The Days of Yore


Lord of the Black Flame
The year was 2003, Thrall was Warchief of the Horde and a little boy who was about 7 years old was in charge of the Alliance.

I was a young-one back in those days; I'd go down to the local Inn and get some bread for 5 copper, but back in those days copper had a tiny picture of a goblin on them, so we called them 'Gobs'. "Give me 1 silver for 100 gobs" we'd say.

Anyway, I headed to Loiter-ville which is what we used to call Orgrimmar back in the day on account of all the rap-scallions who would AFK there all day inbetween raids.

As I was saying, I was headed to Loiter-ville, so I had an onion on my belt which was the fashion of the time. I spent all my hard earnings on my first mount; you young wipper-snappers have it too easy with your 5 gold mounts. We had to walk 15 miles through the snow, uphill both ways just to get enough money to pay the flightpath master to take us somewhere. And this was back in the day when a copper would pay for

breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a night at the inn and you'd still get change back.

So, I walked into Orgrimmar, which we called Loiter-ville, with an onion on my belt, because it was the fashion at the time. And bought my first mount. It cost me 100 gold, or one-million Gobs, but it was worth it.

I had just done Zul'Farrak, which had just opened up, and had gotten this new item called Carrot on a Stick. Now, I waltz on out of Orgrimmar on my 64% speed mount and was the talk of the town. I passed by many on lookers who were in awe and asked me to spare them some Gobs.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a young girl who was new to the game. She had just rolled an Undead Rogue and had put her talent points, which we called Whicky-Wackers, into Combat ad had one point in every one of the weapon specs. I also noticed that she was wearing all greys and her weapons had zero durability, which we called Hick-A-Doo-La back then. It was at this point I began to cry, not because of the poor state she was in, but because of all the onions everyone had on there belts.

Then I left Loiter-ville and headed for the zep to Undercity. At the time we didn't have fancy flyng mounts or an NPC that told us where the zep was, we had to wait.

So I got on the zep and as it embarked on it's journey I looked down at all the players below me and started throughing Gobs at them. Then I realized I was on the wrong zep and ended up in Grom, which we called Funky Town.

But then I had forgotten why I was going to Undercity so I logged off.

funny stuff
I heard someone talking about how they were an older player, so I decided to have a pissing contest and ended up winning.

was this supposed to be funny or something
i thought it was pretty funny. in my head i was reading it in an old mans voice like how old people like to tell storys to their grandkids n shit

for onions is that a joke of the tooltip icons like hillmans leather belt n stuff or something else
wow that was good. i hope your not like RR Martin and we have to wait 7 years to see some more.
Waaag said:
wow that was good. i hope your not like RR Martin and we have to wait 7 years to see some more.

I actually am. Expect more from me in about 7 to 10 years.


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