EU <Thats So Ravencrest> 29 Twink Guild


<Thats So Ravencrest> is a twinking guild for experienced and skilled players who enjoy the level 20-29 bracket. We are are friendly and social bunch who are always up for a laugh, however our recruitment process is far from a joke as we are selective on who we invite.

We are currently a committed bunch with skilled players such as Ximesqt, Idkhowtoplay and Junkytv. We are also looking into setting up a weekly event within the guild which will take place in a private location (which is still to be discussed). The event will be essentially a 'Winner Stays On' in a large duel event within the guild. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will win a pack of twinky items and gold as prizes.

What we expect of you:
- A social and friendly attitude.
- Experience in PvP.
- Knowledge of your class and the bracket.
- Activity is key as we are looking for committed players.

What you can expect of us:
- A friendly and social guild chat.
- A thriving guild bank.
- Skilled and knowledgeable players.
- Partners for 2v2's and teams for BG's
- Weekly events within the guild for prizes and fun.
- Organised Battle Ground against other twinking guilds.

Anyone wishing to apply will have to answer a few simple questions from either one of our Officers or the Guild Master.
Any interest into applying please whisper:
- Fistreceiver*Ravencrest
- Junkay*Ravencrest
- Ximesqt*Ravencrest
- Lavagash*Ravencrest
- Moonkeyy*Ravencrest

Many thanks.
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None of u RC players are famous. The only thing people know about 29's from RC is how bad they are. Apart from the guys that used to play in GSC.
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bunch with 'famous' and skilled players such as Ximesqt, Idkhowtoplay and Junkytv.

First time i see this names in 4 years in this bracket.

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