the future of twink talents.

Wrath was the 1 shot 1 kill xpac.

Cata was the "oh god i'm useless" xpac.

Pandarian is the how can i hold all this CC xpac.

I'm assuming level 20's will be able to choose two tier 1 "talents" because you get a talent point every 5 levels. Hunters will still be OP. Warlocks will be the new caster dps and warriors will actually be able to stay on target. Everyone else will just have a shitload of CC. With the current health pools and damage at low levels, plus with whatever new twink items the xpac brings i don't see how this will "balance" things.


Rogues will just shit on everyone. Ambush + Double Backstab and/or double ambush + 3 seconds extra stealth? Come on..

Anyone in the 19/20 bracket will be able to survive two ambushes w/o SS lol. Not to mention rogues lost SS, i smell the new fury wars.
I'm gonna love that ring of frost for peeling for my FC
despite the fact that i think the community is making a lot of speculation on very little information that i am sure is preliminary, the possibility of change has me excited
Way too early to say anything definitve, though it will most likely be unbalanced yet again.

And of course nothing will be fixed in the meantime, as 'MoP will fix it'.
Excuse for a silly question, these three skills are served for one talent tree or three talents.

I know that a level 10 player will face 3 talent choices, and when he/she hits lv15, there will be 3-talent-skills to choose. My question is whether these 3-talent-skills fixed in one talent tree or shared with 3 talent tree ?

Thanks for any answers!

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