Tell us about your class



I have thought about it for a while, i'm sure that most of us have several toons and or perhaps would like to roll new ones.

I think that it would be great to have players introduce the class they play, perhaps giving an impression on how good or how bad it performs so that new players can have a general idea.

Kind Regards,

- Nesy
Ok well here goes!

I play a paladin at 85, holy for pvp purposes, mostly retri for pve.
If you're looking for a strong healer in pvp, lots of utility and instants, this class is for you.
A lot of support (HoP, HoS, HoF), CC (Repentance, stun) and even damage (Holy shock and denounce are crazy)!

We're vulnerable for nukes when we're off cd's. Once trinket and bubble are on cd, there's not much left apart from (a) good arena partner(s) to save you.

As far as retri goes, pretty viable for both pve and pvp. Around 120-160k dps on bosses is about average (done 240k on LK once). Very high burst, good utility,
INSANE heals, but it relies a lot on cooldowns.

For pvp, retri can global people, and instant heal people to full, but sadly, you're just too controllable overall, so you'd need good partners!
Man thats a good idea!

well I am a 85 warrior and I feel you have high ToT in this bracket as a warrior compared to basically all other bracets and that way you can maintain huge pressure.
you will need to learn how to control your rage just to be able to get the kills -I am suck at this one >.< -
you cant really do any good cc chains while doing dmg so you need to queue with something that can assist you with this.
for 2's warrior is probably one of the worst classes, you will need a really good partner to get consistant wins, viable comps are with classes that can chain cc while doing dmg (warr hunter) or warrior healer (proly only Hpal or priest -priest not really viable but its a priest so... yeah-)
for 3's warriors are huge and can queue with allmost any comp.
Living is hard as a warrior and I feel playing defensive is often more important than doing the damage.

there is alot of things that is considered better than a warrior but i think its more fun than the oneshot classes this bracket has.
as a f2p 20 frost mage i get torn apart by hunters and druids. almost every class seems a challenge atm. with multiple rogues on me every bg looking for an easy ambush kill on a clothy i have to deal with them harassing me consistently every BG. hunters just seem way to op and they're getting a buff next pach which will likely make me re-roll to another class. druids are immune to my cc, can shift out of snares and are impossible to get away from/ catch. prot warriors basically take off 3/4 of my health with one shield slam and if they spec into double charge theres no way of eating at least one. they also tend to focus me first even with a healer around and if the healer isnt paying attention i get blown up pretty quickly. im close to BiS, just need LFH and resil trinket but these two items wont make a huge difference in the long run. the spell knockback effect is also BS since if you're being targeted by anything it'll take twice as long to get any of your spells off. this doesn't seem fair since hunters no longer have a minimum effective range and get to autoshot while moving.

anyway mages ARE good for sheeping healers and silencing them. so if you're in a big group on group battle in the middle of WSG you can basically lock out a healer for 10 seconds, which gives your team the edge for a bit. mages also do alright damage and if you PoM at the right time you can get some pretty sweet kills.

TL;DR if you want a challenge and don't mind spending most of the BG in the GY waiting for a res you might enjoy a lvl 20 mage. just avoid hunters and druids like the plague...
well what can i say... (80) warriors are ok'ish missing too many moves and abilities aka Heroic Leap and Colossus smash which unfortunately makes it pretty shitty, warrior vs any good caster is pretty hard since we all lack the gap closer but most of the casters still have all their gap openers, No CS has made arms pointless and barely viable, prot is a joke missing its main defensive ability and after mop hitting loosing 40% block is a joke, fury is the only viable spec thats assuming you have the 409 weps if not gg 20k dps at best inc.

I'd like to say something good about it but i'm really struggling good sustain/burst aoe?
I play an 85 frost DK yes I'm rockin a sun lute. I can generally burst through anything that doesn't have a shield pretty easily. Most of my troubles come from fighting rogues and warlocks. Rogues just burst through me and demo locks just scare me. The lack of survivability on a frost dk is something that seems to hang over me constantly. Playing frost doesn't leave much room for error when in arena. If you mess up then you are dead. Frost dks can be easy to kite but if you ever hit them they are screwed. Gotta love those killing machine obliterate crits
Good day, fellow twinks!
We've experienced through out the years that it is very important to have a resistant forehead when playing a frost DK. If you wanna spend countless of hours mashing those buttons with your head, like the hard rocking Viking you are; frost DK is the class for you. We've tried many other classes but most if them have only hurt our back because the require's us to sit straight. When playing a frost DK, you don't have that kind of problem, simply put your head down, in a relaxing position, and start rolling.
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I play an 85 frost DK. Frost dks can be easy
Indeed they can, but only if buy the Advanced Keyboard Bind Patter V.2.0.3! you simply send me a PM with your payment card details; and the Advanced Keyboard Bind Pattern V.2.0.3 will be yours.
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Good day, fellow twinks!
We've experienced through out the years that it is very important to have a resistant forehead when playing a frost DK. If you wanna spend countless of hours mashing those buttons with your head, like the hard rocking Viking you are; frost DK is the class for you. We've tried many other classes but most if them have only hurt our back because the require's us to sit straight. When playing a frost DK, you don't have that kind of problem, simply put your head down, in a relaxing position, and start rolling.
For your maximum gaming pleasure, we here at Pixlas Corporations© have developed a hi-tech keyboard binding solution; optimising the rotation of your neck and muscles when you turn your head. This advanced structure of binds is developed from years and years of high-end encrypting technology and science, AND it doesn't require you to download any RAM at all! Here's some reviews from other costumers:

Indeed they can, but only if buy the Advanced Keyboard Bind Patter V.2.0.3! you simply send me a PM with your payment card details; and the Advanced Keyboard Bind Pattern V.2.0.3 will be yours.
P S. If you order today you will also receive an almost large tube of Pixlas-Forehead-Hardening-Lotion- worth about three fiddy.

I commend you for your use of quotes but even so frost dks contrary to popular belief are not a faceroll class. So investing in this product is ill advised if you decide to roll a frost dk
druids are for fite. i leik cat nd bear and chicken

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