The REAL 29 Naked Hunter Project (Pics included)

ok, so i'm tired of noobs talking about how hunters aren't godmode at 29. so i decided to play some games naked on my 29 hunter and see how i did. i already posted about this in the other wannabe 29 naked hunter thread. let's see what happened......


ok, here i am on my 29 naked hunter. i've got under 900 hp and under 1000 mana. im topping out at a whopping 199 ap WITH HAWK ON, and under 10% crit. the only things i have equipped are pvp trinket, 2 weapons, my gun, the halloween pumpkin helm (gives no stats, just style), and agm. i only left agm equipped so a bunch of douchebag ambush rogues couldn't follow me around 24/7. amazingly, this actually happened!


so i tried to do some wsg. unfortunately, i ended up with zero twinks on my team whatsoever. the first 4 players on alliance are all twink rogues that literally followed me around 24/7 blowing all their cooldowns on me. they also got a twink pally healer in towards the end. looks like we found the counter to naked 29 hunters: get 5 twinks to follow the hunter around and attempt to neutralize him. unfortunately for them, they still couldn't stop me from getting by far the most damage done/kills. lol.


so i took the AB pop instead. let's see the twinks try to follow me around with this much open space. btw, don't ask me wtf happened with the screenshot formatting. i was just alt tabbing + pasting + saving the images 1 by 1, and i must have accidentally scrolled some of it out or something.


ok, ok, pretty decent so far. let's see if i can keep it up......


lol wut?!?! that's right, 21-0 with the most damage done in the battleground. i even outdamaged the other twink hunter on my team. i guess i must be more "skilled" than him.

and yes, in case you were wondering, a bunch of those alliance players were *actually* twinks. including a couple ret paladins that followed me around constantly, and almost insta-killed me a few times with a lol hammer combo.

originally i claimed i could go 50-0, but obviously the battleground ended too soon. there is very little doubt in my mind that if it kept going for another 15 minutes i would have gotten it easily. i would have had more kills in the ab except the alliance were all turtling blacksmith for a long time down 1-4 and i couldn't kill anyone....

conclusion: 29 hunters are a difficult class to play that is well-balanced around a hard skill cap.
nominated your own post? haha.

Anyway...I'm going to try the same thing, just to see how I fair. But, because I don't have an AGM, I"m rumsey rumming it. I have 830 life, and just under 1500 mana (30 int on my crescent). First game was pretty fun.

Edit: plus, fire festival fortitude has been making life easy for me.
yeah, i didn't use rum and didn't have any fire festival buffs. i don't think i had any buffs other than a random kings in the AB. of course, every single other twink uses rum now, so it was even more of a disadvantage....

and fuck yeah i nominated my own post. this is definitely thread of the week right here.
I have to say, I am impressed. I originally posted a smartass comment about how there must not be any hunter/warlocks/priest/rogues on your battle group, but I stand corrected.

Also, nominated the post. this should be thread of the week for like a month.

So when you were rolling your face over your keyboard to get that score while naked, did you roll from left to right, or right to left? Possibly a circular facerolling action might even work best?

conclusion: 29 hunters are a difficult class to play that is well-balanced around a hard skill cap.

The conclusion you have decided on is most certainly biased due to you being a fanboy of the class and is very much so incorrect. I have made two 29 huntards before and I can speak on this with full authority. For many months I have said that they needed a nerf for a reason. As many established twinkies have told me rolling 29 huntard is saying to everybody that you like ezmode and you don't have enough skill to play a real class. What they have told me I agree with almost entirely. As many may have noticed the level 80s that throw money at twinkies often choose huntard at 29. Something else you may notice is that they never Q up for arena. Anybody who knows where I'm going with this knows the end of the story. The true conclusion of this is that huntards are so easy at 29 that you could run in naked and still get kills because of many abilities being available to them early as well as many other factors.
NickeQuick said:
conclusion: 29 hunters are a difficult class to play that is well-balanced around a hard skill cap.

The conclusion you have decided on is most certainly biased due to you being a fanboy of the class and is very much so incorrect. I have made two 29 huntards before and I can speak on this with full authority. For many months I have said that they needed a nerf for a reason. As many established twinkies have told me rolling 29 huntard is saying to everybody that you like ezmode and you don't have enough skill to play a real class. What they have told me I agree with almost entirely. As many may have noticed the level 80s that throw money at twinkies often choose huntard at 29. Something else you may notice is that they never Q up for arena. Anybody who knows where I'm going with this knows the end of the story. The true conclusion of this is that huntards are so easy at 29 that you could run in naked and still get kills because of many abilities being available to them early as well as many other factors.

You're quick with the sarcasm arent you.
I like to clear things up for people that don't know things.

Wait I thought we were doing roleplay here.. Lloyd is the guy that says hes good and I'm the one that bashes him

why does 29 elite always spoil the party?
Haha, was wondering what you were doing, I thought you were just mucking around. that was probably the first time i've ever seen you in WSG, you're always doing arenas >.>

In that WSG you had a healer healbotting you the whole time...

you left that wsg at 2-0 -- not long after i joined :(.
yeah, i left WSG because AB finally popped. i didn't feel too bad about the guy occasionally healing me when i had that many rogues constantly zerging me with chain sprint/vanish/evasion/dismantle/trinketing. not to mention all the times i'd freezing trap a rogue on me only to have like 3 "teammates" run up and break it, good times.
NickeQuick said:
conclusion: 29 hunters are a difficult class to play that is well-balanced around a hard skill cap.

The conclusion you have decided on is most certainly biased due to you being a fanboy of the class and is very much so incorrect. I have made two 29 huntards before and I can speak on this with full authority. For many months I have said that they needed a nerf for a reason. As many established twinkies have told me rolling 29 huntard is saying to everybody that you like ezmode and you don't have enough skill to play a real class. What they have told me I agree with almost entirely. As many may have noticed the level 80s that throw money at twinkies often choose huntard at 29. Something else you may notice is that they never Q up for arena. Anybody who knows where I'm going with this knows the end of the story. The true conclusion of this is that huntards are so easy at 29 that you could run in naked and still get kills because of many abilities being available to them early as well as many other factors.

is there any way to have a "post of the week" feature on this site as well? because this would HAVE to be post of the week, lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.
I'll give props to anyone who takes the time to illustrate a point. And point well taken, Lloydganks. /Nominated.

Lloydganks said:
yeah, i left WSG because AB finally popped. i didn't feel too bad about the guy occasionally healing me when i had that many rogues constantly zerging me with chain sprint/vanish/evasion/dismantle/trinketing. not to mention all the times i'd freezing trap a rogue on me only to have like 3 "teammates" run up and break it, good times.

Trying to keep someone alive who had only 900 health and almost no armor must have been a a challenge. And more to the point, between the two of you (no matter how much or how little healing they did) you survived a gaggle of rogues.

I never had a problem dealing with hunters in the 29 bracket BGs, so after seeing your evidence, I can only conclude that the majority of hunters I faced did not know their class from a hole in the ground. Maybe that's old news, I don't know. But I guess, how much time do you need to spend on learning a hunter when Lloydganks can make a major difference in his underwear?

...Now there's a quote just waiting to be taken out of context.

lol now I can point those huntards in a direction to show them how OP they are. I got banned from forums (wtf) for calling a hunter a "fucking twatbag" because he was saying he was underpowered and would not accept it and then commented on my own twinks gear saying how wrong it was. I was really gona attempt to climb though cyber space then pop out his monitor with a wet fish and slap him multiple times.
any blow to the morale of 29 hunters is a victory for the 29 community.

i propose that in appreciation of my efforts, i am bestowed with the power to sticky an anti-hunter thread in the 29 forums on this website. this thread will be devoted to the purpose of degrading 29 hunters in general and the posting of members' victory screenshots and/or stories over our common enemy: the 29 twink hunter.

say aye if you're with me.

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