The Exiled is now recruiting!

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Why did the OP get the ban hammer? I actually wanted to join something....

Because of: Code of Conduct

Creating Multiple Accounts:
Every person is limited to only one Twink Info account. The creation of any additional account will result in a ban at minimum for the initial account and a permanent ban for the additional account. Continuation of this offense will result in an I.P. permanent ban.

I decided not to temp ban his original account. He's more than welcome to use that to reply to this thread.
dam now who can i contact. Unless someone knows his other TI name.
This thread has the potential for being the most embarrassing ever. Not even names but hiding behind anonymity. Shame. AP H is fine you can pick out your own premade if you're unhappy with some of the gearing ppl. Plus AP is the community to survive over the long run, yours is not.
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we are not recreating AP or a new community but simply making a premade team no more no less learn to read plz..
if more ppl wish to join or learn more about us, plz message me and ill gladly fill you in. thnks thus far for those that have!
This thread has the potential for being the most embarrassing ever. Not even names but hiding behind anonymity. Shame. AP H is fine you can pick out your own premade if you're unhappy with some of the gearing ppl. Plus AP is the community to survive over the long run, yours is not.
Creating an 'elite' group on AP is just as damaging to the community as creating an 'elite' group off server. In fact, it might be more damaging in the long run because it's going to encourage the sort of cliquish behavior that ruined AP in the first place.T
The reason this premade team was made was because we wanted to play with smart, skilled players. We don't think we're better than everyone else on AP, there's a lot of good talent there, however there is also an ungodly amount of trolling, spam, and immaturity that goes on over there. This is why we created a team on another server, to avoid all that.

You may message myself or androlleck if you are interested in joining.
Currently still looking for the following:
2 hunters
ret pally
Holy pally.

PM me if you are still interested. This weekend is wsg and dmf later so it is expected you will hit 20 quickly to farm WSG with us.
I remember some of the people on AP alliance Leaving to some God Forsaken Server without so much as a word.... I won't name names however.
we are not recreating AP or a new community but simply making a premade team no more no less learn to read plz..

If you're going to rudely say something along the lines of "learn to read," you should at least write properly.

I don't understand why you have to treat "the exiled" like it's some super secret club. You're a premade group, not MI6. Anonimity is pointless, and actually counterproductive. People are less inclined to want to join a premade group of supposedly elite players if they don't actually know who any of these players are.
If you're going to rudely say something along the lines of "learn to read," you should at least write properly.

I don't understand why you have to treat "the exiled" like it's some super secret club. You're a premade group, not MI6. Anonimity is pointless, and actually counterproductive. People are less inclined to want to join a premade group of supposedly elite players if they don't actually know who any of these players are.

What anonimity? Myself and Androlleck have both been posting for this team. I don't understand your confusion, thats two names. I'm not about to post every name on the team.
Maybe the anonimity of the person who created a new account just to make this thread...?
The idea is decent in many ways. Perhaps it's not uncommon to want an 'elite' group of players all in one place in order to form premades so you can destroy battleground teams. Maybe it isn't uncommon for a group of people to want to get away from the compactness of ap and onto a far more relaxed server. Perchance it's not uncommon to want to feel part of a supreme group. Of course some people (myself included) will happen to think this idea isn't amazing, but I wouldn't have minded so much if you'd just made it normally.

But why oh why did you choose to start this thread anonymously? You lost a huge chunk of the credibility of the idea just then, by portraying yourself not just as an 'elite' group of players, but as a laughable 'top secret' M16 operation. Sure you've come out into the open now, but only after being forced to by an account ban, which further decreased the standing of this thread.

You had a decent idea, but i'm afraid to say you made it laughable instead.
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