Pandaren: 100% , you have a sleep, and you have a x2 food buff.
If you have some noodles (+8 intellect) you can have a (+16 intellect) as pandaren.
You can try Lightforged dranei for huge burst on one Target. You can crit 700 + easy too.
For horde its Tauren 100%
Pandaren: 100% , you have a sleep, and you have a x2 food buff.
If you have some noodles (+8 intellect) you can have a (+16 intellect) as pandaren.
You can try Lightforged dranei for huge burst on one Target. You can crit 700 + easy too.
For horde its Tauren 100%
Completely forgot about Pandarian!
I think that the food buff was nerfed from their zen zone unless you're talking about the noodle cart?
Lightforged can't be shaman unfortunately.
Listed in order of best to worse.
1. Tauren - Extra stamina and the stun are the best racials you can get.
2. Goblin - Extra haste is nice (1%) and the rocket jump can make for some unique plays.
3/4. Orc - Stat boost, stun duration reduction (not as useful as u'd think with only 2-3 classes with stuns in the bracket)
4/3. Zandalri Troll - Goblin Glider racial, Loa racial options, Full heal over 6 seconds - useful racials but nothing spectacular for a resto shaman. On par with Orc imo.
5. Troll - Haste boost, hp regen, fear duration reduction - not on par with the rest of the options in the bracket.
1. Dark Iron Dwarf - 1% reduced physical damage, self dispel + stat boost, movement speed increased in flag rooms (4%)
2. Dwarf - 10% damage reduction cooldown and self dispel
3. Kul Tiran - Underrated race. Racial stun & knockback, versatility increase including minor self heal
4. Draenei - Very poor choice for this level. Racials are not worth considering (3int at lvl 20) & 20% hp hot.
Goblin is much better than tauren
Lightforged can't be shaman unfortunately.
You can't have noodles as a low level Pandaren? The noodles I've seen are lvl 100+ and cart requires lvl 90+? If you get someone else to place the noodle cart, then sure, but that's not really a viable strat if you just wanna log in and play.
Other food buffs are still nice though.
Kul'Tiran is clearly the superior race for Alliance. No question.
just gonna second this. Highmountain does indeed rule. Bullrush and earthbind totem can be game changing.theres also highmountain tauren u can pick
Bull Rush Highmountain Tauren Racial
6 yd range
Instant 2 min cooldown
Charge forward for 1 sec, knocking enemies down for 1.5 sec.
great racial that u can make plays with, interrupt a healing, stun a group of people and watch 3 people instant trinket a 1.5sec which is always fun to see lol
and of course to run away if u need to
just gonna second this. Highmountain does indeed rule. Bullrush and earthbind totem can be game changing.
Also, you get to ride a fluffy moose. Which honestly rips.
You think?
I'd say they both have their benefits.
If your rocket leap is on cooldown, you have nothing. 1% haste is a welcome boon but less game changing than 5% stamina, my opinion.
Taurens have a stun, this can be used offensively and defensively. When this is on cooldown you still have the inherent extra hp which can make all the difference.
With that being said, rocket jump can make some great plays, especially when carrying the flag.
For pug's and random bg's I'd say tauren, for wargames and competitive play, I'd verge on goblin, just.