Tekae's 29 Hunter Twink Guide


I've rolled many a hunter twink in my years of playing World of Warcraft, if some of you have been in WoW as long as I have and played on Ruin, you may have even seen me (Was Tekae, 29 Twink Hunter of Lothar).

However, I haven't rolled a new twink since The Burning Crusade, right before Wrath of the Lich King was released. So, with the addition of BoA gear, I would like to take a whack at the 29 Hunter, and also use what others tell me to make the best possible guide.

This guide includes:

  • Gear selection
  • Talent choices
  • Pet choices
  • Handy macros
  • Hunter tips and tricks


This is the gear I've decided to roll with to have the best possible stats for 29 Twinking, this guide is just as much to help you as it is to help me, so if I'm missing something, do tell!

Chardev Planned 29 Hunter


Enduring Cap - I will be going Int mostly for Careful Aim/Surv hybrid spec that I will speak of in detail below


Sentinel's Medallion


Champion Herod's Shoulder


Tiger Strike Mantle - 3 Agility

Other than what most probably do with taking Parachute Cloak, I am taking Tigerstrike Mantle for the sake of more stats.


Raptor Hunter Tunic - +6 Stats


Barbaric Bracers - 7 Intellect


Razzeric's Racing Grips - 15 Hit Rating

These with +15 hit paired with the Amulet of Truesight, as posted earlier, I feel to be a must. Generally for PvP you want to be at the "Soft Cap" for hit so that you actually deal damage. With these two things, your hit percentage at 29 will be 6.43%, right above the soft cap of 5%.


Girdle of the Blind Watcher


Triprunner Dungarees


Highlander's/Defiler's Padded Greaves - Lesser Accuracy (+5 Hit)

Ring 1

Protector's Band/Legionnaire's Band

Ring 2

Deadman's Hand

Trinket 1

Insignia of the Alliance/Insignia of the Horde

Trinket 2

Arena Grand Master


Venerable Dal Rend's Sacred Charge - 22 Intellect


Crescent of Forlorn Spirits - 30 Intellect


Master Hunter's Rifle - 3 Damage

I also get Exploding Shots, which is like 3 extra added DPS if you want to get them over the common rarity shots.

As posted, if you see something that is better, even marginally so, do tell.

Talent Choices

What I've chosen to run with is my own hybrid, but I'll post a multitude of specs.

Glyphs:1 Major, 1 Minor

Major - Disengage, Aimed Shot, Frost Trap

Minor - Scare Beast, Mend Pet, Revive Pet

My Hybrid (0/8/12)

Marksmanship (8 points)

5 Lethal Shots

3 Careful Aim

Survival (12 points)

2 Improved Tracking

3 Hawk Eye

3 Surefooted

3 Entrapment

1 Scatter Shot

Marksmanship (0/20/0) For this spec, with the GFtT - Get a pet with a focus dump ability, such as Claw.

Marksmanship (20 points)

2 Improved Concussive Shot

5 Lethal Shots

3 Careful Aim

5 Mortal Shots

1 Aimed Shot

3 Improved Arcane Shot

1 Go For the Throat

Survival (0/0/20)

Survival (20 Points)

2 Improved Tracking

3 Hawk Eye

3 Surefooted

3 Entrapment

2 Survival Instincts

1 Scatter Shot

2 Survival Tactics

1 Survivalist

3 Lock and Load


In Wrath of the Lich King, Blizzard expanded pets as a whole, making them more

utility-esque and much, much better.

For Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin I would run with a Spider for the Web Net, which roots the target in place, keeping them off of you, and letting you pump them full of ranged damage.

For Arenas i would run with a Hyena probably, for the Tendon Rip ability that slows their movement speed, I grab this because in arena I drop Frost traps every where and kite the opposition around pillars and strafe them through my traps.

Handy Macros

Scatter Shot Mouseover

#showtooltip Scatter Shot

/cast [target=mouseover, harm][harm] Scatter Shot

Keeps your target, Scatters the target under your mouse. If you have no target it will Scatter your current target.

Disengage/Wing Clip Macro

#showtooltip Disengage

/console targetNearestDistance 5.000000

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

/cast [harm,nodead] Wing Clip

/cast Disengage


This macro will basically Wing Clip and Disengage off the closest enemy in range without losing your current target. For example you can be targetting a Mage and Wing Clip/Disengage off a warrior without losing the target on the Mage.

These are the only real ones I can think of that are of real use, if you have any you think should be added, please PM me.

Hunter Tips and Tricks

In this section I will review over some tips and tricks I've seen used, and used myself.

Disengage fake-out when jumping:

When in Arathi Basin or WSG or even in Dalaran Sewers/Blade's Edge Arena, you can run towards a cliff face, or off of elevated ground and jump off then hit Disengage and fly back from where you jumped off. this especially good if you are trying to kite a target that is tunnel-visioning you and can probably land a kill if in an Arathi Basin, say in Lumber Mill of Arathi basin someone is chasing you, run to the cliff edge that overlooks the Blacksmith, jump off and then spam Disengage, if that person really wanted to kill you, they just went Splat! on the ground below.

Frost Trap Strafing:

If you know how to Strafe, a good trick is throwing down a frost trap and strafing around the edges of your trap while a melee is in it, they never reach you and you sit there and shoot them the whole time, I've done this numerous times to score a kill.


Thank you for taking the time to read the guide, I hope it was insightful, and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If I missed anything or you feel something could be better than what I have posted, please either PM me or post a comment to this blog post.


Tekae: 29 Hunter Twink Extravagant
Cross-posted from the blog page:

Why not use Enchant Boots - Lesser Accuracy? When combined with your glove enchant, you get 4.95% hit, leaving no wasted stats. This free's up your neck slot, which can more than equal the 7 stam loss on your boot enchant.

If alliance, I would use Crescent of Forlorn Spirits (with 30int) and an offhand (many options available, with 22int) over the heirloom staff. The opportunity for 2 enchants is too great to pass up.

Sadly my 29 hunter is stuck (can't get Racing Grips) until the XP disable feature, but I will be incorporating some of your ideas then.
Thanks for the reply Natron, if you'd like to see my more in-depth response, please check out the blog post.

What did you think of the Disengage trick? That's been a major arena trick since the Disengage change.

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