Take the best out of your Sap


I've been doing some research in the Garrote ability for rogues lately and discovered that the only reason it instantly breaks Sap is that it turns on your auto-attack. In other words - if you Garrote and don't do anything after, your opponent will stay sapped for 3 seconds (after 3 seconds it ticks).

A simple macro should give you an extra 3 seconds to regenerate energy 1v1 or maybe even re-Stealth if you use Shadowmeld as a night elf and have your Stealth CD reduced to 4 seconds (talent):

#show Garrote

/cast Garrote

I haven't tried it yet, so not sure it really works, but I'm pretty sure. Will update you asap. =]
It is a bummer, what I've learned to do is angle myself right, so sap > wait till full energy then do a 90 angle then garrote them, this way your auto attack doesn't hit them and you have 2-3 secs to regen energy / do other stuff lol. The same method works for sap > garrote > backstab, its just wall about angling yourself right and getting the timings. Hope it helps.

Kítty said:
what I've learned to do is angle myself right, so sap > wait till full energy then do a 90 angle then garrote them, this way your auto attack doesn't hit them


That's not true, and fyi I gave you a solution that is better/easier anyway.
Rayu said:
That's not true, and fyi I gave you a solution that is better/easier anyway.

Uhm what he said is in fact true - I've been using that since vanilla on my rogue. It's quite possible the oldest trick in the rogue book; combo point building on a sapped target with cheapshot.

The thing with /stopattack is that it isn't always working due to lag and what have you - some times an auto attack will slip through, where as with the angle/ rapid turn methods you wont.
Patrick said:
Uhm what he said is in fact true - I've been using that since vanilla on my rogue. It's quite possible the oldest trick in the rogue book; combo point building on a sapped target with cheapshot.

The thing with /stopattack is that it isn't always working due to lag and what have you - some times an auto attack will slip through, where as with the angle/ rapid turn methods you wont.

You're adding the 'rapid turn'. I hope you agree that just garroting from the right angle won't make you not hit with your auto-attacks.

I have a constant latency of under 15ms... that should do right?
Rayu said:
I have a constant latency of under 15ms... that should do right?

Maybe - but I wouldn't count on it, rather than sending the entire macro at one your client sends the each line one after the other after evaluating them - even with sub 20ms latency I've been stunned between natures swiftness and healing wave in a two line macro :| resulting in me being stunned to death while having the NS buff -.-'

anyway - try it, if it works all the more power to you. of course you'd have a macro hot key'ed that is only really usefull in 1v1 situations
it's an old trick and it works well. i prefer the "non macro" method as it is more reliable but it does require a little more practise.
I made that kind of marco awhile ago, but as someone else said it dosn't work all the time. the angel/turning away thing works much much better
I'd like to know if it works, once 3.2 hits I'm making a rogue with this 19 half assed "twink" I have.
Frosty said:
I'd like to know if it works, once 3.2 hits I'm making a rogue with this 19 half assed "twink" I have.

The macro has worked for me one time and one time only. You can in fact angle your body so that u can garrote without auto attacking them and ppl have been doin that since the beginning of time

Thanks for replies all. =]
Rayu said:
That's not true, and fyi I gave you a solution that is better/easier anyway.

It is true but I find your way doesn't work but then I guess it varies on the person, I got use to angles so I prefer not to use a macro but thanks anyways.


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