The "I am speed" Challenge

- full sl gems
- legion mm hunter artifact for flat 20%
- Goblin Rocket Boots + minor speed
- disengage
- cheeta
- speed pot
- nitro belt
- 12% pet buf with talent
- some gears with speed stat

Here are some notes:
- You don't need full SL gems, speed cap is 76 (@11) / 111 (@ 20)
- MM Artifact is flat 25, not 20%
- Goblin Rocket Boots now gives speed tert, not moving %, so it does not work
- Cheetah does not stack with other speed effects
- Speed pot puts Nitro Boots on CD, can't use both
- No need for speed stat gear if you have enough (not full) SL gems.

I hope that helps!

I've saved these in my bank for 5 years, no one will be able to beat me!


Here are some notes:
- You don't need full SL gems, speed cap is 76 (@11) / 111 (@ 20)
- MM Artifact is flat 25, not 20%
- Goblin Rocket Boots now gives speed tert, not moving %, so it does not work
- Cheetah does not stack with other speed effects
- Speed pot puts Nitro Boots on CD, can't use both
- No need for speed stat gear if you have enough (not full) SL gems.

I hope that helps!
- wasn't sure if u wanted max speed rating or speed so went for both where possible. Thus max sl gems seemed logical.


- cheetah stacks with disengage.
- guess i had speed neck and potion in my mind when i was looking around then. guess result still negligible overall.
- you right on the 25% instead of 20%.

swimming speed next? surely enough salt around for people not to sink right away.
Ok, it's time to wrap things up! Last night the forum was down for maintenance which could have given some more time to the participants, but luckily no one actually cared.

The results are as follows:

TL : DR - Everything tested in those 2 weeks will be documented in the next comment.

1. First Place, sharing the title for the fastest twink in the world and splitting the 200K GOLD award by achieving 521 % moving speed are @Conzil and well... me. It was fun trying to push speed in a few brainstorming sessions. Initially, we both failed to hit those last 20 % differently. Conzil did not consider using Precious Bloodthorn Loop to drop combat and then weapon swap for double Windwalk proc - rookie mistake. On the other hand, I failed with something much more complicated - remembering that Travel Form can scale to 60 % @ lvl 20 (up from 40% @ lvl 10). And that's after 15+ years of maining a druid mind you. Anyway, here is an explanation and a non-censored screenshot of the setup:

1. Tert Speed cap - 49%
2. Minor Speed + Gift of X enchants - 12 %
3. The Postmaster Set Bonus - 5%
4. Perfect Dreamgrove Blossom - 20%
5. Feline Swiftness - 15%
6. Travel Form - 60%
7. Darkflight - 40%
8. Gunshoes - 200%
9. Windwalk (double proc) - 2x 10%

Also, a VIDEO by @Conzil to demonstrate the process.


2. Second Place, grabbing the 80k Gold for being the fastest non-druid class and achieving 363 % moving speed is me again, because no one actually tried. Achieving this on a hunter took literally no setup, specific gear farming, consumables, procs or whatever.

1. Tert Speed cap - 49%
2. Minor Speed + Gift of X enchants - 12 %
3. Pathfinding - 12%
4. Posthaste - 30%
5. Darkflight - 40%
6. Nitro Boots - 150%

P.P. Aspect of the Cheetah and Windrunning were tested but did not stack with other, more important speed sources.


3. Third Place, finishing on the last podium place and winning a nice 50K GOLD bonus is @SPQR with his Rogue hitting 353% moving speed by using:

1. Tert Speed cap - 49%
2. Minor Speed + Gift of X enchants - 12 %
3. Quickness - 2%
4. Nitro Boots (?) - 150%
5. X - 40%

Please @SPQR, can you submit your exact setup for clarity?


Thanks to all who participated! The winners can contact me here, in-game or on Discord to recieve their prizes.

- Doob
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Here is a list of everything tested in the process. I think the most intriguing improvement to come out of all this is finding that Uncanny Pocketwatch is attainable on a 10/11/20 if Adventure mode is unlocked. It does not stack, so it was worthless for the challenge but definitely something that can speed up TBC (and dungeons in general) farming.

Darkflight (Worgen) - 40% on use
Embrace of Gonk (Zandalari Troll) - 5%
Quickness (Night Elf) - 2%
Elusiveness (Night Elf) - 5% in stealth
Dungeon Delver (Dark Iron Dwarf) - 4% indoor

Cat Form - 30 %
Travel Form - 60 % @ lvl 20 / 40 % @ lvl 10
Feline Swiftness - 15 %
Dash - 60 % *only works Cat Form

Speed Tert Cap - 49% (75 @ lvl 11 / 111 @ lvl 20 / 171 @ lvl 29)
The Postmaster Set Bonus - 5%
Tailwind Regalia Set Bonus - 5% (cloth only)
Uncanny Pocketwatch (adventure mode req) - 30% on use, doesn't stack
Water's Beating Heart (adventure mode req) - 10% on dispel, doesn't stack (even with Minor Speed)
Rocket Boots Xtreme (lvl 15 req, engi req) - Tert speed value (not %), doesn't stack
Goblin / Gnomish Rocket Boots (engi req) - Tert speed value (not %), doesn't stack
FIgurine: Golden Hare (lvl 15 req + JC req) - passive doesn't work at all, 30% on use, doesn't stack
Figurine: Ruby Hare (lvl 15 req + JC req) - 30% on use, doesn't stack
Highlander's Leather Boots - doesn't work at all
Explorer's Walking Stick (lvl 25 req) - doesn't work at all
Perfect Dreamgrove Blossom - 20%, Druid only, Broken Isles only
Thas'dorah / Windrunning - 25%, Hunter and the whole group, Broken Isles only, doesn't stack
Man'ari Training Amulet - 40% on use, Requires high-level char to get, doesn't stack

Windwalk - 10%, can double proc (stacks) using weapon swap
Gift of X - 2%
Minor Speed - 10%
Any Stat + Speed - 10%, doesn't stack with ANYTHING
Nitro Boots (engi req) - 150% on use

Straddling Jewel Doublet - 13 speed per SL gem
Straddling Viridium - ? speed
Straddling Sage Agate - ? speed
Fleet Shadowspirit Diamond (and all similar) - doesn't work at all

Gun Shoes - 200%, doesn't stack
Swiftness Potion - 50%, doesn't stack
Oddly-Shaped Horn - 410%, doesn't stack with ANYTHING
Cracked Radinax Control Gem - 429% (why?), doesn't stack with ANYTHING

Group Buffs:
Angelic Feather - 40%, doesn't stack
Tiger's Lust - 70%, doesn't stack

To Be Tested:
Drums of Speed - 15%, was not stacking before the last patch, have not tested it since
Breath of the Plains - 5%, not sure if possible to get
Swiftness - 50%, proc was not seen after multiple charges used
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