You always say that your 20 is "not a twink" because he's simply at his max level, "no xpoff = not a twink"
By your dogshit logic vets aren't twinks either, our xp is on just like yours is and our account status makes it so that we're at our max level just like you are. On that note I guess classic twinks aren't twinks either then because their xp is on, yeah?
It's funny because you're not even pure you're linked, lmao.
I know you are just replying to Kaløyan but most definitions of the word twink don’t even mention locking the xp.
“A low-level character made more powerful by higher-level characters, usually through gifts of armor and weapons that the character would not normally have at such low level. Also used as a verb to describe the act of giving low-level characters powerful items uncommon at their level.” -WoWWiki
“Twinks are
player characters below the
level cap who have gained the best powerful gear for their level with enhancements such as expensive weapon enchants, leg patches and BoE/BoP greens, blues or epics. Twinks are mainly used in
PvP fighting and
Battlegrounds.” - Wowpedia
Massively multiplayer online role-playing games, or MMORPGs, twinking refers to a character gaining equipment with the assistance of a higher
level character, particularly by giving the low level character higher level equipment that is otherwise unattainable. It can also be used to describe the process of keeping a video game character at a low level while using in-game currency, earned by a high level character, to provide it with superior equipment.” -Wikipedia
For me, twinks is a state of mind, if you consider yourself a twink, you are a twink. I consider at least my own f2p chars as twinks, I consider vets as twinks and I consider vanilla twinks as twinks.