The place to be


Since our very intellegent mods closed the most active thread i thought it would be good to have a new one where people can post their experiences in the gulch. There is no fix topic. Just use this thread to post pics, inform about popping games, about good and bad games, about good and bad players or guilds etc. But keep insults in us threads so that this one dont get closed. I need a good read because i cant play for the next time. Lets go:
i read the thread title and thought this was the pub, sorry.

edit: and inb4 dramatized.
Aint Donni Gurke? I herd some pro detektives called it some time ago, and he even admitted it :D I really don't care, though.

Just for the sake of posting something related to wow, anyone know of a way to get into an empty WSG to train jumps?

Cya in the gulch next week or something.

Soz for typos, writing on phone and am sick
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what a shame, other thread was getting close to 100 pages ^^
Since our very intellegent mods

Drama how do you know, u donni bro?

TD #1

Writing on nokia n9 is worse than multihitler... N9 owners know. Then on the other hand, lurking works great. So I'll try to go with that for some time.

Just wrote this post to waste your time. Or waste mine? Who knows...
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it's not trolling. they're great mods, a thread with 700+ posts is obviously bad for any website. they may have single handedly saved TI. thx guys.
Can't tell if you didn't understand or didn't care.

i was actually joking. you're still right though because i dont care either :D

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