But its true?!Because its unoriginal
veinte #1 scrubcake
let it be known that veinte likes cow wang
team swag lives
just checking in again... am I the only idiot who thought this was a real thread?I'm "Jìmmy" 'd up... and hopefully can figure out this Honor thing and get me some gear...
hope this is a serious thread...
we need more male human HPALLYs named jimmy please dont this idea die out id hate to be the only one playing jimmy
or go against the grain and make a female named Jenny
Glad to have some NEW Jimmys/Jennys join the groupAh damnit why didn't i think of that... Jenny is awesome
brb rerollin
I've decided to just stick as Jimmy, so I can transmog and look like THOR from the Avengers.
But there's at least 7-8 Jenny names available. GET AT IT BADS!
You should let my Jimmy join you D:where's this veintebad kid
i miss him
my jimmy is also pulling in 960 honor an hour. get at me veintebads
You should let my Jimmy join you D:
where's this veintebad kid
i miss him
my jimmy is also pulling in 960 honor an hour. get at me veintebads