EU+US The 10's Directory

I'm at work right now! I will update once I'm free!

@ohti @DexaQT
Déxaqt - outland eu > fully bis 10 rogue

I asked you last time, and I'll ask you again, I need the URL link to update your toon!
Hey guys.
I'm back here for the first time in years. I haven't played for a looong time (since mid MoP).
Back then I had this level 10 paladin twink
Is it any good in the current twinking situation? I understand that ilvl has become important somehow?
I remember being the only one here on Twinkinfo with those pants, as they were never really available for level 10's without a little GM tricking - are they any good now?
Hey guys.
I'm back here for the first time in years. I haven't played for a looong time (since mid MoP).
Back then I had this level 10 paladin twink
Is it any good in the current twinking situation? I understand that ilvl has become important somehow?
I remember being the only one here on Twinkinfo with those pants, as they were never really available for level 10's without a little GM tricking - are they any good now?
Your toon is amazing I wish I would’ve gotten the gfd gear on my 10s
Thanks man. Is the gear still any good though pvp wise? I've been wanting to try and come back into twinking a little bit soon. I have loads of characters, but this one is the most special one because of those special pants.
Not for instanced pvp but for duels and stuff some of that stuff is crazy good

Pvp stat template is confusing so I’ll try and explain best I can.
So for every 1 item level increase is .1% stat increase. For you to get the full stat template you must wear all your armor type. The BiS items u need besides BG crate gear are the rock x2 problem solving pendant
Dont worry @GaithM LegacyBrah It's on my to-do list as soon as I return from vacation :)

Bye-bye level 11s+/inactive lists and semi naked twinks!

I guess I can give everyone a heads up:

If you want your twink to remain on this list PLEASE equip actual gear and not ilvl sets.

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