tence 19 hpally video

So I heard a lot about Tence, I had people on TwinkInfo tellin me about Tence and I'm cash money talkin trash, sayin "he ain't got nothin on me." "He ain't seen a pally like me." Man...I promise you, I PROMISE you, Tence is the real deal. All ya'll Kancer fans out there, Tence is the real deal!
Just wanted to say I rewatched this and its on of my favourite videos, good job tence and please make more =].
No discredit to the video, but does anyone see a correlation between the dorygon polls and new videos popping up lately? Use the Obama method, use social media to get elected. There are pugs from battlegroups other than Cyclone and ruin out there just as good, if not better than some of these poll choices. The problem is that they solo pug and don't get to get seen in optimal situations often, if ever. Dorygon is a great lock, but without the same support in WSG that Pizza gets, is he/she as good as some say? I am not saying shes not good, just saying. I mean look at people like drayener. People thought he was good but only because he owns this site. but back on subject. Its my theory that these videos are popping up right and left are ad campaigns for dorygon's polls

look at the first post and see when I released the video. mozzy necro bumped it.
No discredit to the video, but does anyone see a correlation between the dorygon polls and new videos popping up lately? Use the Obama method, use social media to get elected. There are pugs from battlegroups other than Cyclone and ruin out there just as good, if not better than some of these poll choices. The problem is that they solo pug and don't get to get seen in optimal situations often, if ever. Dorygon is a great lock, but without the same support in WSG that Pizza gets, is he/she as good as some say? I am not saying shes not good, just saying. I mean look at people like drayener. People thought he was good but only because he owns this site. but back on subject. Its my theory that these videos are popping up right and left are ad campaigns for dorygon's polls

That's not exactly true. Many people who solo queue and have no videos get recognition - take Kavana, Erotk, Hitherepals and Dunceder/Melseadys as examples. Once your performance in the gulch is at a high level, people will recognize you.

Honestly Dory's polls, the way I see it, are for entertainment on TI. They are in no way an accurate judgement of who is the top player. If your argument was based around, let's say, one of Saxx's lists, then that would be a different story.
look at the first post and see when I released the video. mozzy necro bumped it.
I wasn't even familiar with twinkinfo until I moved to bleeding hollow about a month ago, I wasn't even sure what a poll was until started noticing poll warlock poll paladin ect... so I didn't make videos o get known blah blah blah, its a hobbie and I like it. :)
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I should make a video playing while intoxicated! That way if I'm a baddie I can blame it on booze! If they like it and comment on my skills I can say I play better when I'm drunk! Either way a win win situation! I can also get recognized as being a drunk! If I only knew how to make videos!

Great video BTW!
I should make a video playing while intoxicated! That way if I'm a baddie I can blame it on booze! If they like it and comment on my skills I can say I play better when I'm drunk! Either way a win win situation! I can also get recognized as being a drunk! If I only knew how to make videos!

Great video BTW!
Hahaha nice :p, and just buy fraps and then by Sony Vegas :) watch YouTube tutorials if you want them for free its pretty easy. Oh and check my video out as well :).

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