Sword of Decay

I happened to pick up a few recently and was curious how good this wep would be for a prot dps warrior. If anyone has run tests i would appreciate it and if not then i will have to bind and find out.
Well let me explain it like this.

Slower speed weapons have larger white hits. White hits being just ur normal dmg hits. The DPS on the weapon could be shit, but if the weapon speed is 3.4 than that shit is gonna hit hard.

On my rogue, I used scouts blade. In my full blown Ambush gear, it's crit for 300-350 white dmg. I swapped to my Sword of Decay, and now it crit for 500-550 white dmg.

Why this weapon is so good is not just because of the white dmg increase. When you use a very fast offhand weapon, your mongoose proc rate shoots way up. Where as a prot warrior would only have the increase of white dmg.

For rogues, I would imagine sword of decay being BiS, for warriors; it could go either way.

Larger white dmg with some stat deductions(stam/crit/hit/str/etc) or less white dmg but stat increase. You don't gain any kind of special hidden buff aside from the increase of white dmg from using a sword of decay.

if I were you, i'd use the 7/7 wep or the 5/7/hit wep.
Doesnt the slower the speed boost heroic strike? or is the damage not even comparable to the discipline rod in gain?
Im not sure exactly how heroic strike's stat scaling is based on. It's not very hard to test it out urself, u said you bought "a few" of them, equip it and let us know if you see a difference.

From what wowhead is showing, AP/level increase is the only thing that makes heroic strike hit harder.
Keep in mind your passive racial abilities too, if you're human.. or any other race that benefits from using swords.. it could weigh an arguement to one side.
Sword of decay obviously hits harder.
sword will give you higher white hits than mallet

mallet is just better, though

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