T.I conspiracy theories.

Brilliant thread. Someone on my realm sells things in AH under the name of a twinkinfo mod. I have this theory that my realm used to have real 19s...
I believe that GomAtinker is a 14year old Russian hooker.

I believe the reason he was banned by Daynor is because his son went on a trip to Russia and got wed to a 14year old hooker. So he has a thing against all Russian hookers of that age now.

I also believe that GomAtinker has become good friends with Charlie Sheen from his days of hooking.

I ALSO believe that Daman tink is Charlie Sheen.

In turn I think GomAtinker was unbanned from the site do to their growing friendship.

Why is this a conspiracy tho you may ask, well I will tell you.

I think that the site is a business front to launder money off of Charlie Sheen and GomAtinks illegal operations.
Blizzard read Twinkinfo forum to scout those that exploit GMs and remove exploited gears
The Ginger Breed said:
- Sanit is actually Falkors secret love child. (secret till now) :O

im older, so yes, he is my love child

Nohealsforju said:
Falkor's rl name is Randy Marsh.

conspiracy that some mods here are the offspring of former nazi officers, most likely those in the SA
In all reality the people who roll level 10 twinks are actually quite skilled and talented among the 19 bracket.

I am under-going secret training to be a Moderator of TwinkInfo whilst I act as if nothing is ever happening.
Heädströng said:
CIHC actually killed Wtbcookies, stole the cookies and became a mage. conjuring cookies for the hungreeee

Oh crap, Dryaner I need another name change >_>
CIHC said:
In all reality the people who roll level 10 twinks are actually quite skilled and talented among the 19 bracket.

Might go in my signature haha
some say he jerks off to pictures of himself, and that he built a 9000/1 scale model of himself in minecraft, using only purple blocks

all we know is, he's called zuty
Spam19 is really Firetruckk under a new alais and new WoW account because; he didn't like the players in the US community.

Having a Private Server Discussion is like saying Candle Ja----
CIHC said:
In all reality the people who roll level 10 twinks are actually quite skilled and talented among the 19 bracket.

10 bracket is practically the 19 bracket minus a couple spells

it's all positioning and timing

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