The Pros and Cons to each class


I want to discuss the state of each class at level 19, both now and in the expansion years to come.
I would love to know the pros and cons about each class, ill try to update the post as much as i can, but as of right now, the slate is clean. The goal here is to let all newcomers or returners to the bracket know right off the bat what they are getting out of each and every class, damage, healing, surviability and utility wise. All we need is some experienced and kind players to fill in these brackets. Anywhere from a complex assessment, to a basic outline and general idea of each class is more than welcome.
Feel free to edit or copy/paste this as you wish.
-Ridiculously long distance instant dmg +Dot spell = Moonfire
-Can out jump just about every class
-Can use survival sets and still maintain good burst
-Off heals that are at least better than shams
-Top notch kiters
-Can prevent any movement with overlap Roots
-1 cc = Roots ifyou are not Tauren
-Have to rely on pugs to interrupt
- More Squishy than most class/specs
- Thorns= Only defensive CD
-Pros: Great damage, can be unstoppable with a good team
-Cons: can be stopped by any priest
-Pros: Amazing CC
-Cons:Too squishy
-Pros: Can fill any role well enough to be useful
-Pros: Amazing damage, have many gap closers, almost impossible to shake off
-Cons: all it takes is one dot to limit them from re entering stealth.
-Pros: good support with as ele Thunderstorm and earthbind totem. Massive burst as enhancement. Have Purge.
-Cons: are limited in many ways. I.E. limited heals, no insta Gwolf, no more shield totem
-Pros:Great damage and utility (fear)
-Cons: almost impossible to shake off offenders that time their interrupts correctly. (assuming they dont have support)
-Pros: great Flag carrying, can do great damage
-Cons:limited as a dps to fury spec.
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Pros - Pizza
Cons - Everyone who isn't Pizza.


Pros - Oasis
Cons - Everyone who isn't Oasis.

Mages? Should be obv, no?

Pros: Amazing CC
Cons: Too squishy!!

Same for locks, just replace CC with DoT

The real pros and cons to a hunter -

Pros: You fuck shit up and only priests can stop you.
Cons: In order to be 'BiS' you have to waste $50 on transfers.
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-1 cc = Roots if you are not Tauren
-Have to rely on pugs to interrupt
- More Squishy than most class/specs
- Thorns= Only defensive CD


-Ridiculously long distance instant dmg +Dot spell = Moonfire
-Can out jump just about every class
-Can use survival sets and still maintain good burst
-Off heals that are at least better than shams
-Top notch kiters
-Can prevent any movement with overlap Roots
Im loving the help here, guys! All we need is the pros and cons to Priests, locks, and paladins ( i could fill them in myself but that may subject me to getting laughed at)

Comment if you disagree with a certain pro or con!





call me on skype or whisper on real id if you need any gear runs you know i love you

call me on skype or whisper on real id if you need any gear runs you know i love you
Your on Do not disturb and help me out here with Paladins and priests, since your such a good paladin :p
Ret Pally
Pros: Amazing burst (1k templar hits), have decent self heals
Cons: Get kited by pretty much any ranged class
-Pros: Great damage Only priests can stop you
-Cons: According to BiS, you have to drop 50$ to get your gear.

-Pros: Great damage Only priests can stop you
-Cons: According to BiS, you have to drop 50$ to get your gear.

Faction changing to get your rings and such, then the same amount to get back to ally/horde
Pro: One of few classes able to fill in the DPS, Healer, and FC role.
Con: I'll let someone else fill this one in.

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