Thanks for everything, and goodbye :)


Hey guys,
As soon as I first saw that fantastically cheesy Chuck Norris ad for world of warcraft, and saw that this game had a f2p section, I was in, download straight away and in I went, with my brand spanking new nelf rogue :) For at least a month I wandered the world, lonely in the game, confused for several weeks, constantly juggling between toons I naïvely thought were BiS, how I laugh at myself back then now.

And then I found this place. A site dedicated to people like me, but better in the game. I found Aerie Peak, and the F2P chat addon, and I loved it, I absolutely freakin' loved it. Having recently looked back at all of my old forum posts, I remember how you guys all helped to develop as a character, in skill and knowledge. I had someone explain about premades, another helped me with the choice of my main, yet another answered the question 'what does ap stand for?' :p. I feel all the community helped to shape me as a player of this wonderful game.

Through the highs and lows of this game in the last 6-7 months, I always felt there were awesome people playing this game, and I'm sure there always will be, but unfortunately, I'll rarely be there to see them, because for anyone who knew me, it's time I said farewell to you all. I have the biggest exams of my life coming up, and I'm afraid to say gw2 has its hook firmly within me right now.

I'm sure this isn't a final farewell, I'll log back in every couple of weeks, and see the same old faces smiling back up at me, and new beauties joining the game, just like I did all those months ago :D

All i ask is that you follow my signature, and respect one another in the wonderful game. You owe it to Yasueh, you owe it to everyone who helped bring the bracket up, and just as importantly, you owe it to every new player who joins the game with a smile on there lips, a question on their mouth, and enthusiasm painted across there heart.

Farewell to everyone, I will miss all of you so very, very much, but remember-
This is not the last bow of Zaxxo :D's time I said farewell to you all. I have the biggest exams of my life coming up...

So much drama and emotion for a simple prostate exam. Typical...

I don't know you, but the content of your post makes me wish I had.
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See you in game! ;)

And all the best with your exams!
Zaxxo you will be sorely missed


Still on with the prostrate jokes huh?

Anyways nice post Zaxxo - hope to see you come back and good luck with your exams.
Thanks guys :) Strangely enough, up until this point I have always wondered whether people even remembered who I was in game, it means a lot to see all these amazing responses.

And one more thing, it is now official I have the worst luck known to any f2p'er. 7 months of fishing every weekend I could, probably 17-20 weeks of fishing at least an hour every time, and no Keefer's :mad:

But seriously guys, you all mean so much to me now, and I will defo drop in every now and then, so make sure you're online to have chats :p
Thanks guys :) Strangely enough, up until this point I have always wondered whether people even remembered who I was in game, it means a lot to see all these amazing responses.

And one more thing, it is now official I have the worst luck known to any f2p'er. 7 months of fishing every weekend I could, probably 17-20 weeks of fishing at least an hour every time, and no Keefer's :mad:

But seriously guys, you all mean so much to me now, and I will defo drop in every now and then, so make sure you're online to have chats :p

I feel you man or....cow?
It's sad to see more people (like myself, and countless others) fall from free to play, but change is a necessity...

See you in Tyria man! haha.

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