The best part of no XP @ 19

Level 1s killing level 20s again? Damn straight. Most are baddies and are not even gonna come close to breaking AGM shield, and the +24 stam will be quite lovely for the nethercleft loss. Back up to over 1.1k we go :D. I hope they launch soon, I'm on the virge of taking a WoW Hiatus.
Okay, what the hell is going on here. I'm trippin here cuz I haven't heard shit about this yet. As far as I've understood, will we be able to toggle off income exp after some specific lvl is earned?. If this is from lvl 1;

1. Yay lvl 1 twinks are back.

2. Great for lvl 10 twinks as well, can do more quests.

3. Don't like this for the 19s, finishing your twink the moment you ding 19 is easy, but wit this toggle less "dumber" twinks won't suffer from rushing etc.

Explorer title will prolly be so common now that you'll see more twinks without it than with it. Not exactly, but yeah.

EDIT: Please give me some source which explains this shit and will this remove all exp income? Not only for example from mobs, discoveries and quests. Only like 1 of them each.

EDIT2: This is mean to me! All I wanna do now is buy a GC and get fucking back on the lvl 1 twinking horse.
Subpar said:
zomg, can I come for the explorer title? :3

I have a plan to get the full Midsummer costume and still stay level 1, then once 3.2 hits im going for agm x2

better hope this comes out in ~1 week because midsummer is coming up fast!

Boglund said:
Okay, what the hell is going on here. I'm trippin here cuz I haven't heard shit about this yet. As far as I've understood, will we be able to toggle off income exp after some specific lvl is earned?. If this is from lvl 1;

1. Yay lvl 1 twinks are back.

2. Great for lvl 10 twinks as well, can do more quests.

3. Don't like this for the 19s, finishing your twink the moment you ding 19 is easy, but wit this toggle less "dumber" twinks won't suffer from rushing etc.

Explorer title will prolly be so common now that you'll see more twinks without it than with it. Not exactly, but yeah.

EDIT: Please give me some source which explains this shit and will this remove all exp income? Not only for example from mobs, discoveries and quests. Only like 1 of them each.

EDIT2: This is mean to me! All I wanna do now is buy a GC and get fucking back on the lvl 1 twinking horse.

seriously i don't think explorer will become that common. it's a pain in the ass to do even on an 80, and only really dedicated twinks will still have it.

Edit: Source, patchnotes:

# Battlegrounds

* Battleground experience has arrived!

o Players will now be awarded experience for completing objectives and actions that yield honor in Battlegrounds (honorable kills not included).

o Players who do not wish to gain experience through PvP can visit Behsten in Stormwind or Slahtz in Orgrimmar - both located near the Battlemasters in either city - and turn off all experience accumulation for the cost of 10 gold.

o Disabling experience gains will prevent a player from gaining experience through any means available in the game.

o Players with experience gains turned off who compete in Battlegrounds will face off only against other players with experience gains turned off.

o Behsten and Slahtz can reinstate experience gains for players, for a 10 gold fee of course. Any experience that would've been accumulated if experience gains were not turned off cannot be recovered.

I'm surprised no one commented on this answer yet. Blue rewards for winning matches in WSG. Hopefull new class specific items :)

"Cory Stockton: Battleground rewards are high on the list of features that we would like to get in the game. We are not planning to implement this for patch 3.2.0 but we are currently working on it and expect to implement it into a future patch. We are planning to let players roll on mostly greens and the occasional blue item at the end of each Battleground. These items will be highly optimized by class, level, and talent specialization."
Twinkytoes said:
Im pretty sure its just for BG EXP.

Read the patch notes lol.
iaccidentallytwink said:
It doesn't give any XP. All you had to do was run around as a ghost.

New to the title topic but you can get this while as a ghost? please explain =D
I lol'd Xao, but anyways - guys don't get too excited about the blue rewards from BG wins ^^

"Cory Stockton: Battleground rewards are high on the list of features that we would like to get in the game. We are not planning to implement this for patch 3.2.0 but we are currently working on it and expect to implement it into a future patch. We are planning to let players roll on mostly greens and the occasional blue item at the end of each Battleground. These items will be highly optimized by class, level, and talent specialization."

it will be neat indeed, but it may take them 2-4 more patches down the road to implement this ^^ and if they don't do it so you can only roll on stuff you can wear, ill cry xD :

The Horde have won WSG!

[Hunter1]: HUNTR LOOTS!!!

[Hunter1] rolls 87 on [Warrior Chest Piece]


[Hunter2] rolls 93 on [Caster Staff]

oh the fun times that shall begin

*edit* I also don't think the items rewarded will be stuff already in the game, they may be decent or close to stuff in the game, but I don't think they are going to give out Shadowfang's and TWC's and Treebark Jacket's at the end of WSG :p
Correct Ramune, if you are in the group with someone, and you are dead and they kill guys that reward rep - you get the rep aswell, netlimiter was/is used for Explorer title because you can explore the areas while you are dead, and thus no xp

As for everyone worrying about the Explorer title being on every twink, o well? Its kind of a dumb title imho anyways, and it is still going to take you like 1250 deaths and 15 days /played :p
iaccidentallytwink said:

Netlimiter has nothing to do with Diplomat title. If you think it does, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.

Ah, guess I should of read the post better, thought he was asking about the explorer title.

Personally I could care less about titles on my twink.
Spooksters said:
Correct Ramune, if you are in the group with someone, and you are dead and they kill guys that reward rep - you get the rep aswell, netlimiter was/is used for Explorer title because you can explore the areas while you are dead, and thus no xp

As for everyone worrying about the Explorer title being on every twink, o well? Its kind of a dumb title imho anyways, and it is still going to take you like 1250 deaths and 15 days /played :p

Maybe so. But it's another title and alot of achievement points. Rather fun to do if you can concentrate on more than one thing at once. Family Guy + Explorer ftw? Or a film. Just use time effiently, and it'll seem quite fast. Also, I'm abit of a achievement whore, so getting literally everything at level 19 for me; is an achievement itself. Just my 2 cents :)

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