EU+US Surv hunt clips for bants

You make it look so easy. If only people stopped playing fotm and rolled surv instead. Would fix the bracket.
Are you guys taking him seriously ? I mean i've stopped since i've saw every pet's spells on auto...
Maybe you could also see my pet is on passive too but yeah, w/e bro.

Well having pet on passive is actually a good thing, it's 1 target less for haunt's that will probably reset the CD and increase his damage meter from opponents lock in BG,
it doesn't die randomly cuz it follow your last target like in the assist stance,
you have a total control on who he is hitting,
you don't have to waste 2 secs of your BG for rezing it everytime,

Well having pet on passive is actually a good thing, it's 1 target less for haunt's that will probably reset the CD and increase his damage meter from opponents lock in BG,
it doesn't die randomly cuz it follow your last target like in the assist stance,
you have a total control on who he is hitting,
you don't have to waste 2 secs of your BG for rezing it everytime,

My pet is on passive so i don't lose the prick while fighting people it always runs off to some random person so i just turned it on passive so it stays with me that way i can still use flank and sac roar
sick i love old wrath of the lich king twink vids

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