no weapon proc in the game has longer than a 45 second ICD, and no proc in the game period has NO ICD. the damage difference between hemo with glaives and daggers goes as such. normally, daggers and swords have the same ratio of damage, its a scale blizzard uses to make sure hemo and backstab hit roughly the same. this ratio would be 1.8 for daggers, and 2.6 for other weapons, and that is how the ratio for hemo works as well. HOWEVER. glaives have a 2.8 weapon speed, so the damage percentage is calculated higher than normal weapons and daggers, and with a higher top end than normal, put glaives slightly ahead in terms of straight hemo damage. not only that, but 2.8 weapons have a 100%* (dont quote me on this, this is going on memory) as opposed to daggers roughly 55% proc chance for poisons** (same as before) giving glaives an even higher base damage when you put poisons in the equation. however, the calculations are different for abmush, with daggers having a much higher conversion rate than swords have, giving the difference between crux and MH glaive around a 500~ damage difference at around 3k AP because of rogues having basically 100% crit with ambush.