So I tried out Surv last night and it's stupidly broken. It's just too OP and if nothing is done it'll be like the old 29 BM Monks of Warlords. Here's a few snips from some arena's I did......
Already starting to see the double Surv Huntard combos (remember the old double 29 BM Monk combo's?). Still tore them apart though!
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How about the old 1 v 2 as Surv......... not a problem. After 2 lots of the first target you get to only has 50% of his health left.
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Topped the charts in bg's easily. DPS is consistently between 400 - 550 inside instanced PvP. As a comparison BM Hunters only average now (after the nerf) around 250 - 280. Don't even need the healing debuff from your pet vs healers. You just rip straight through them. If you got all 3 stacks of it's game over for the healer.
In one WSG last night, even made a Rogue by the name of Tapøut rage quit after I tore him a new one - lol. He sapped me but then opened on another target. When I got out the sap, just turned and ripped into him and there was nothing he could do to get away. He went from 100% health to 0 in like 3 - 4 secs, even after popping all his defensive CD's. We were both topping the charts at that stage and pretty much he quit after he was dealt his first death (and second a$$hole - lol). Not sure if it was the real Tapøut or not but he was topping the charts with me at that point.
Honestly in 7.1 when Surv gets no-one will be able to survive the 3 sec root. Your only chance will be to trinket and kite or else it's goodnight.
So, after seeing how stupidly broken Surv is right now, I have decided I will stick to playing BM Hunter as it's just not a challenge playing Surv. It will be like BM Monks all over again!
BM Hunter for life!