10-19 The NWL: 2v2 Tournament $100 USD Prize

add muskie#1358
Grats to Nature and Smull you guys did awesome!

Overall I think it was a success, we came extremely close to 100 views at one point unfortunately i'm a twitch noob and didn't realize I had to enable past broadcasts, so i'm backtracking and talking to people who hosted the channel, i'm sorry for that.

At the moment I need to catch up with muskie so we can update the Challonge bracket.
Great games guys! Really need to make a 1 sader limit for fury and just purely ban the use of kitty.

Do you have a YouTube to put this on? If you are even able to.
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Was very fun! great games. Thanks to all those who casted/organized/participated/ and tooned in!
Matter of fact I garuntee you my team would have made it passed where we got and probably finals if fero bite was banned. I remember when my team played Yorky I had the priest at 5% then got fero bited for 1.6k so gg.
lol Conq what are you doing!!!

I''m sorry I know it sucks, this morning i caught myself wanting to listen to skeezines blurb but I've never streamed anything before and I'm a total twitch noob. the option is activated now and you all have my guarantee that all NWL events will be available on twitch or the new twinkinfo youtube in the future.
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I''m sorry I know it sucks, this morning i caught myself wanting to listen to skeezines blurb but I've never streamed anything before and I'm a total twitch noob. the option is activated now and you all have my guarantee that all NWL events will be available on twitch or the new twinkinfo youtube in the future.

Sounds great! no problem as long as you learned
I suppose there were just a few hiccups. Other than that everything went well?


Tbh I could have done a better job with a few things organizationally speaking, but I'm working on it. The tournament took way longer than I had anticipated, the brackets need to be made sooner as a solution.

The spectator addon took a bit to get requests threw

Had a few afks but thats not so bad, didn't slow us down much.

Viewership was about 80-98 throughout the 6 hours
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