hunter, 13 levels.
Who let the dogs out?
miley cyrus's manager.
what's the difference between a coffin and a condom?
One you cum in and one you go in.
What's the name of the only legendary neck in game?
Talisman of binding shard!
Why are Dasha always so cranky?
he plays wow.
have you ever /kissed maratain?
What is the name of the international non goverment organisation of old public figures that work for peace and human rights?
the elders.
what is the name of the first woman according to the bible?
the elders.
what is the name of the first woman according to the bible?
Who put the spring in Springfield?
Who put the spring in Springfield?
the whore house
who demolished the whore house?, it was lilith.
you're sleepy.
how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck would ?
Married!that would depend on the size of the wood chuck, wouldn't it.
why don't we all have better things to do?