EU+US The effect of low-level hotfixes for level 1 twink


Read the news and logged in to my level 1 twinks to see how it effected me. And I'm disappointed. It seems like level 1's got more effected that the 10 and 19 twinks.

Damage nerf (Melee attack)
  • Hunter: 50% of normal damage (60% with full Versatility gear)
  • Rogue: 50% of normal damage (60% with full Versatility gear)
  • Monk: 77% of normal damage (93% with full Versatility gear)
  • Warlock: 73% of normal damage
  • Shaman: 72% of normal damage
  • Paladin: 51% of normal damage
  • Warrior: 61% of normal damage
  • Mage: 71% of normal damage
  • Priest: 71% of normal damage
  • Druid: 70% of normal damage
Some gear seems to affect the damage decrease. When creating a new level 1 hunter, you starts with 50% of normal damage. My fully equipped hunter has 59%. My first thought was it had to do with the item level, but I can confirm that it does not. After testing, it seems like gear with Versatility (including enchants) increases the damage.

DPS Testing
Decided to test the DPS of different classes fully equipped with the best gear possible on level 3 training dummies. This is the result:
  • Rogue: 75 DPS
  • Monk: 72 DPS
  • Warlock: 57 DPS
Enchant nerf

Elemental Force
Tested in a duel. It hits for around 60 and crits around 90. The enchant tooltip says it now hits for 65, before hotfix was around 150.

Flintlocke's Woodchucker
Proc hit about 165-200, seems to scale with the damage nerf as well.

Health regeneration

Before the hotfix, a trick to stay alive was to get out of combat since you had your hp back in just a few seconds from out-of-combat-regeneration. This got fixed and is a lot slower now. Made a quick test and it is probably around 50%-75% slower than before.


This is the biggest nerf to level 1 twinks we've seen in the last year. I haven't tested it in duels yet. We have to remember that all our opponents will be weaker as well, but since the numbers seems to be worse for level 1 than level 10's, I am worried this is a disadvantage. I will have to try and return with the result.

What's interesting now is to see which class is the best. As Monks still has 93% of their damage left, it will be interesting to see how this class perform (it was pretty weak before hotfixes). Casters does get affected as well, but only their melee damage. This means casters will be better, but I think the hit chance of spells still is too low to enter the top tier of level 1 classes.
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Pallys stacking saders still do the same damage nothing changed they just made it a pally playground.
Just when I thought they couldn't gut us any further they pull this* shit. What's next, no exp off until level 10? No dual wielding for rogues until 10? No looms until 30?

Sick of it.

I'd like that last one for brackets in general tbh
What's even more odd is some of my Classes (I have various in progress to 10 or higher, plus my 10's) have ZERO negative Modifier. Now it's entirely possible they were even higher than now but my 10 Druid has all 106% or higher (all Specs) while my Rogue is down to 65% of normal. Healing lost absolutely nothing, my 10 Disco still heals for exactly the same, while the TT shows the Multiplier for Damage output at 84%. I've also noticed that no Tank spec has been effected, from LvL 3-19 at least of Warrior/Druid/Pally. So it's clear that the untrained Monkeys got loose at Blizzard and were throwing darts at a board with random numbers and Classes then playing match-up, blindfolded.
Get 3x weapon heirloom, enchant each one with Crusader. Then fastly switch weapons (via ingame template manager) after first proc. Sometimes u can get 3x proc at one time - cause you can switch weapons while your char in combat state.
Thats why palas sometimes oneshotes ppl in wsg ;)
That doesn't seem very efficient. At level one all you have are your autos and a crusader strike every few seconds. Crusader is not a reliable proccer and a rogue will roll face on you with EF before you can get one off most likely always.
Blizzard scared of the level 1 twinks after finding out they can beat lvl 5-10s
The game is constantly evolving and will continue to do so. Lamenting how things were the previous patches and fixes really doesn't change anything. It's depressing sometimes, but try to focus on the things we do have that we didn't have before, such as xp pock, looms, new arrays of enchants, consumables, toys ,etc. Rather than trying to compare new vs old, create a new end game every patch. After all, I'd always rather be the current champion at something than the old champion at anything.
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