The "Alt" Thread


I've probably got enough material for a blog but I dont have the ambition for it, but since games are boring ATM I'm going to post a bunch of random secret info I've been hoarding. Since p2p/f2p linked accounts was announced I've been working on the development of my version of the 'ultimate' f2p twink.

The first chapter begins roughly nine months ago when the rogue "Riot" offered me a chance to do an RAF trial account linked to my old main P2P. This was before MoP and the linked accounts were even announced. I said sure, and we leveled a couple of belfs up to 20 in the space of an hour or two, I happened to roll a ret paladin named Ukyo. I didnt dwell much on the character at the time, since I already had multiple alts going, including Tentacleman and a few other 'main' alts, I already had a different paladins for each spec, etc.

Riot showed me a few really interesting things. The first is that you can use a GM ticket to free up old names on characters that have been sitting for a long time. From my favorite game FF6 I got the name "Terra" for my DK, who has since become my 'main' 90. But the next thing Riot told me really sparked my interest. She said that because my trial RAF account was linked to my main account, I would probably be able to send BOAs to my trial by using GM tickets.

Would it work? I had a BOA plate helmet sitting in my bags on my main account. I decided I would attempt to send the BOA helm and cape, a BOA sword with Crusader on it, and a couple other BOAs to Ukyo. After the mail arrived, I sent a GM ticket and pled my case, asking to have the BOAs taken out of the mail and given to my character. The first GM said he couldn't do it, but he could send the mail back. Same with the next few. After a few tries though, to my surprise and excitement a GM took the BOAs out of the mail and gave them to me.

So there I was with a f2p character with a Crusader sword, BOA helm and cape. I'm still not sure why, but I instinctively felt the need to keep this discovery a secret. I told Riot about it, and I also told Shft. Neither of them seemed to be very interested which was baffling to me. I made a point of disabling the f2p addon while using Ukyo. I felt that if I were using gear that was non-f2p that it would (justly) be looked upon as cheating or whatever and I didnt want to deal with any drama, nor did I want to draw attention to the gear and have people starting to realize what was going on.

My other problem was, I'm really not that interested in playing paladins to begin with. Ret held a minimal amount of interest for me. I had really only sent the BOAs to see if I could actually get them through; I hadn't thought about what would happen afterwards. After all was said and done, I hardly used the character. Now that MoP has come, even with bonus gear Ukyo hits like a wet noodle.

Now, I should take a second and remind us that this worked ONCE. I haven't tried it since but the few people I have actually talked to about this said that they had tried multiple times and had never had any luck with a GM taking the BOAs out of the mail for them. So there is no guarantee that this can work again. That's part of why I was originally kind of paranoid about telling people that I had been successful in my attempt. But now I just don't care.

But since all this happened many months ago, I've planned to make more "ultimate" f2p twinks with full guild BOAs. This requires a serious time/gold expenditure and requires that you pay to play for a month at least. So there is some sacrifice involved in obtaining this gear. There is also the chance that you will not be able to get the BOAs in any case. If I feel like it Im going to continue to elaborate on this post at later time, with more adventures of my secret alts and would-be ultimate twinks.
While not commonly mentioned, this has been known for quite some time. I never tried it personally however.

The one and only time I asked a GM to help was to get Stinker, the 50 companion achievement pet out of my mailbox. Surprisingly not only did the GM agree to do this one time, they also pulled everything else out of my mailbox, which was just a couple beer of the months about to expire.

One idea I had was to ask a GM to pickup something else from the mailbox, and maybe by chance they'll withdraw the BoAs in there too!
I very briefly messed with sending mail to my F2Ps in hopes of GMs retrieving it for me, mostly vanity stuff, like the clockwork rocket bot, this was before MoP, of course. But the more I thought about it, the worse it seemed. I started to think about F2Ps with full looms justifying it by saying they're still F2P, it would just cause a bunch of trouble, so I stopped.

However, it's only a matter of time before you would get a GM who would do it, fact.
@ Aradiel yeah I chose sword for RP but as soon as this worked I started thinking about the possibilities other enchantments could offer etc. A glance at the 19s forum and I found out about the Pyrium chain that you mentioned. I have one now sitting on a mace for a theoretical Enh shaman but apparently they arent very good in the current meta either.

Chain would but awesome for rogues, dw warriors, prot, maybe some other things too. As you can see I put +5 resistances to cloak thinking at the time it would be OP, in retrospect lol. 4 stats to chest is nice. It feels even more risky to try to get a GM to pull a weapon with pyrium on it out for your f2p haha. Would be nice to have.

I can say that while using this gear druing Cata I felt pretty lame when killing normal f2ps. That being said, as the bracket seems more flooded with 24s than ever, you get the urge to want to level the playing field any way you can against these guys. As far as random battleground play is concerned, I say at this point its pretty much fair game what gear/enchants people run. This bracket has always been 'all bets are off' that way for me.
It's very... interesting

oops, i upped this topic to the top
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