the attitude of a 24

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I have notice a good amount of 24 trolls in the free to play forums as well as in battleground chat.

Sure you can play a 24 BUT

I am curious to know why do you 24s troll/harass/insult/put down free to play 20s the battleground chat AND in the free to play forum.

I am not bashing on how little skill it takes to play a 24 but rather on the attitude of a 24. Sure 1 24 doesnt represent all 24s BUT for those of you that view the free to play forums regularly you can clearly see theres more than 1 24 troll and 24 trolls troll ATLEAST once a week in the free to play forum. I can assume in my view that ATLEAST half of you have troll/harass/insult/put down free to play 20s the battleground chat AND in the free to play forum.

So i am curious to know why is your attitude like this 24s?
I have notice a good amount of 24 trolls in the free to play forums as well as in battleground chat.

Sure you can play a 24 BUT

I am curious to know why do you 24s troll/harass/insult/put down free to play 20s the battleground chat AND in the free to play forum.

I am not bashing on how little skill it takes to play a 24 but rather on the attitude of a 24. Sure 1 24 doesnt represent all 24s BUT for those of you that view the free to play forums regularly you can clearly see theres more than 1 24 troll and 24 trolls troll ATLEAST once a week in the free to play forum. I can assume in my view that ATLEAST half of you have troll/harass/insult/put down free to play 20s the battleground chat AND in the free to play forum.

So i am curious to know why is your attitude like this 24s?

My motto is you dont bash me i dont bash you. Yes some 24's probably rage in bg chat due their team but shit happens. Also do take into effect F2p players do the same exact thing to us.
My motto is you dont bash me i dont bash you. Yes some 24's probably rage in bg chat due their team but shit happens. Also do take into effect F2p players do the same exact thing to us.
are you sure i have been in bgs with you and you and your friend icarrynoobs seem to like to insult free to plays 20s alot. and from some of your post (first few ones) it seems you troll without any provocation
are you sure i have been in bgs with you and you and your friend icarrynoobs seem to like to insult free to plays 20s alot. and from some of your post (first few ones) it seems you troll without any provocation

Yet if you see the first beginning parts in the forum threads i am always included when i honestly dont even rage in bgs i play to win. Icarry is another story. But yes like i said shit happens people lose it. Best not to keep losing it.
are you sure i have been in bgs with you and you and your friend icarrynoobs seem to like to insult free to plays 20s alot. and from some of your post (first few ones) it seems you troll without any provocation

You have to understand that icarrynoobs, and this guy alike ,LIVE for feeding people with anger. It really doesn't matter to them that you share the same colors, it's just a " I can't be the best any where but this game " attitude. So , when you come here to post about their attitudes you essentially give them the giddy feeling they wanted.

Plain and simple, there's the people who do this for fun and then there's those that NEED this since nothing else is working for them in real life. Next time you encounter them just click their name and /ignore. What's the worst that can happen once you do that?
People are dicks regardless of what lvl they play. Sure there are some baddies that make lots of other people look bad. But in the end we have to realize that not everybody plays for the same reason. Some people play to help others and support one another. Other like to shit over people because they think its fun. Depending on my mood i have done both. I try not to be that "asshole" but im sure i have come across that way. I have gy camped but i find it gets very boring very quick. I personally just like killing efc's.

So in short, I play a 19 and a 24. I do it to have fun. Sometimes its just chasing an efc, other times its farming in mid. I respect 20s. If you want to play for free go ahead. I pay to play how i want. Peace.
I don't troll, farm or emote spam.. Although i will pick on people if i see them ganking lowbies and GY farming.. I have my very own Kill on Sight list (I recommend these to everyone)!

Farming... at 24.... is soooo boring - but I can see why the F2P players like to do it... we were all there once.
I too will admit; I have been apart of bad manners within the battleground at all levels (to confirm Rant's statement). I mainly run around with a a motto, and whilst some people may think its bad, others consider it a blessing. I pretty much have the mental thought of, Treat others the way you want to be treated. So; if you /spit and /slap me, I will personally take the time out of my bging live to farm you while /laughing and making that particular game extremely miserable. Farming the GY is actually an understandable tactic, it allows the enemy team to with ease carry the flag to their cap or gain honor points if we are talking about AB. I try to avoid that; however I will stay within range to obtain honor. That probably makes me part of the problem but in my eyes, I don't believe it does.

Lets continue this discussion; could get interesting.
24s have a huge potential to be the biggest bracket, and the most fun. But majority of the people are making 24s for the wrong reasons. Eventually (hold me to my word on this one) the "good" players will start making 24s. As soon as that happens, the "lolbaddies" who made 24s to own 20s will be creamed so fast; they will eventually leave the bracket.

Majority of the 24s used to be 20s who got owned by another 20. So to stop this, they made a 24 so they wouldnt lose to that lvl 20. Well what happens when that 20 who owned u makes a 24 and owns u @lvl 24? You'll leave to a different bracket.

Hold me to my word on this. It's a cycle of stupidity.
No but they will do what most ppl do when they get pwned over and over again.

Punch a hole in the wall or play a different game(or different bracket as you said).
Please refrain from grouping all 24s together. Idiots will be idiots regardless of whichever bracket they choose to participate in.

Having said that, there are some things about f2p players that really grate on my nerves. The entitlement issues, the hypocrisy and bullshit like this ( has tested my patience quite often. Oh and the 'lololol all 24s r bad u mad u got farmed by f2ps lolol' attitude is just as shit as the 'lol f2p nerds watch me troll u all' nonsense.
If I only read this forum and didn't play the bracket myself I'd think every BG was a flamewar and emotes were flying all over. On the contrary, on alliance EU I enjoy the good atmosphere. Maybe US servers have more problems?

Being a 24 I find farming incredibly boring. There's a cycle to everything, and my current FoM is to grab flag and run it back through horde GY. Objective is everything, but may aswell have fun doing it. Only reasons I would avoid capping and instead farm is if someone in the group gives a valid reason, such as "I'm 4 kills away from wrecking ball", "Need to return 2 more flags for ach", "Just need 8 more honor for that new BoA".

Of all the badmouthing going on I'd say 70% of it is against hunters in general and 30% 24's. Not a single time have I noticed a 24 comment on a badly geared f2p. They do that themselves.

So I'm this so-called badmouthing a bigger problem over the pond than in Europe?
The f2p 20s create enough drama for themselves on Aerie Peak.

BGs are fine, I don't give people shit about being on f2p, they don't accuse me of crutching on 4 extra levels. The only reason why there is bad blood between 20s and 24s here on this forum is because of people like Mr. f2pkiller up there, and the stupid 20s who instantly assume that since the trolls are 24 players, all 24 players = trolls who are just out to ruin their happy fun time in their special snowflake section and bracket.

The non-retarded 20s ignore the trolls, mess about on AP, make their premades and stay out of drama.
This thread has started fine, but has potential to burn. Please continue with the good clean responses.

Yeah it was and i also got banned for defending myself against a 20 flamer and he recieved no punishments thats fair i suppose im the 24 so im the bad guy and i get singled out. lawl. Very disapointed.
Yeah it was and i also got banned for defending myself against a 20 flamer and he recieved no punishments thats fair i suppose im the 24 so im the bad guy and i get singled out. lawl. Very disapointed.
i got banned too idiot you started trolling the f2p forums so i started trolling you back tenfold idiot YOU started it not me i just repaid you tenfold other than that IS IT TIME TO CIRCUMVENT BANS AND STIR UP TROUBLE ALREADY DONT START WITHOUT ME

Please refrain from grouping all 24s together. Idiots will be idiots regardless of whichever bracket they choose to participate in.

Having said that, there are some things about f2p players that really grate on my nerves. The entitlement issues, the hypocrisy and bullshit like this (http://www.twinkinfo...ting-has-to-go/) has tested my patience quite often. Oh and the 'lololol all 24s r bad u mad u got farmed by f2ps lolol' attitude is just as shit as the 'lol f2p nerds watch me troll u all' nonsense.
i i trolled out of retaliation and you got 'lololol all 24s r bad u mad u got farmed by f2ps lolol' from me i am guessing?i do report sometimes but its so slow before the mods take action like i said i only troll out of retaliation and i am pretty sure 24s trolled the f2p forums way before the first f2p 20 trolled a 24
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