Tapatalk Plugin not Enabled

Tapatalk is spitting back a "Plugin not enabled for this forum" error. Could this be resolved? Mobile browsing TI isn't fun.
[MENTION=5141]Myrm[/MENTION] can this get some acknowledgement? Even a, "Sorry for the delay. I'm looking into it." As it is, I have no idea if this has slipped through the cracks.

I've been traveling for 2 weeks, and will continue to be for the next 10. I am on 128 kbps speed. Tapatalk loads only text. It's so, SO MUCH more ideal for mobile browsing.

If it's a simple /enable, please act on it!
Going to tag some more folks to hopefully get the ball rolling on this. [MENTION=21759]Superstylin[/MENTION] [MENTION=17829]Roboartist[/MENTION] [MENTION=8138]Kincaide[/MENTION]
I made a thread about this a LONG time ago. Though I didn't bump it as much as I should have, I just dealt with it by going to the website like Turtle said. I really wish I had Tapatalk back D:

I'll hopefully be able to fix this or have an answer on why it can't be fixed by the end of the week.
[MENTION=5141]Myrm[/MENTION] [MENTION=21759]Superstylin[/MENTION] was this delayed because of the switch to Xenforo?

Communicate with us please :)
Yes I'm avoiding making more changes until we switch because a lot of things will probably have to be reinstalled again after.
Thanks for the update I do love Tapatalk too and can't use it past couple months

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