Targetting of players with special character names?

As a hunter or warlock you often want to do a /tar <name> to send in your pet although you cannot see the player. This however is made very difficult or even impossible by players with names using special characters (e.g. "HüňtÃ¥rd"). So is there some addon which reads the opposing team's players list and let's you use that information to target a player?
I know Capping provides a clickable name frame on the Alliance/Horde scoreboard at the top for flagcarriers. Click the name and it will select that person as your target and it works perfectly with special characters. I'll check into the coding this week and see if I can't figure something out.
for a hunter, use track humanoids/beasts

that's what i used on my hunter, not a /target function. i do use /target sometimes but not to send the pet after a person to find em.

remember that there's an indoor and outdoor track humanoids...what i mean is that when you're outdoors, you can see all of the humanoids around you (indoors people will be slightly grayed out dots) and indoors you can only see humanoids that are indoors (not grayed out).
Suppress said:
I know Capping provides a clickable name frame on the Alliance/Horde scoreboard at the top for flagcarriers. Click the name and it will select that person as your target and it works perfectly with special characters. I'll check into the coding this week and see if I can't figure something out.

That sounds great, thank you!
One of my favorite things to do on my hunter who is named Loompah is to have a pet named Loom---- or some close variation of my name.
Taitaih said:
One of my favorite things to do on my hunter who is named Loompah is to have a pet named Loom---- or some close variation of my name.

I had my pet's name the same as my hunters for a while, until my friend rolled a holy pally and QQd about how it messed up his healing addons =\

Grid messes up and targets pets if same name, lol.
One could even set the /focus to mouse wheel-up. And /att focus to mouse wheel-down.

If one wanted a quick way to tag and sic a pet.

Just sayin, fucking hunters... ;)


/focus [target=mouseover]

That would be on an action bar slot mapped to mouse wheel up.

/att [target=focus]

That would be on an action bar slot mapper to mouse wheel down.

Fucking hunters...
use a KoS (kill on sight mod) ?
Pållynåtor said:

Grid messes up and targets pets if same name, lol.

Then grid fails I guess.

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