The "I am speed" Challenge

- full sl gems
- legion mm hunter artifact for flat 20%
- Goblin Rocket Boots + minor speed
- disengage
- cheeta
- speed pot
- nitro belt
- 12% pet buf with talent
- some gears with speed stat

Here are some notes:
- You don't need full SL gems, speed cap is 76 (@11) / 111 (@ 20)
- MM Artifact is flat 25, not 20%
- Goblin Rocket Boots now gives speed tert, not moving %, so it does not work
- Cheetah does not stack with other speed effects
- Speed pot puts Nitro Boots on CD, can't use both
- No need for speed stat gear if you have enough (not full) SL gems.

I hope that helps!

I've saved these in my bank for 5 years, no one will be able to beat me!


Here are some notes:
- You don't need full SL gems, speed cap is 76 (@11) / 111 (@ 20)
- MM Artifact is flat 25, not 20%
- Goblin Rocket Boots now gives speed tert, not moving %, so it does not work
- Cheetah does not stack with other speed effects
- Speed pot puts Nitro Boots on CD, can't use both
- No need for speed stat gear if you have enough (not full) SL gems.

I hope that helps!
- wasn't sure if u wanted max speed rating or speed so went for both where possible. Thus max sl gems seemed logical.


- cheetah stacks with disengage.
- guess i had speed neck and potion in my mind when i was looking around then. guess result still negligible overall.
- you right on the 25% instead of 20%.

swimming speed next? surely enough salt around for people not to sink right away.

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