The olol Dodgers

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So like was no1 willing to play for you guys in the hours leading up to this anticlimatic dodge or did you guys just sit in a dead SW waiting for the other 5 to log on- then god parts the seas and right as key NO players go to another premade they all log on within seconds...

We're the rules discussed day of or is myrm as lost of a leader as he is a player

With the players available to us through our guild we were able to make a team. That team consisted of 3 eles, 1 hunter, 3 bms, 2 priests, and 1 hpal.
No. What I'm trying to say is if we did what NO did and got 5 non-guildies, we would have been all set. I'm not in charge of the premades. Myrm tells me when to be on and I cancel my IRL plans to be on.
Atleast part of the players who subbed in for NO were arranged several days before the premade. They ensured to have 10 players at the set date which is what your guild should have done aswell even if that meant to look for subs from other guilds.
This whole thing was our fault because we didn't have the people we planned on having on. People say they will be on but sometimes they don't show. We fielded a team with what was available to us. NO didn't want to play that team so the premade was cancelled (from what I was told). Also, Eliot didn't agree with our comp so he logged.
Atleast part of the players who subbed in for NO were arranged several days before the premade. They ensured to have 10 players at the set date which is what your guild should have done aswell even if that meant to look for subs from other guilds.

I was not aware of that. People made it seem like NO just grabbed people at the last minute. And I agree with you. I'm not trying to defend UG's actions because it was our guilds fault for not having the required people on.
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Are we thinking bout the same guild here? Like you had weeks to get. Team sorted and over 100 members stop fighting it and just let the minority known as flamer ridicule you, your guild and most of all your guilds rancid planning and time management it seems

Also was no1 willing to play cause who said uh couldn't pull other players cause that seems to be the only thing you're grasping at on this downhill battle

Myrm had made a list of people that said they'd be on for the premade. He thought they'd all be on and that we'd be ready to premade, but clearly that wasn't the case.
We had our full 10 man accept the date of the premade on the day the event was made. We didnt just grab people at the last minute, our guild members logged on and were waiting to premade, as UG should of been.
We had our full 10 man accept the date of the premade on the day the event was made. We didnt just grab people at the last minute, our guild members logged on and were waiting to premade, as UG should of been.

I realize that now. Part of the problem is that there isn't a set "10 man" so people just accept or decline the calendar invite and Myrm goes from there. This time around he also asked people individually if they'd be on, but that didn't seem to help much either.
Hey Guys/gals,

I'm closing this thread as it is not a positive/useful thread. It's just really people bagging on UG for people that didn't make it to the premade for what ever reason.

That reason is disclosed to Myrm's guild.

If you really want to know the reason speak to him yourself.
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