the attitude of a 24

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Regarding the OP's topic:

The 20 vs 24 topic is a sensitive issue with some players. Trolls will gouge and dig at someone to get a reaction. They have no care for logic or reason, the entire point of trolling is to incite a reaction. Some do it to point out that people are over-reacting to an issue (like the comedian George Carlin,) while others are just malicious and bash, flame, and hate on others because they're negative people without any regard for the topic at hand, or the reaction it will bring (other than keep things stirred up.)

The malicious trolls aren't mentally mature and still act like jerks, no matter the age. They live to provoke people and piss them off, then feed on it and keep on acting out. All in all it's just a touchy subject that might not ever die down. To truly put an end to it, people just have to accept that the problem is there, nothing can be done for now and to simply move on.
Regarding the OP's topic:

The 20 vs 24 topic is a sensitive issue with some players. Trolls will gouge and dig at someone to get a reaction. They have no care for logic or reason, the entire point of trolling is to incite a reaction. Some do it to point out that people are over-reacting to an issue (like the comedian George Carlin,) while others are just malicious and bash, flame, and hate on others because they're negative people without any regard for the topic at hand, or the reaction it will bring (other than keep things stirred up.)

The malicious trolls aren't mentally mature and still act like jerks, no matter the age. They live to provoke people and piss them off, then feed on it and keep on acting out. All in all it's just a touchy subject that might not ever die down. To truly put an end to it, people just have to accept that the problem is there, nothing can be done for now and to simply move on.
thats why you troll the troll in another thread!!!!!just to let you know i only troll out of retaliation if you havent already figured that out yet. Atleast i have a semi-legit reason to troll unlike critycity and icarrynoobs.if you dont troll but your guild does i dont care your a legit target to troll. And i like how you are probably trying to relate your argument to me BUT atleast i have a semi-legit reason unlike the 24 trolls see i am not an unreasonable asshole troll trying to provoke people without a REASON
The f2p 20s create enough drama for themselves on Aerie Peak.

BGs are fine, I don't give people shit about being on f2p, they don't accuse me of crutching on 4 extra levels. The only reason why there is bad blood between 20s and 24s here on this forum is because of people like Mr. f2pkiller up there, and the stupid 20s who instantly assume that since the trolls are 24 players, all 24 players = trolls who are just out to ruin their happy fun time in their special snowflake section and bracket.

The non-retarded 20s ignore the trolls, mess about on AP, make their premades and stay out of drama.

The bad blood is there because when f2p was announced we picked a dead bracket to stay out of people's way. Now that it's active 24s roll in and shit it up leaving us with no home. When all your competition is f2p 20s why roll 24?
The bad blood is there because when f2p was announced we picked a dead bracket to stay out of people's way. Now that it's active 24s roll in and shit it up leaving us with no home. When all your competition is f2p 20s why roll 24?
i gave up talking in a civil manner to 24s quite a while ago mate, all you will get is troll response. all you will get is shit like "WE PWNZOR YOU YOU MAD BRO CAUSE WE TROLLING YOU". just ignore them or troll them back
thats why you troll the troll in another thread!!!!!just to let you know i only troll out of retaliation if you havent already figured that out yet. Atleast i have a semi-legit reason to troll unlike critycity and icarrynoobs.if you dont troll but your guild does i dont care your a legit target to troll. And i like how you are probably trying to relate your argument to me BUT atleast i have a semi-legit reason unlike the 24 trolls see i am not an unreasonable asshole troll trying to provoke people without a REASON

Show me where I've trolled someone in another thread. Back up your claims. Let's see some links.
Show me where I've trolled someone in another thread. Back up your claims. Let's see some links.
if you dont troll but your guild does i dont care your a legit target to trollyou want links? well go check your guild recruitment thread about you admitting theres trolls in your guild
if you dont troll but your guild does i dont care your a legit target to trollyou want links? well go check your guild recruitment thread about you admitting theres trolls in your guild

Perhaps you should re- read the thread where I said we suspect there might be trolls in the guild. Until you provide proof that we do, you're just making yourself look bad and racking up the reports on trolling, flaming, insulting and picking fights, things that have been stated in the code of conduct not to do. Keep going, you've been banned once, number two is close by.

You don't care that I'm a legit target? You say you'll troll away? Do you live for trolling or something? Is that all you do on twinkinfo is troll? I took a look at your post history and it's loaded with you de-railing threads, posting garbage and most hypocritical: Trolling. You do 5 times the amount of trolling that you accuse us of (with no proof) and have been banned for. And your claims that you only troll in retaliation is complete bullshit. If it weren't true, why were you banned? You have a hate for 24's and for some odd reason have a fixation on our guild. No to mention, you keep going on about something (that has yet to be proved) that's older than a month. You alone have done more disruption than we ever could.

I'm still waiting on those links, let's see you put up or shut up.


I remember you saying that you can't be banned if you don't break the rules. (And were subsequently banned, lol.) So to help you out, here's some reference material.


Spamming or Trolling

This category includes both clear and masked language, images and/or links to websites containing such language which:

* Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters

* Making non-constructive posts

* Any discussion between a small group of members that could be handled with a private group or private message. This includes "@player" messages.

Harassing or Defamatory

This category includes both clear and masked language, images and/or links to websites containing such language which:

* Insultingly refer to other members or groups of people

* Result in ongoing harassment to other members or groups of people
oh i am SURE you already FORGOTTEN that phrastychill trolled the forums last time, 24 trolls f2p 20s, f2p 20s troll 24s get over it stop crying after all a person can only be harassed if he allows himself to be harassed

oh inb4 getting banned again, critcity and icarrynoobs got banned too i guess took 2 down with me though they made new accounts to get around their ban
oh i am SURE you already FORGOTTEN that phrastychill trolled the forums last time

oh inb4 getting banned again, critcity and icarrynoobs got banned too i guess took 2 down with me though they made new accounts to get around their ban

Phrawsty on twinkinfo is not Phrawstychill/Epicpanda.
Two different people. Assumption just really burned your ass now didn't it? Great job on "taking down" 2 trolls you big internet super hero.

Since that little matter is cleared up, got anything else?
i didn't really take them down they made new accounts......... and if you even bothered reading the old f2p threads from when before you were on twinkinfo you can see that there has been constant trolling of f2p 20s by 24 trolls(if those threads arent deleted). i am just trying to turn the tables around you know? OH AND I AM SOOO REALLY APOLOGETIC ABOUT TROLLING YOUR EPLC GUILDIES AND YOU SINCE THEY ARE A BUNCH OF POLITE NICE PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER EVER TROLLED BG CHAT OR TWINKINFO BEFORE
i didn't really take them down they made new accounts......... and if you even bothered reading the old f2p threads from when before you were on twinkinfo you can see that there has been constant trolling of f2p 20s by 24 trolls(if those threads arent deleted). i am just trying to turn the tables around you know?

I'm quite sure that f2ps were trolling 24's and 24's were trolling f2ps. I thought that whole thing was rather sad, how people who share a community can't get along and see it grow. That truly is sad. But the thing is, it's not your fight. It's up to the f2p's to report the 24's and see things done that way. Trolling leads to counter trolling. Wouldn't you agree?

If you want really want to help, stop being a jerk and help the f2p's with reporting 24 trolls and see that things are done the right way. I'm willing to forget the mess that's happened up until now, I'm being quite serious about this. Our recruitment thread is destroyed by assumption, things stated with no proof and that's really frustrating when we just want to BG and have a good time. But if you really want to turn the tables, educate the f2p's show them how to defend themselves instead of breaking 5 and 6 forum rules whenever you post.

Lets get things going right on twinkinfo. New forum, new guilds and things being made, let's do it right.

Prove it. Show links, screenshots.
I can read fine. Still waiting on that proof where EPIC trolled BG's and people on twinkinfo.


Quarter till 6 here, going to sleep. That means you can have the last post barthilas and feel good about yourself. Keep posting brah, I'll see you on your third account.
I honestly made a 24 to make level 20 F2P kids angry. I think it works phenomenally well, and I dont think I've had a single game that I didnt enjoy at least a little bith.
barthilas is clearly full of shit. I'm not condoning the actions of the trolls but there's no difference between what he's doing and what the 24 trolls are doing. If you have a bone to pick with the trolls, do it in PMs, BGchat or their own stupid threads. Don't create posts that antagonise others on purpose and give other players grief simply because they decide that your f2p rules are not worth obeying. Just because someone is retarded enough to shit all over your section doesn't mean you get to do the same to other people.
CLEARLY i am a result of 24s trolling the f2p 20s

I honestly made a 24 to make level 20 F2P kids angry. I think it works phenomenally well, and I dont think I've had a single game that I didnt enjoy at least a little bith.
hahaha your just mad i had the last say in the thread cotus's guide to not being bad. hahahah you still butthurt over it bro? u butthurt bro?

barthilas is clearly full of shit. I'm not condoning the actions of the trolls but there's no difference between what he's doing and what the 24 trolls are doing. If you have a bone to pick with the trolls, do it in PMs, BGchat or their own stupid threads. Don't create posts that antagonise others on purpose and give other players grief simply because they decide that your f2p rules are not worth obeying. Just because someone is retarded enough to shit all over your section doesn't mean you get to do the same to other people.
i am full of shit? i am no different from 24s trolls?if there is one difference i troll 24s out of RETALIATION. idc if someone plays a 24. its just that some (most in my experience) verbally harass and troll f2p 20s
Some sort of /ignore function in this forum would be great, where you never ever see posts made by selected users. Just ignore them guys, don't answer, even if they aim their posts directly at you (probably -especially- if they target you directly). Trying to beat sense into such posters always backfires. This will probably be the only time I go out of my way by giving this topic any attention and writing about it.

So for OP: Attitude of a 24 is pretty similar to the attitude of all levels and branches of society: there are good and bad apples. Majority are good, but the bad ones are always more noticeable.
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