The Future of Star wars, Your opinion.


As some of you have heard, disney has bought lucas films, and lucas films made starwars, their has been a huge uproar from the community about this because many devoted fans don't want episode 7 to be childish, What's your guys opinion on this? Do u think starwars is in good hands?
opinions and legacies are overrated

just watch what you want to, if it's a big flop then whatever. being butthurt over it is absurd
It'll be fine... Disney bought Marvel and all of those movies have been pretty spectacular... It's a good thing honestly... Disney has the resources and connections to put almost unheard of amounts of money on these projects (Lucas did as well, but imagine that multiplied by manyfold).
Just because Disney bought it in no way means that it will be childish. Disney is an entertainment monster and has become that because it always cares about the integrity of its projects. In other words, they're not going to make something that's obviously going to piss people off.
george clusterfuck lucas is still gonna be an advisor or some shit, I'd rather they just carbon froze him
Episode 7: Chewee's Back story, rated "rrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
We wont be able to tell till the first movie is released. I thought Disney would destroy Marvel and I had more fun at Avengers then at any previous Marvel movie.
We wont be able to tell till the first movie is released. I thought Disney would destroy Marvel and I had more fun at Avengers then at any previous Marvel movie.

Behold the power of Whedon.
I think people are blowing this way out of proportion. They are looking to base the next 3 movies off the Dark Horse comic books from the 90s which were amazing.
Well, the 3 first SW films where what I take as actual Star Wars anyways. Same with Indiana Jones ;(
I'm just looking forward to The Hobbit, idgaf about new SW movies! If it's shit, you don't have to watch it anyways :p

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