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2 easy Guardian Druid Farming toons.
25 Guardian Druid. 51.07% haste (242). it pulls stuff with auto target moonfire, keybound to the scroll wheel. i mostly use it in a group with a 50 monk and 3 other similar geared druids that also stand still and pull stuff(multiboxing), so the damage is irrelevant. only thing that matters is how fast i can pull mobs with the scroll wheel while not selected on that wow window. i can use all my abilities with 1h+offhand combo.
17 Guardian Druid Zul'Farrak Classic Epic BoE Weapon farmer. Basically just level 14 Relic gear with a bramble staff, geared enough to mindlessly farm LFG ZF in large pulls. I am slowly obtaining level 16 legion greens with speed, for speed set to be worn when i feel like farming with a high level carry toon in ZF. (gotta round up all the mobs on the high toon, while auto running my way in stealth to the kill area on the 17 to be in range of loot.)
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Two for Guardian Druid 24/25

My horde farmer is straight haste and it feels really good, quick gcd for moonfire, quick form shifts, etc.
Alliance character initially I went mastery (because of the AP bonus) but I don't think it scales very well at this level.
3 Guardian Druid Farming toons.
25 Guardian Druid. 51.07% haste (242). it pulls stuff with auto target moonfire, keybound to the scroll wheel. i mostly use it in a group with a 50 monk and 3 other similar geared druids that also stand still and pull stuff(multiboxing), so the damage is irrelevant. only thing that matters is how fast i can pull mobs with the scroll wheel while not selected on that wow window. i can use all my abilities with 1h+offhand combo.
17 Guardian Druid Zul'Farrak Classic Epic BoE Weapon farmer. Basically just level 14 Relic gear with a bramble staff, geared enough to mindlessly farm LFG ZF in large pulls. I am slowly obtaining level 16 legion greens with speed, for speed set to be worn when i feel like farming with a high level carry toon in ZF. (gotta round up all the mobs on the high toon, while auto running my way in stealth to the kill area on the 17 to be in range of loot.)
added your 25 & 17. no 50s section yet, though. maybe i'll add one later.
@Boognish says
I’d say no on DK, there’s just no mobility/speed

which is true for ground-work, but neglects mounted-work.

DK has great mobility for farming (matched only by pally) because of the Class Hall perk: Deathcharger: Can interact(loot) while mounted.
Both classes SOP: Ride through @220%, herd mobs up, AOE down, loot…but no remount.
Note: for some reason, mining/herbing/skinning will dismount you.
NB: Skinning/mining may happen inadvertently, when you just want to loot, esp goats/basilisks.

Key Idea 1: Even when the timer expires, the buff persists, as long as you don’t go indoors/cave, take a flight, or ‘gather’.
Key Idea 2: Both chargers can be extended over several assaults (potentially unlimited).

WithOUT dismounting you can:

  • Dalhearth
  • Hearth to Forsaken Landing/Skyfire Triage/Nesingwary/Theodric/??. (Generally, I use the first two so I can ride to the Kirin Tor - Dal Portal. 90sec ride.) Note: pally-Kodo gets stuck inside the Nesingwary hut.
  • Skyroc Kiting. Esp, gliding out of NewDal. Timing on pulling the cord varies, e.g ~8 sec delay for Azsuna landing. Always lols with huge kodo and tiny wings.
  • Attempt to ride away from unscaled adds in the assaults. YMMV
  • And...

Unstoppabull (Ok, predictable).

DK can Deathgate to the classhall, w/o dismounting, and the hitching post is right there (advantage: DK). Plus your Poultice/Regens don’t disappear, as Acherus is still in the Broken Shore. (adv: DK)

Downside: Cannot eat so healing can be a problem for DK (adv: pally).

Key idea 3: If you TRY to loot the charger from the hitching post, and you already have one in your bags ...or your bags are accidentally full, ...the chargers will go to your mailbox. Fortuitously, you can grab those chargers...ehem...anytime in the next 30 days. So far, no limitation on the number of chargers in the mail.

Lesser Details:
The thing I miss most often while charger-mounted is access to a bank, but you might have Jeeves, guild page, etc.

25 DK farmer twink(old 60)

none of my old 60 gear is any good tho and sadly I never got an untamed blade
Wait, how did I miss the fact that you added a 14/11s section?? :POGGERS:

Small recommendation: change it to 11s-15s section, as they all farm the same gear.

This may just be the motivation I need to actually finish my farmers.

15 guard
11 bm
Cowspìracy - lvl 17 paladin, just for Skullflame farming
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