The Top 10 Greatest Twinks of All Time (Lvl 20 Bracket)

Re: The Top 10 Greatest Twinks of All Time

masara is on the same level as the 1200hp prot paladins from tyrande..
rather play 9v10 than having him on the same team

i respect the guy. sure he acts strange from time to time but who doesn't.
Seeing him for me only brings cool memories of the game.
All this years he played that druid and didn't went fotm spec when he could.
determination and love to class. all you can expect from person in this bracket.
lets hope he wont change.

gotta take canashit off there, he cant even strafe

Well, cant argue with that.
Re: The Top 10 Greatest Twinks of All Time

masara is on the same level as the 1200hp prot paladins from tyrande..
rather play 9v10 than having him on the same team

Playing/roleplaying as a pacifist in a bg and fucking up the game for the other 9 should be viewable as a form of griefing

What a load of bollocks. Pacifist or roleplayer, his/her temperament in a bg puts most to shame. He/she was very objective based and actually won ally more games than they deserved especially when you have people like yourselves raging away about how useless/bad they are. Capped many flags or at least turtle'd really well in WSG as FC and ninja capped flags in AB constantly.

With all the flotm druids now, they pale in comparison with what they can actually bring to a bg, unlike Mas. I have no beef against you two, but this is uncalled for.
Re: The Top 10 Greatest Twinks of All Time

What a load of bollocks. Pacifist or roleplayer, his/her temperament in a bg puts most to shame. He/she was very objective based and actually won ally more games than they deserved especially when you have people like yourselves raging away about how useless/bad they are. Capped many flags or at least turtle'd really well in WSG as FC and ninja capped flags in AB constantly.

With all the flotm druids now, they pale in comparison with what they can actually bring to a bg, unlike Mas. I have no beef against you two, but this is uncalled for.

I have never been in a wsg where masara has helped the team to win the game
Re: The Top 10 Greatest Twinks of All Time

What a load of bollocks. Pacifist or roleplayer, his/her temperament in a bg puts most to shame. He/she was very objective based and actually won ally more games than they deserved especially when you have people like yourselves raging away about how useless/bad they are. Capped many flags or at least turtle'd really well in WSG as FC and ninja capped flags in AB constantly.

With all the flotm druids now, they pale in comparison with what they can actually bring to a bg, unlike Mas. I have no beef against you two, but this is uncalled for.

Running into the enemy team and dying, awesome fc ye. :rolleyes:
Running into the enemy team and dying, awesome fc ye.

Fair play, but that's not the Mas I know, Mas is an old school player, been around a while and wouldn't blatantly run a flag into danger. On the other hand, if given instruction to run a direction with the flag - trying to reach team mates/healers and dies on the way, Mas wouldn't blame the team for not busting a gut to aid whereas many here in their FC/BGing wisdom, would look to others to blame. Can't say he/she isn't trying...
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Re: The Top 10 Greatest Twinks of All Time

Big shout out to my big boy Messi from Tyrande. Will be remembered as one of the best if not the best FC druid.

I thought he was a bot, he never spoke, so every BG he would get insta-kicked. Then one day, he was about to get kicked and he said "NO". After months of getting kicked out of BG's he finally spoke. Poor guy had to endure months of getting kicked, and finally took a stand for himself. He truly is a legend.
Maratian for his creativity in creating insults. Never seen him using same insult twice. And also, for beign most ignored person, that I played with. Like everyone, I played with had him in ignore list (poor guy, nobody was reading his insults).
Does Masara at least heal himself of his teammates ?? Or does he almost always die with full mana ? reply pls and ty this is actually very important for my next project lmao
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Does Masara at least heal himself of his teammates ?? Or does he almost always die with full mana ? reply pls and ty this is actually very important for my next project lmao

Masara has good intentions but does all the wrong things. He does heal himself and other around him, although 40 rejuv ticks from a guard druid won't make much diff.
Fair play, but that's not the Mas I know, Mas is an old school player, been around a while and wouldn't blatantly run a flag into danger. On the other hand, if given instruction to run a direction with the flag - trying to reach team mates/healers and dies on the way, Mas wouldn't blame the team for not busting a gut to aid whereas many here in their FC/BGing wisdom, would look to others to blame. Can't say he/she isn't trying...

A good fc needs to be able to survive on his own without teammates always having to back you up and with this i don't mean he/she should always be able to do it, but he would die instantly if he would get attacked without assistance. Masara is a nice guy don't get me wrong but if he is against fighting, he should play a heal spec or something so that he can atleast assist his team that way and not just spam rejuvenation or die.
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Running into the enemy team and dying, awesome fc ye. :rolleyes:

I have never been in a wsg where masara has helped the team to win the game

A good fc needs to be able to survive on his own without teammates always having to back you up and with this i don't mean he/she should always be able to do it, but he would die instantly if he would get attacked without assistance. Masara is a nice guy don't get me wrong but if he is against fighting, he should play a heal spec or something so that he can atleast assist his team that way and not just spam rejuvenation or die.

I totally agree but I think Mas enjoys Guardian but hasn't wanted to go back to healing since Guard's became available. Rev dot spamming is thoughtful but so are chocolate teapots. Guard druid for AB isn't bad though for ninja capping and defending until support arrives.

Sure, maybe the wrong class for a pacifist but playing a Guard druid objectively, taking damage so FC, flag assulting etc can't really argue? Back in Cata when he/she was resto, awesome, definitely healed people lol. Should look up flag caps and bases assaulted, that's his/her game style.
Acronus and krew Best think I seen back in the day ;) screw wiz and Flynn venti fael and ian

Jk i luv them all ;)
Nerds, my favorite player will put any of your circlejerk fuccbois to shame.

my favorite is Mihej/Yetolol

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