stream I almost threw up. Who does this guy think he is?

Ko- I’m not sure if this guy is still with RT and if he isn’t, it’s not good for them. Pretty good BM monk but no one else in the bracket can match his lightning speed clicks.

Maineack- What happened to this guy? He was the best warlock in cata no doubt, but he hasn’t impressed me very much in MoP. He’s still a great player don’t get me wrong, I just expected him to be better.

Lobstrosity- He is now seen on his Feral Druid, Sighstrosity, and is very dangerous. Once he comes out of stealth and starts attacking you, it’s almost impossible to get him off you. Very effective.

Rough Love

Vianco- One of the most skilled players in the bracket. Very good mage and druid, whether it is in the gulch or the arena. Has extremely high damage output in warsong gulch and great CC on mage. There are not many players in the bracket that are good in arenas like this guy and his guild. His showing in the Arena Tournament supports this. I feel that his guild currently has the strongest players, however the majority of their players being from Europe and having accounts there works against them on US. RL and RT are often compared, I’ve seen that RL is a very close group of friends, they don’t have to look to one single person whereas RT is always looking to Pizza and following him around for everything. But for Vianco to lead such a successful guild, he must be doing a lot of things right.

Stubs- Great paladin, he’s probably right when he says he’s the best paladin in the bracket. He is a little similar to Curley but not nearly that extreme. His ego is much more tolerable. He has shown that he can pretty much play any healing class and be exceptionally well at it. Usually tops healing charts, I’d say he’s the best healer in the game at the moment. He has a nice stream as well. It was pretty funny when he got DA’s video taken down.

Yowza- This guy has a huge ego but he can back it up. He plays almost every class and if you have a discussion about who is the top of each class, he’d be in every with the exception of his rogue and maybe his warrior. He was good in Cata as Confident but he really turned it up a notch on MoP. Exceptionally skilled player and people say he taught Pizza how to play boomkin. I’m surprised that this guy doesn’t post on the forums more, you would think he would be a guy posting on here all the time. Seems like the guys he hangs around are all very active on the forums, besides those that have been banned, of course.

Ridwane- He’s a pretty good player but after about 10 seconds his macro/addon gets really annoying. Do we really need to know everything you dispel or shear? If you look at chatlog when you’re in a game with him, all you see is his white text.

Hajima- Very good hunter, I’m not sure where the hell this guy came from. It really feels like he came out of nowhere.

Lolpzlate- Cool guy and a decent hunter, but he isn’t quite at the point of being a top player in the bracket.

Endorsed by Kujatax

Slyddur- He’s a pretty good mistweaver monk, but I’m curious as to whether or not he will play this in a premade, as mistweaver monks aren’t the most viable healers for premades and it’s not like he really has any other viable classes. I was really surprised when he stated he wouldn’t be playing against any team that plays Pizza. Wouldn’t he want another chance at playing against him after having that taken away last summer?

Derv- Very big forum personality. Even though he often types like he is illiterate, he knows what he is talking about and makes very valid points, even though he may come off as a douche bag in the process. He’s a decent player but I’d expect him to be better with the way he talks on the forums.

Ezeron- This guy just came back but has already shown he is a top hunter in the bracket. He is definitely on the level of other top hunters like Agonist, Erotk, and Hajima despite being away from the bracket for a while.

Nvme- Decent hunter, often seen alongside Ezeron and they work well together. However, it is clear that Ezeron is the better of the two. He was also known as being a big troll on twinkinfo, though he doesn’t seem to post anymore. The guy is an asshole though, go through his posts and I’ll bet you 90% of them are insults or trolling.

Xxmd- Seems like a new face in the bracket. Pretty good shaman with a lot of potential, has improved a lot since I first noticed him. I like seeing him in the gulch.

Cannabis- An okay shaman. This guy comes off as an idiot, I’ll leave it at that.

tRain cOw

Kitn- Very overrated. This guy is not nearly as good as he thinks he is. He may have been good in Cata but not anymore in MoP. His ego is ridiculously annoying and he seems to cling onto his fluke win over WT last summer. Curley was useless in the game and since WT ran 2 rogues their strat clearly revolved around double ambush. If the rogues aren’t coordinating, it’s almost like WT is playing 2 men down. I’m interested to see how his guild does. With the exception of a couple players like Agonist and Rythemix, it is mostly comprised of average to slightly above average players.

Agonist- Strong competitor for most skilled player in the bracket. There is no doubt that he is the best hunter. Good at playing priest offensively as well. Provides high damage output but is one of the few boomkins that can be relied on to give you a rejuv. Sometimes I wonder what is going on in this guy’s head though. He afks from losing games, I understand that. But he also will afk out of games where his team will clearly win. He will usually log onto a class on the opposite faction. Sometimes he will get into the same game he afked out of, and will play for a little bit and afk out again right before the game ends. I just don’t get it. It’s almost as if he only stays in competitive games where his team wins, which is about 20% of games.

Rythemix- This guy really stood out to me about the time that he name changed to Rythemix. He has built his way up to a top paladin.

Zealote- Your average player, and nothing more.

Bloish- Slightly better than Zealote, but nothing special.

Casino- Very good FC. When he tries that is. Sometimes I feel like this guy is just fucking around and doesn’t give a shit.

Bam- From what I’ve heard this is an old school player from several years ago. Very good Elemental Shaman and I see a lot of potential for him. I’d say he is already one of the top shamans. Give this guy some more time and he will be a top player in the bracket.

Xdabarrels- This kid is just awful. I think he plays just to throw games. Very unaware and likes to mongol into the whole enemy team, even if he is carrying the flag. People may have thought he was a good BM monk several months ago, but that is simply because he was the only one. Now that there are more of them, he is below average at best.

Viciously Delicious

Illegal- Subpar player that has no clue what he is doing. Guardian druid FC in a premade? Are you kidding me? Then after you lose the premade you get a prot warrior for the next one? Let’s be real, this guy has no idea what he is doing and I don’t see his guild going anywhere to be honest. It was expected that they would lose to <Xtreme Gang Crew> but losing a game to <Undergrøund> was really embarrassing and may have led to a lot of their members starting some Rooftop guild. They were really active for a while but with many players leaving for other guilds, I see it heading towards the old <Vicious and Delicious>.

Grizzlefoot- This guy was always known as being a great frost mage and kiting on defense effectively. He has now switched to Arcane and is doing pretty well. He’s not as good as Vianco or Uraflamer but I would say he is the 3rd best mage in the bracket. He does have awkward positioning at times, was not quite sure what he was thinking when I saw him in the <Xtreme Gang Crew> vs <Viciously Delicious> premade.

Ratleap- This guy is like the opposite of Yowza. He plays pretty much every class, but he is incredibly bad at them.

Tellefella- A decent player, has pretty good survivability skills. I was surprised when he was not used in the first premade.

Bakked- Your average player that has improved a little bit over the last few months. At least he isn’t a burden to your team anymore.

Hunnybuns- This guy will always be that slightly above average player and nothing more. For how long he’s been playing the bracket, you would expect him to be a lot better.


Flashhealz- Pretty good defensive priest, seems like a very quiet guy. I’ve noticed that he has a fast bubble. Glad someone knows what they are doing, it’s almost frustrating how many priests I see healing themselves and then bubbling after instead of doing the opposite. Doesn’t say much in BGs or forums. Activity for this guild has slumped a bit, not sure if it will go anywhere since they are off BH and aren’t funding everyone like <Undergrøund> is. They have a few good players though. Similar to <Undergrøund>, I get the 2 mixed up often but I guess they aren’t filled with mediocre players.

Uraflamer- Very good mage and a really big troll, one of the biggest douche bags in the bracket. Great Warsong player, has high damage output, decent CC, and utilizes frost nova for shatters very well. Sets the bar for an underplayed class that most don’t view as very strong. The guy is terrible in arena, though, and that’s what separates him from Vianco. I like him as a player but don’t have much respect for him as a person. Says stupid things like “prepare to be carried you shitters” at the beginning of games and abuses raid warning when he happens to be raid leader. Like come on man, it’s okay if you don’t like <Undergrøund> but you don’t have to spam raid warning with how bad you think they are so it flashes across the middle of everyone’s screen, especially when there is an <Undergrøund> 5-man on your team. A troll on the forums, though I think he has slowed down after being banned several times. He beat Pizza in a duel which is impressive, but it was pathetic how hard he tried to let everyone on twinkinfo know about it. I guess I have respect for him for playing the weaker faction most of the time. I noticed that back when he sucked in cata, he didn’t troll at all. Now that he’s become a top player in the bracket, he feels like he is obligated to shit talk and troll. Knock it off kid.

Erotk- A top hunter in the bracket no doubt. Has high damage but what he is most well known for is his survivability as a lone wolf. He will often be seen on a weak team with deaths all over the board, then when you get to Erotk he is at 0 or 1. I haven’t seen him lately though. Does very well in controlling mid, scariest hunter in midfield no doubt. This guy is definitely on Agonist’s level.

Silkworm- Decent priest, but not on Flashhealz’s level that it clear. He is still one of the better priests in the bracket, but then again it’s not like there are many good ones to begin with. He’s a decent hunter, I was impressed with how he played in the premade for <Xtreme Gang Crew> as a replacement, didn’t think he would do that well to be honest.

Shift- Just your average player, I don’t see him improving much. Doesn’t have good awareness and has a slow reaction time. Not much more to say about this guy.

Save- Average rogue, not a complete waste of a spot in the gulch but there are plenty of rogues that are better. Seems like he likes to do arenas a lot but he’s not very good in there either. It’s not a good thing if many people complain about your inability to get a sap off and ambush the other target in 2’s.

Gearz- This. Guy. Is. A. Joke. His gameplay is identical to the way he talks in vent.


Myrm- A decent paladin and a GM of a guild that most of the bracket views as a joke. I often see him not heal his teammates, even his guildies just so he can live though. Like he will run by his teammates as they die and if the other team starts attacking him, he will bubble and just keep running off. He really needs to change it up, running ToT with the flag every time makes it way too predictable for the other team. His guild is like the new <Lethal Synergy> without Brown’s stupidity. I think they are worse though. I truly believe they have good intentions, I really do. For this reason I like having them around. But this guild has almost become a hub for bad players or as they like to call it “players that just want to have fun”. I sort of agree with them but with this attitude they aren’t going to improve much. They did beat <Viciously Delicious> in one of the games in their premades, so that is definitely a step in the right direction. They are booming with activity but because of a lack of talent they will never be a top guild.

Khaos- An average player in the gulch, has become well known on the forums as a nice guy. I like having him around because of his positive attitudes and forum personality. We need more people like him. He makes good points on the forums, he is an MVP for a reason. Ever since he returned to the bracket he has done a lot of good on the forums. I do find his spelling and grammar errors rather annoying though.

Oneidwilly- An average player, not sure why people thought he was a good rogue because he could crutch on bombs. He was seen using bombs to interrupt healers yet left kick untouched in his videos. That was just mind boggling to me. I think people are starting to realize he is not all that great after he got shown by Curley in the rogue series. He is an okay boomkin, same as all of the other fotm rerolls.

Shockz- Despite Underground being comprised of mostly bad to average players, this is one of the few in the guild that is actually good. He plays the shaman class pretty well and is in the mix for top shamans in the bracket. He still has a lot of potential and I see him improving a lot every day.

Laurasia- She just doesn’t have it. This is an example of how no matter how long you play the game, some people will never be good. I hate to say this because she is such a nice person, but let’s face it she sucks at priest.

Kergo- Up until recently I always thought this guy was a pretty good player. He’s been in the bracket for a long time, certainly a veteran. Then I saw his premade video. That was embarrassing, and I realized this guy wasn’t nearly as good as I had always thought he was. I don’t care if you are new to the hunter class, if you aren’t keybinding Roar of Sacrifice you are beyond clueless. His shaman play was mediocre as well. Despite being a part of The Reckoning with Mocha in early MoP, he seems to have had a change of heart. He is seen in the enemy teams GY now and is openly stating that he supports GY farming on TI. I wonder how this will affect his friendship with Mocha.

Darfs- A decent hunter and a nice pug to have on your team. He certainly isn’t a top tier hunter yet but I can see him improving a lot.

Aintabanka- I actually haven’t seen this guy for a while but I’m glad he’s gone. Wasn’t a good player and would post stupid stuff on the forums. Please don’t come back to the bracket.

Spikewarrior- Average at whatever class he plays. Maybe he is a slightly above average warrior but no more than that. Just like Willy, he is the same as all of the other fotm rerolls on boomkin.

Cogbrew- One of the better monks. This guy has improved a lot in MoP. He knows what he is doing and is a good guy to have on your team.

Warsong Warlords

Daedricdeath- This guy is a pretty good player. He is best on his paladin, but he is decent on his shaman and boomkin as well. He’s the best prot paladin in the bracket even though they are not many. He really plays that spec well. What this guy is best known for is his great ability to off heal no matter what class he is on. In fact, he has better heals than 75% of the healers in the bracket when he is specced for damage. He has very fast reflexes and can be relied on to heal you even if he’s not specced to do so. He is a pretty good BM monk, I was disappointed when I heard he was supposed to play in the premade for <Viciously Delicious> but ended up not playing. I would have liked to see him in action. There was a time when his guild was a powerhouse in the bracket. It was booming with activity and it was THE place to be. Sadly many of its players have left for other guilds and I don’t think this guild will ever get to that point again.

Tence- A great healer and a top paladin in the bracket. I think Illegal should have used him in his premade, but the problem is that Illegal, the GM is also a paladin. There’s no doubt that Tence is the better of the two however.

Leusha- This guy is absolutely annoying, whether he’s on your team or the other team. He runs flags as resto druid, anyone can do that. Does this guy think he’s funny by prolonging garbage games instead of letting the other team just win? He runs around in circles while his team gets GY farmed. Despite being a resto druid, it seems like because he is fcing he feels he has the right to not heal anyone else but himself.

Srphordganic- This guy is so bad it’s unbelievable. The worst mage in the bracket no doubt. He backpeddles, has terrible damage output, and uses Counterspell like it does damage. Doesn’t get worse than this guy.


Mocha- He is a good player but not many players take him seriously because of what he says on the forums. If he wants to be taken seriously he would drop the Vengeance 06 BS and accept the fact that things have changed. He is one of the few veterans that complain about GY farming a lot. He even went as far as to try and afk out people in the enemies GY. This guy needs to get with the times, it’s like he’s been waiting alone at a train station for the last 7 years for a train that will never come and pick him up.

Restosexual- Is this kid fucking serious? I think he plays this game just to piss people off. He’s a good player when he tries but trolls and throws too many games that you never know what he will do when he’s on your team. If he ever wants to be taken seriously he would have to start under a new name and never let anyone know that he’s Restosexual. I guess he’d never be able to talk in vent without a voice modifier either.

Dirtyauction- People thought he was good when he didn’t talk shit. Just take a look at Dorigon’s best of Paladin poll. He is a legend of the past, but the legend has turned into a joke. He finally released his video that he claims he had been working on for the last 8 months. I thought the video was pretty good but I’m not sure why it took this long. He’s a good paladin but a lot of people don’t think he is good because of his attitude. He finally got permbanned on twinkinfo, I never thought someone could get 10 2 week temporary bans like he did and still be allowed on the site. If you’re gonna make a thread titled “@biased European moderator” you should expect to be banned.

Sqooshi- A pretty good warrior, he really screwed over <Raw Talent> if you ask me. Not sure why he left because it seems like he had an A-team spot. The best FC in the bracket though he is not playing prot warrior as much anymore. He is good at Arms warrior as well. It sounds like he was the Pizza with no accents which I thought was really funny. How he was able to get the same <Raw Talent> guild name on BH is beyond me. Really have no clue how he pulled it off but it was hilarious. He is a pretty big troll like his butt buddy Uraflamer, but doesn’t nearly insult people as much as him.

Flop- Plays a wide variety of classes and is pretty good at all of them. Not quite on Yowza’s level but he is nice to have on your team. Although the mods on this site are notorious for being bad, this is not the case for Dartofblue, as he is known on twinkinfo. He’s a pretty chill guy.

Dontdodrugs- Average priest. I feel bad for the guy. He was the GM of a thriving <Laughing Skull FTW> and all of his players pretty much deserted him. He doesn’t play in the bracket often anymore but it is still sad to see a guild die like this. Seems like a pretty cool guy.

GY farming

It seems like the people complaining about this are new players that get farmed for a night and feel the need to make a thread on the forums and think it will change things. The veterans in the bracket with the exception of Mocha accept that this is how games should be played now. If it isn’t, why hasn’t Blizzard fixed the positioning of the graveyard? This is the most effective way to end games given that you are running flags at a decent pace. If you don’t like it, afk out or just don’t rez. It’s not like this is how games are 100% of the time.


<Xtreme Gang Crew> vs <Viciously Delicious>- This was basically an all-star team put together vs a bunch of average to slightly above average players. What was Illegal thinking when he agreed to let <Xtreme Gang Crew> pool whoever they wanted on the server? It’s actually pretty funny how the only people that played in the premade for <Xtreme Gang Crew> that were in the guild leading up to the premade date were Sqooshi and Uraflamer. I laughed when I saw half of their team with the RT guild tag, and the RL guys joined <Xtreme Gang Crew> on the date of the premade. It seemed like the weak links they suffered were all replacements for players that didn’t show up. Could their team be any more stacked? I was impressed with <Viciously Delicious> though. They played well given the situation. Many people were hyping how <Xtreme Gang Crew> would 3 cap <Viciously Delicious> but it looked like a fun game. I’m just not sure why Illegal went with a Guardian Druid FC, though it wouldn’t have changed the outcome.

<Undergrøund> vs <Viciously Delicious>- Your typical <Lethal Synergy> vs <Laughing Skull FTW> premade. Didn’t expect <Undergrøund> to win a game though. They gained a lot from this premade while this was a blow to the head for <Viciously Delicious>. The gameplay wasn’t that impressive, it was almost like a B team premade. Everyone said they had fun though so good for them. I’d like to see some more games between these guilds, as each team is sitting with 1 win right now. With <Undergrøund> having so many players in the guild and the players emphasizing having fun, I am curious as to whether Myrm will rotate players around for premades in the future, or perhaps even have multiple teams. I think this may be a great idea.

People I forgot (You're welcome)

Vaeladas- Looks better on the scoreboard than he actually is. He seems to have high damage output, often seen beating Pizza in damage. I see the guy backpeddle a LOT though.

Ore- A slightly above average player that everyone thinks of as a joke because of the guild he has lead. It was a while ago but I think I remember that this guild started because of Beau trolling? The guild, <Beantown Bullies> has never been good and Ore has been emphasizing this “secret mid strat” for the longest time. It’s funny, to the point that there was a guild created named <BTB Secret Mid Strat>.

Revolution- A pretty good player. I think he has more characters than I know of, though. I’m pretty sure he found a way so that his achievement points aren’t shared account-wide on wowarmory because I know that he is Revoxoxo as well as Silinxgoddes and Revoxoxo has 915 achievement points while Silinxgoddes has 230. Both numbers are low, I’m pretty sure this is the individual character’s achievement points, as I’m not seeing the same recent achievements shared for these guys either.

Slique- Pretty good player on whatever class he plays. He was a very good Cata warlock. I think he is best on his hunter and warlock right now.

Gliiese- Your average player that would talk a lot of shit and get into arguments on the forums. After taking several months off, he has returned. He claims that this time around he won’t be talking shit, I guess we will just have to wait and see if he can control his temper.

Beau- A pretty good player with an awful personality. This guy is worse than anyone else in the bracket. He probably has real life personal problems that cause him to act this way in wow. It’s pretty funny how much shit he talks about other people and how defensive he gets if someone calls him out.

Kevikev- A good player that is most known for how much he nerd rages over the smallest things. Take a chill pill bro.

Rithonuwy- Decent on whatever class he plays. One of the better rogues in the bracket. Is that him in his twinkinfo avatar?

Oldmoose- I have no doubt in my mind that this is someone from our bracket that is playing an act. It clearly is not some random leveler that happened to turn off XP because they are an idiot. He’s not geared fully and is missing enchants but still plays pretty well. Probably someone who thinks it’s funny to play an undergeared twink and talk in 3rd person. Is the Oldmoose twinkinfo account even him? I thought I heard that nerd Solid saying he was going to make a twinkinfo account for Oldmoose, of course he didn’t know what to post so it would sound funny, and Pizza said something like “Oldmoose supports GY containment”. So an RT member trying to say Silin is good under Oldmoose’s name. Pathetic.

Mayfey- This guy is like the Srphordganic of the priest class. A burden to have on your team.

Purloiner- Used to be one of those rogues that you would see on your team at the beginning of a game and try to afk them out. He’s improved a lot and I certainly wouldn’t try to afk him out anymore. Most known for his ambushes.

Leeroyftw- An okay player. Really don’t have much to say about this guy but he posted in the thread so hopefully it makes him happy that he was at least mentioned.

Jetlife- Pretty good player. Was the only Elemental Shaman before the patch buff and he played it well. He showed that elemental shaman was a pretty viable class before patch 5.3 hit and all of the fotm rerollers joined him. Decent mage as well.

Zeddxo- Pretty good player. Is this Revolution? Not completely sure if it is because of the achievement point hiding that I mentioned earlier. I think it may be him though. The xo in the name matches his style.

Saxxon- A big name in the bracket, and a pretty good player. Many say he is overrated, which I think is a little true. However, the people who say this are usually Warsong players that have never stepped foot into the arena. A big legend in the arena, it’s how he made such a big name for himself. I don’t think he is as good in the gulch though, definitely an arena player.

Marley- A decent player. Most well known for being Saxx’s GF and that’s about it.

Abigail- I didn’t forget this guy, but I have something to ask him. Abigail, do you realize that the quote in your signature is not working properly and has been this way for the longest time? The quote is of Hass saying that Abigail is the "most lost 19 belf rogue in the history of 19s" and it’s funny cause he is also lost as fuck on twinkinfo.

Reece/Irriterende/Imnot/Ihazbank- I’ve never seen anyone in this bracket go by so many names. The guy’s warlock’s name, Irreterende, means annoying in Danish and that’s exactly what he was in this thread. It’s clear to everyone that he is just upset that he wasn’t mentioned while a lot of his TL/RL friends were. Like a whiny kid that will stop crying now that he has his candy. He is a good shaman and seems like a darn good warlock on EU. I would like to see him roll a warlock on US servers because I would like to see how he matches up against the US warlocks like Dorigon and Youredead, and also because there are so many shamans.

Wtbdispel- Was good in Cata, average in MoP for the most part. Big talker on the forums but doesn’t play that much anymore. I could see him improving as an MoP priest but I’m not quite sure if he will.

Trilium- One of the better rogues and has one of the fastest clicks. Seems like he's a decent Druid FC as well.

Livingforce and Tapout- Both are average players, better in arena than warsong. They are really nice guys, but too gullible. I think these two have been screwed over more than anyone else in the bracket. You think they would learn to not trust others so easily after a few times.

Nicozy- Initially didn’t put this guy in because I didn’t really know what to say. He’s a good player and seems like the nicest guy in Rough Love.

Dfectrwench- Dfectsrwhat? What the hell was this guy thinking when he chose his name? He’s an okay warrior.

Arkant- Seems like a very smart guy. Pretty much the EU version of Derv, but I feel like he is a better player in the gulch than him. Very good on whatever class he plays.

Trashcat- Great paladin and is ruthless on the forums despite being a very cute girl in real life, from what I’ve seen in the real life picture thread in the tavern. Haven’t seen her in a BG for a while now, I wonder if she will come back to the game.

Willix- Who is this guy and who the fuck does he think he is? He posts on the forums all the time and seems very wishy-washy with whether he plays the bracket or not. Before he said he didn’t play in the bracket and would always comment on how bad it is. Recently he said he is playing in the bracket but still comments on how bad it is. I’ve been trying hard to think of who it could be but I really can’t think of anyone. I don’t know any good players that don’t have a twinkinfo account so he probably isn’t good. This explains why he complains about how bad the bracket is in general.

Mesikammen- I know that this person doesn’t play on US servers but can anyone tell me if this is a guy or a girl? I’ve been wondering for over a year now. Saw someone with a quote of Mesikammen saying “Bracket fixed” in their signature. Not sure why but that gave me a good laugh.
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no mention wtf?
not enough credit for rodent but ill take it
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why did you include silin and kancer if you said you're only including active people
Not sure how someone could have made such an unbiased post on nearly every player in the bracket. The best part is upon first noticing this thread I quickly went to look for some of the popular names who are usually regarded as being good as a result of their name / guild etc, such as Twiggi (who's reputation exceeds their gameplay), to find biases in favor of those players, however there simply were none and the explanation for each player was very, very accurate.

Found it rather comical as the explanation in respects to me dealt a lot with my forum attitude in cata. Gy farming is not nearly as bad now as it was back then. Back then I very aggressively tried to stop it because there were days where we had no games. It wasn't until a thread were recently created that I had put my opinion on the matter at hand out there. As of mop I have become a very, very casual forum user and player as well. :3

Great read. Was awesome to see someone voice realistic opinions on how people actually play the game as opposed to how popular they are. There are some big names who's reputation clearly have exceeded who they actually play ingame and it's upsetting when people bandwagon the cool kids lists as opposed to noticing gameplay.
Lol, how will it effect Mocha's friendship with me, the world may never know. Muwhahahaha!

The list seems slightly accurate, but reeks of Dorygoon.
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Some random player calls other players out for perceived weaknesses and faults, the sun also rises.
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Good post, for the most part very realistic and accurate.
it wasnt me wtf i woulda mentioned myself
No offense but your forum voice usually contains profanities and /or is not the most grammatically correct writing I've seen on the Internet. (Which is understandable because these are video game forums and you abbreviate a lot) not meant as hate but it clearly isn't Saxxon
Eliot I giggled at that as well. Gameplay is never more important than year long friendships. Wow is just an alternative to interacting with other humans :p
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