

I'm looking forward to rolling a tank in this bracket for (PvE and PvP bgs)

Can someone list the pros and cons of each tank @ this bracket?

(also this is not going to be a "twink" i'm going to treat him as my main and grind rep for the mounts and stuff. there are a few 70 twinks on my server so we will be starting a raiding guild, and we will be progressing through the raids.)
tank pro's


way to much damage


Each tank I meant

(like better AoE, better mitigation, or if they flat out suck compared to the others)
cd wise, blood dks and feral druids, can take in the most damage for like, say a 20 sec period. idk if this is stil lthe case tho.
I made my feral pure stan <3 still not finished will post armory when though.
pvp side of things, just played shadow-fire to 13-0 met 3 prot pallys in a row and lost all 3 because the paladin globalled us within a shield

blood dk can just 2 hit any class dw

feral druid isn't that bad to face it has a fair bit of damage and alot of damage reduction but nothing major as a caster

prot warrior is ok not my best choice for pvp as a tank wise
I won't be primarily focused on the PvP side @ 70, I'll be doing heroics, raids, and grinding rep.

So as a tank for PvE what would you say is better(prot warr or feral)
Dunno are tanks worth it anymore after vengeance nerf, damage will be much lower, losing about 2k AP.
feral is still pretty good w/i vengeance, cause all you do is spam lacerate, which crits like 3k easily w/o vengeance (bear wise)
Are blood DKs really highest? Never seen a blood with more than 34k hp... If you got one I'd love to see!

Highest I've seen is like 32, and I know a warr who can go 34.
Stacking straight stam will make you have much more health, and to some people, they will be afraid to attack someone with that numbers, but if you're like me, I'll know your squishy and chase you
. 34k , few 7k hemos and you're dead

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